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  1. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Astronomy 3:3

    Professor Zumwalt was preparing for her next lesson when she heard voices outside. Opening the door, she let the third-year students in, waving her wand to close the door as the last student entered. Last week had been a fun lesson, but this week, it was time to get back into their regular class...
  2. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Astronomy 2:3

    Professor Zumwalt was grading some upper-level assignments. Once the classroom was full she shut the door behind them and made her way back to the front of the class. "Good evening students! I hope you are all excited to move outward from the Sun this week to the Inner Planets!" She said with a...
  3. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Happy birthday Verity!

    Happy Birthday!!
  4. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Astronomy 1:3

    Adorah sat at her desk sipping some tea as she watched the students enter, giving them a little more freedom to mingle than they had had the last few classes. She was particularly excited about today's lesson, as they were going to get into more than just staring at things in the sky. Adorah...
  5. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Character Spotlight: March 2025

    Congrats Zephie!!
  6. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Astronomy 3:2

    "Hello all!" Adorah said as students piled into the classroom, her tone excited. “Today, we're going on a unique field trip. We'll be heading to a very cold location - the South Pole! There are suits for everyone to keep warm, and don't worry. They will be very large, but once you close them...
  7. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Astronomy 2:2

    "Welcome back, I'm glad to see you all again," Professor Zumwalt said as her second years began to pile into the room. Today they were going to be looking at one massive neighbor they had in space. "The Sun is a star," she said opening up her lecture for the day. "For millions of years, the Sun...
  8. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Astronomy 1:2

    Adorah was ready to get into the thick of it with the first years this evening. She was wearing a special set of robes Juniper had designed as a "new job" gift. The purple and blue fabric looked normal under the castle lights, but when they walked outside under the moonlight, it would sparkle...
  9. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Happy birthday Sofija!

    Happy Birthday!!
  10. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Astronomy 3:1

    Adorah had enjoyed the break, spending a bit of time with Noel and some of her sisters. She was sure the students enjoyed it as well. Some of them already seemed to be sporting new robes they'd received over the holidays. As the third years entered, Adorah leaned against her desk, checking off...
  11. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Been A While

    Te Rēweti x Magdalene Grey - I feel like Maggie is just annoying enough that she could try and befriend Te Rēweti and keep trying until he at least acts like her friend. She doesn't give up easily. Kahurangi x Siobhan - I feel like we haven't done a thread with them in a while. I'm down with...
  12. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Bi-Weekly Update

    It's that time again - another Bi-Weekly Update - and it's my first one! So here we go :D Week 2 Week 2 just started! Don't forget to enroll for classes if you're 3rd year and above. If you missed out on getting the books you need for a class, make sure to reach out to the professor to enroll...
  13. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Archived It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way. Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator. ~The HNZ Site Staff
  14. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    What are you watching?

    Lost is such a wild ride. What season are you on?
  15. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    The sweetest rose of all

    Adorah smiled as Landon greeted her but was surprised to see a rose in his hand. She had forgotten all about rose deliveries, even though she'd sent one to Noel. The woman opened the note after taking the rose and read it, bringing her hand to her lips as a pensive gesture. Noel was so...
  16. Professor Adorah Zumwalt


    Words from: S A I L H A N D 1. Sail 2. Hand 3. And 4. Had 5. Sad 6. Nail 7. Ail 8. Land 9. Sand 10. Has 11. Shin 12. Hail 13. Laid Words from: B G L I A N O T
  17. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    What are you listening to?

    Currently obsessed with the playlist of songs from the Yellowjackets series
  18. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Last Game You Played

    So, someone put Club Penguin back online and I have recently been playing it (mostly for the cart surfer) but now I am trying to earn all the stamps.