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  1. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Third Years Lesson Two

    Mallory was ready for today's lesson, sure it would prove to be interesting for her third years. She was wearing powder blue robes today, Aster’s dotted throughout her mahogany braid. She smiled warmly at her students as they filed into class. She stood from her desk, running her fingers gently...
  2. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Second Years Lesson Two

    Mallory was sometimes surprised by how much she loved this job. Even with the crankier kids, she just loved being here, loved teaching them. She was always looking forward to lessons. She smiled, humming as she adjusted her robes, a lilac today, with a little sprig of lilacs to match tucked into...
  3. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    First Years Lesson Two

    Mallory was pleased to see she remembered each students’ name as they came into class, smiling fondly at the lot of them. “Good morning, my dears,” She greeted when everyone was seated, standing from her desk. Her mahogany hair was wrapped in a braided bun, small pink flowers dotting her hair to...
  4. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Third Years Lesson One

    Mallory was both relieved and nervous to be back. She had set up the classroom again the way she liked, giving it a quick cleaning that morning before arranging her desk. Amara was curled up with Maxim underneath her large oak desk, fast asleep as well (as if she'd gone and spelled all her...
  5. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Second Years Lesson One (Hufflepuff and Gryffindor)

    Mallory was both relieved and nervous to be back. She had set up the classroom again the way she liked, giving it a quick cleaning that morning before arranging her desk. Amara was curled up with Maxim underneath her large oak desk, fast asleep as well (as if she'd gone and spelled all her...
  6. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    First Years Lesson One (Ravenclaw and Slytherin)

    Mallory was both relieved and nervous to be back. She'd spoken to Sam, and between the few days Peter spent with his father and the babysitting her fellow Professor offered, Mallory'd gotten several of her lessons covered. She had set up the classroom again the way she liked, giving it a quick...
  7. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Let's Talk

    After her first Charms lesson, Mallory had noticed... well, a bit of disconnect with a few students. With the invitation to one especially, she'd put up an open call to the class to join her in her office after class. She took about ten minutes to set up her office- taking out her desk briefly...
  8. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Closed A Cup of Tea

    Mallory was tired- poor little Peter was sick, and a sick two year old was always rough. She'd had to come back to school, so he was spending an extra few weeks with his father. Mallory was feeling a little sick herself, but she couldn't write it off as just being a cold- it felt a bit...
  9. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Closed The Hard Truths

    Mallory had been settling back in school with Peter by her side, spending weekends and as many nights as she could with her husband. She had been researching into her family history, trying to figure out if there was something making her sister sick. And that morning, she'd gotten some news. A...
  10. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Closed Professor to Professor to Professor

    Mallory had heard a lot about Professor Styx. She'd considered this greatly- she'd heard plenty of rumors, heard that he was a cranky, scary old man. But still, she was nothing if not optimistic, and she had experience with cranky men. Her father had been intimidating as well. She took a deep...
  11. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Closed Looking to be Friends

    Mallory had noticed that Misha had been spending more time with one of the nurses, and she was curious. She and Misha were friends, at least for her part, and she was pleased that he'd found someone. Wanting to extend her friendship to this woman as well, the Professor had gone out and bought a...
  12. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Closed Staying Over

    Mallory had taken a few weeks off to go help her sister. Annika was having a few complications with her pregnancy and Mallory had agreed to come live with her for a bit to help out her and Shane. Mallory hadn't actually met Shane yet, he'd been out and about, but Mallory had already gotten...
  13. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Closed Discussions

    Mallory was seeing a little bit of... concerning tendencies in some of her younger students, but she didn't think she had the power to do anything about it. Or really the chance to see if there was more there. So she'd sent a message to Professor Castillo, asking him to meet in the Professors...
  14. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Closed A Bit of Home

    Mallory had wandered up to the Professors lounge, looking for a bit of a change of scenery. She enjoyed her office, but sometimes it was nice to spend time somewhere else. She was making a cup of tea by hand, singing an old lullaby in Russian and swaying softly as she did, her pastel blue robes...
  15. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Closed Friends

    Mallory had been surprised when Noelle had asked her to the dance. Deciding it would be nice to spend a night with her friend, she got dressed. She was a little sad for a moment that it wasn't an option to bring Atkin to this, and made a note to ask the man if they could go dancing when she was...
  16. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Open Happily Ever After

    Mallory found that she loved Halloween at school. The outfit she'd bought looked fabulous, she loved it. She made her way down to the Great Hall, finding it was beautifully decorated. She wandered for a bit, admiring everything, before stopping at the snack table for refreshments. It was nice to...
  17. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Closed About a Boy

    Mallory tried to be more involved with her students. Some of them, like Celia, she knew would continue on to excel. There were some students, however, who she felt still needed a bit of help. She still trusted in their ability to succeed of course, but she knew they still needed a bit of...
  18. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    A Little Extra Help

    Mallory had noticed a few of her first years struggling through class. Wanting to help, she had written up a few notes, sending the first one out to Aine. The young one had shown some promise, but Mallory could see that Aine was struggling a bit and Mallory would like to try and help. She had...
  19. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    More Chats

    Mallory felt like she had a tough batch of students this year. She had noticed how Delilah had been working on her pronunciations but not her actual spellwork. Mallory had been a bit concerned, having noticed Delilah's hesitance before. So, she summoned the girl to her office. Mallory had taken...
  20. Professor Mallory Grayveson

    Checking In

    Mallory liked to keep an eye on her students. She knew that her students wouldn't always be pleased with her lessons, or that they'd want to participate in all of them. But she had noticed something in her last lesson with Estella that she wanted to deal with herself. She summoned the girl to...