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  1. Charlie Madison

    Closed Opening Up

    When a weight sits on your shoulders for your whole life, you don't notice it until it's gone. That was how Charlie had felt for the last few weeks, at least. Ever since coming out to Phoebe, everything was easier. Life felt right for the first time, like a lost puzzle piece had finally...
  2. Charlie Madison

    Closed New Spaces

    It wasn't like Charlie had ever expected life to go smoothly, but somehow it had always felt like after school things would just... get easier. There had always been a goal ahead, a purpose for everything. Hogwarts had been a chore at best and a painful struggle at worst, but it had all been...
  3. Charlie Madison

    Charlie Madison

    C h a r l i e V a l e r i a M a d i s o n You are the reason I'm smiling • When there is nothing to smile about F A M I L Y Maria Madison - Adoptive Mother, on good terms Odette Madison - Older Adopted Sister, on good terms Emily Madison - Younger Adopted Sister, on good terms Finn Madison...
  4. Charlie Madison

    Closed A New Level

    Ever since writing her rose, Charlie had been terrified of today. Things with Phoebe were good. Great, they were perfect. The best thing in Charlie's life since finding her family. And now she had jeopardised everything. Charlie didn't know if they had both been too scared to say the L...
  5. Charlie Madison

    Closed Matched

    It felt bizarre to Charlie, entering the Great Hall with Phoebe, that they had been dating now for close to a year. Charlie's life had changed a lot in the last year, with Phoebe as part of it, and a new member joining her family. It almost felt overwhelming to look back on how different she...
  6. Charlie Madison

    Open Real Horrors

    Charlie almost never studied outside of class. To Mum's dismay, Charlie had come to the conclusion a long time ago that she was never really going to be any good at school, so there was no real point putting effort in. The holidays had been boring though, and Charlie had found herself digging...
  7. Charlie Madison

    Closed Testing The Waters

    It was difficult, for Charlie, to really feel comfortable anywhere at Hogwarts right now. Her only real friend didn't see anything wrong with hanging out with that slimeball Mervyn, and she couldn't just spend all her time with her little sister. But with Frankie gone, Charlie didn't really...
  8. Charlie Madison

    Closed Useless Water

    There were pros and cons of being at Hogwarts, but the one thing that really got to Charlie was the lake. It was bothering her even more now that Emily was at school. Charlie enjoyed swimming fine, but back in Australia and even at home in the school holidays, surfing with Emily was one of her...
  9. Charlie Madison

    Dresses, Dresses, Dresses

    If there was one school event Charlie was dreading beyond all others, it was unequivocally the Yule Ball. Mum tried not to push her own interests on Charlie and Emily, and usually she did a good job, but the closer the Yule Ball got, the more unbearable mum got. She went on and on about her...
  10. Charlie Madison

    Charlie Madison

    Name: Charlotte "Charlie" Valeria Madison Meaning: Charlotte - Petite, Valeria - Strong Gender: Agender (Approval id: 106673) Birthdate: December 15, 2032 Zodiac: Saggitarius Strengths: Optimistic - Independent - Cautious - Friendly - Sincere Weaknesses: Restless - Unemotional - Inflexible -...