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  1. Professor Grace Holland

    Open Brotherhood vs Heta Omega: Tug of War

    ID#123059 Grace didn't often get asked to assist in school events, so she was oddly honored when the Brotherhood and Heta Omega leaders approached her with an idea. She though it sounded fun. A tug of war event was a new one, and she wondered how the two clubs would fare against each other...
  2. Professor Grace Holland

    Old School Week Advice From a Book

    As far as timing went, Grace's pregnancy was oddly perfect. She had just discovered she was pregnant and knew the baby would be born by the time she would have to give flying classes again. But it was still terrifying. She had found some pregnancy books in the library and was leafing through one...
  3. Professor Grace Holland

    Old School Week Like the Good Old Days

    Grace had been putting away the brooms after the first year's flying lesson, when the urge to fly had come over her. She had kept one broom behind when locking them in the shed, then grabbed a quaffle as well. As much as Grace enjoyed teaching, she did sometimes miss playing. She still followed...
  4. Professor Grace Holland

    Closed Long Time No See

    It had surprised Grace a lot to see her old classmate at Hogwarts, but she was very happy about it. She hadn't managed to bond with her coworkers too much over the years. They were friendly, but not friends exactly. She was a bit older now, so she no longer felt as distanced from them as she had...
  5. Professor Grace Holland

    Open Extra Quidditch Practice

    ((See this post for more information on this!)) Last year, a young Gryffindor had organized an unsanctioned first year Quidditch Practice that hadn't gone very well. Thankfully, the consequences hadn't been too bad. Grace had thought the idea was pretty good, though, and so had the Slytherin...
  6. Professor Grace Holland

    Closed Consequences

    After cleaning up the Quidditch pitch, Grace sent the Hufflepuff back to his common room and took Mr. Elric with her to the castle. She picked up the other students from the hospital wing, where a nurse had checked them over, and took them with her as she searched for their heads of house. She...
  7. Professor Grace Holland

    Closed Big Decisions

    Grace frowned over the letter she had just received from her father. The letter was sternly worded as usual, and the request he had for her wasn't as much a question as a statement. It was clear that he assumed she would simply say yes without question, but she wasn't on her own and had someone...
  8. Professor Grace Holland

    Closed Stability

    Grace wanted to help all her students as much as she could. She was proud of how she had managed to help Apollo during his detention, and hoped Scott Baker was also feeling a bit better after they talked after class. Flying was n important skill in life, and race was happy to support any student...
  9. Professor Grace Holland

    Old School Week A Moment of Nostalgia

    Grace was happy to be back at Hogwarts, and found herself looking forward to her lessons with the first years. She enjoyed her job, but she had to admit she did miss playing Quidditch sometimes. So when she was tidying up the storage shed near the Quidditch pitch, she decided she would allow...
  10. Professor Grace Holland

    Shifting Gears

    Getting the job at Hogwarts in New Zealand hadn’t been something Grace had expected. She wasn’t shy or modest, she knew she had the skills to teach any child how to fly, but she had expected her age to be more of an issue. Settling in New Zealand would be better than traveling back and forth to...
  11. Professor Grace Holland

    Vote Holland

    Grace was happy to help her aunt out in any way she could. Though putting up posters hadn't really been what she had in mind when she came over from France. Still, it was necessary and she didn't mind doing it. Walking the streets of New Zealand actually felt a little like an adventure, because...
  12. Professor Grace Holland

    Changing Course

    Grace's hands were shaking as she sat at the café, waiting for Dominik to arrive. She had just made a decision, a big one, and she needed to share it with someone. She was terrified and excited all at once, and glanced at the colorful flyers she had spread on the table in front of her. Two, each...
  13. Professor Grace Holland

    Check out the Competition

    Grace couldn't believe she was here, at Hogwarts. Again. Last year they had only really seen the Quidditch Pitch, but this time there was more time to actually see the castle and meet people here. Her cousins Rose and Phoebe had been waiting for her, and had eagerly dragged her inside to show...
  14. Professor Grace Holland

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Beauxbatons,PracticeThe end of the school year was fast approaching, and Grace could hardly believe this was going to be the last practice of the year. Soon, they would be in New Zealand once again, facing the best team they had this year. Grace was a little bit worried about the match, as she...
  15. Professor Grace Holland

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Beauxbatons,PracticeGrace was happy that it was time for another practice, time to get her team together and see how they were doing. She and Jessica had talked a lot about strategy over the past few weeks, and Grace was eager to see the team in action so she could think of the perfect way to...
  16. Professor Grace Holland

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Beauxbatons,PracticeGrace was excited about the first practice with the new team, as she was generally excited about quidditch and getting to train was wonderful. It was also vital, as they had a few new teammembers and they had to get used to the rest of the team so they could play as well as...
  17. Professor Grace Holland

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Players 2044-2045 (Y29)

    I posted the team in the try out post, but just like last year I would like it to be posted here too so everyone can see it and look back at it easily. Beauxbatons Team Y29NamePosition Grace HollandChaser/Co-CaptainJessica ParkBeater/Co-CaptainEmma BarnesChaserBrendan FulkeChaserPeter...
  18. Professor Grace Holland

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Try Outs Y29

    Grace was nervous for this day. Now that Zeke was no longer on the team, it felt like she was bearing more responsibility, even with Jessica as her brand-new co-captain to support her. Even though she had been happy with the team they had last year, they had lost miserably to the Hogwarts team...
  19. Professor Grace Holland

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Beauxbatons,PracticeThe end of the school-year was fast approaching, and Grace could hardly believe this was going to be the last practice of the year. She had told everyone on the team the time and date, and hoped they would show up soon so they could practice one last time before the final...
  20. Professor Grace Holland

    Lunchtime Chat

    Grace was having a good Saturday, she had done a private Quidditch Practice earlier to make herself feel better about not doing so well during the team practice. It wasn't really a good indicator of her skill if she just scored easily because there was no keeper, but at least it would practice...