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  1. Amber Chou Wilson

    New Cat Busy Times

    HI gang! I noticed I haven't had too much HNZ energy and I also adopted a new cat this weekend which is taking up a lot of my time/attention. I'm not fully absent but if you noticed I haven't been around much that's why. I wanted to give a small heads up about it. I'll try to be around for...
  2. Amber Chou Wilson

    Back and Forth RP

    I wanted to make this topic because it's something that's been on my mind lately. For some reason, I've had a lot of HNZ energy lately and when I have that it's sometimes just so fun to do a RP back and forth with someone. Normally, I try to stick to my schedule and make sure I reply to things...
  3. Amber Chou Wilson

    Just a small one

    I told myself I wasn't going to do a PD Yet here I am I'm going to dodge all my friends who I told to spray water on me if I posted one BUT instead of posting all my students in great detail, I'll just post the ones I need most stuff for. You can still ask for plots with the others too though...
  4. Amber Chou Wilson

    Book Club: November/December

    It's time for my book club! I'm a bit all over the place with what I read/want to read, so it's not really themed, but I hope it's a fun bunch of books to choose from. First, I have one of my absolute favorite books so it would be a reread for me, but there's a sequel coming out early next year...
  5. Amber Chou Wilson

    A Few Specific (Romance?) Plots

    Ok so somehow my HNZ muse has been more active than it has been in a while, so I figured it might be fun to RP a bit with a few of my graduated characters (mostly). I figured a few could use a romance plot, but I'm also happy to do anything else. I wanted to ask for a bit more specific things in...
  6. Amber Chou Wilson

    Plot with me pls

    In an attempt to RP more with different people I really want to do a PD, but because I know I have a tendency to get overwhelmed I'm going to try to ask for two or three plots max at a time per person for now, I'm hoping to do another PD later in the year for more stuff. I just know I can be too...
  7. Amber Chou Wilson

    Common Connections

    Inspired by the bingo, I've been thinking up a game to play. It's an IC game and a bit similar to mate/date/slate but also different. This game is all about what characters have in common with each other, I hope it will encourage some looking into bio's and learning more about each other...
  8. Amber Chou Wilson

    End of School Year Stress

    Hey everyone, You may have noticed I'm a bit more absent and it's because these last few weeks of the school year are hectic, I'll be busy for the coming few weeks but then I'll be around more again when I have summer break (just 3 more weeks!) I'll try to stay up to date with...
  9. Amber Chou Wilson

    Busy time

    Hi gang, I'm posting a quick absence because I'm noticing my work is getting really busy and its making it difficult to focus on HNZ. I will be back soon, November is just kind of a wild time over here. I'll still do my lessons and headmaster stuff, but I'll be less active in RP for a bit...
  10. Amber Chou Wilson

    Throwing students in a PD

    Every year I say I won't do a PD. Every year I do x_x but this time I'll stay on top of it. I will! 🤞 (but for the sake of my organization and brain, I would like to ask for around 2 / 3 plots per person please) I'm adding school reputation which is a thing I put in my bios, it might help in...
  11. Amber Chou Wilson


    I never posted an absence but I probably should have, this is my 'I'm trying to come back' post but I'll probably be a bit slow. I just haven't managed to keep up with HNZ at all lately, which has been frustrating. It has been massively overwhelming for some reason. I'm now attempting to get my...
  12. Amber Chou Wilson

    Tempting Fate

    So I told myself I wouldn't do a PD this time around, but I have been fairly on top of things so I want to try. The reason I'm reluctant is because PDs tend to get me overwhelmed pretty quickly. So I do want to ask to please only give a few ideas (like 3 or 4) per post, because I'm terrible at...
  13. Amber Chou Wilson

    Old School Week Ice Cream Break

    Amber was on her break from Gladrags and had decided to treat herself to some ice cream. She was eating the strawberry cone as she looked over at the harbor, enjoying the nice weather.
  14. Amber Chou Wilson

    Oops I wasn't going to do this

    I wasn't going to make a PD but I just couldn't resist. Students only this year, though I'm always open for plots with adults or other chars too. For those, I refer back to last year's PD, if you're curious. Last year I got pretty overwhelmed with plots, so I'm going to try to be a bit picky...
  15. Amber Chou Wilson

    3 day trip

    Hi everyone, I've been kind of busy in general lately, but I now have the week off which would normally be a lot of hnz time, but this time I'm going on a 3 day trip to Disneyland in Paris, so I'll be gone until Friday at least. I might be here a bit in my downtime on my phone, but I don't...
  16. Amber Chou Wilson

    Here's EVERYONE I have

    ALRIGHT I'm back from my trip and ready for PLOTS. I'm stealing Rowan's idea of just throwing all my characters on here, but I'm going to add a little indicator for how much they're a priority. I mostly tend to focus on my students, so they'll be a bit higher priority for me. But if you have...
  17. Amber Chou Wilson


    Hi guys, Just a heads up that I'm going on vacation for 10 days from August 5th until August 15th, I'll be around but on my phone, but also a bit less than I have been lately. Am sad it's right in the middle of sorting starting, timing could have been better I'll probably mostly be lurking...
  18. Amber Chou Wilson

    Struggling a lil bit

    Hi gang, I've not been as active on HNZ as I've wanted to be, and it's been kind of rough to find time/energy for it lately. I just want to post a little absence to explain my inactivity, as I'm hoping taking a bit of a break will help me find the energy again. Sorry if I'm slow in replying...
  19. Amber Chou Wilson

    A Little Late to the Party

    Hi gang! I tend to focus on my students in PDs, but if you guys have any interest in RPing with my adult chars I'll also be down for that! Please PM me for more information on any of them. Lucas Fletcher Seventh Year Hufflepuff Stubborn - Friendly - Confused Augustus Westwick Seventh Year...
  20. Amber Chou Wilson

    Fixing up + moving

    Hey everyone, I'm moving! I won't actually be gone, but I'm very busy fixing up my new place and after that I'll be busy moving in, so I'll be a lot slower. Especially with work starting again on January 10th. I'll be here just slow!