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  1. Ruth Thorne

    Open (Unofficial) Gobstones Club Meeting

    Clubs seemed like a lot of work, thought Ruth. She'd joined the girls club, but most of them seemed like a lot of effort. And she'd been too young to try out for Quidditch, which she was also hesitant to try out for in case she wasn't very good. Then it would just be awkward. But Gobstones club...
  2. Ruth Thorne

    Open Y47 Club Fair

    Ruth was a bit slow in getting to the club fair, not that she'd been in any great hurry. She was in two minds about the clubs. On one hand, they seemed like a good way to meet people. On the other, they also seemed like extra work she wasn't exactly thrilled to have to do. Regardless, she was...
  3. Ruth Thorne

    Open Check Mate

    "We-ell," Ruth started, not wanting to be too left out or anything. "My brother got sorted last year and my cousin's going into sixth year," she explained, with a light indifferent shrug. "But I don't know much about it or anything, I guess it's of those things where you kinda have to...
  4. Ruth Thorne

    Open First Year Castle Tours!

    Ruth was enjoying soaking Hogwarts in, getting a feel for the place. It was easy to lose her way, though, so when she heard Leah was organising a tour she was more than happy to jump in. Her older cousin was pretty cool, though Ruth was surprised anyone would willingly take on this...
  5. Ruth Thorne

    Open Check Mate

    Ruth tilted her head and blinked as the boy introduced himself. "Are you like, sometimes Accio and other times Depulso too?" she asked, quickly feigning a blanker look as she went back to twirling her hair around her finger. If they asked why she was up on her spells, she'd just claim it was...
  6. Ruth Thorne

    Closed A Piece of My Own

    At the very least, Ruth would probably have to thank their parents in private for at least pre-emptively softening the blow. Sure, she didn't want to be in Cyrus's shadow forever, but when she didn't really know what she wanted, it was the most comfortable place to be. She did, however, turn her...
  7. Ruth Thorne

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  8. Ruth Thorne

    What are you listening to?

    Not Like Us - Kendrick Lamar the sheer hater energy and pure vitriol inspires me
  9. Ruth Thorne

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  10. Ruth Thorne

    Closed A Piece of My Own

    In all honesty, Ruth had been at least a little prepared for this. Their parents had talked to her after Cyrus had gone to Hogwarts (and Ruth had complained about not getting to go), going on about how they were growing up and needed their own spaces to be their own people, and so on and so...
  11. Ruth Thorne

    Closed A Piece of My Own

    Cyrus had been more stuffy than usual since coming back from Hogwarts, but Ruth tried to pay it no mind. After all, him coming home meant he got to be the center of attention for a while, and Ruth could just go about her business in peace. Of course, she'd get the stray comment about not being...
  12. Ruth Thorne

    Y47 Sorting Reactions

    Cyrus is safe. :r I'm still finding Ruth's voice, but Slytherin did feel the strongest from the form - hates hard work too much to have been Hufflepuff. :lol:
  13. Ruth Thorne

    Y47 Sorting Reactions

    I think he's safe, she was reading a little more Slytherin I think. :lol:
  14. Ruth Thorne

    Y47 Sorting Reactions

    :frantics: This year I have Ruth Thorne, cousin to Leah and sister to Cyrus. I think I've inadvertently made another borderline Slytherin/Ravenclaw type. :r she could possibly go Hufflepuff but I think she's a little bit too manipulative for that (plus she's gotta be in keeping with the family...
  15. Ruth Thorne

    Last Game You Played

    Unfortunately I still have to work my 9-5 considering I'm taking a big chunk of time off in October so I'm only halfway through but it's so good so far :wub: I apparently am growing an affinity for earnest hothead characters with boundless compassion and love in their hearts and the ability to...
  16. Ruth Thorne

    Open Check Mate

    Ruth made a mental note to see if she could pester Cyrus into helping her learn to play chess. She knew the very basics, but she hadn't had a whole lot of practice and didn't know anything especially complicated. Not in the least because she'd probably say something like 'oh that's totally too...
  17. Ruth Thorne

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate, probably?
  18. Ruth Thorne

    Open Check Mate

    As the months dragged on, Ruth's anticipation to get to Hogwarts only grew stronger. Being at home with Cyrus away was lonely, not to mention it had the unfortunate side effect of her parents focusing more on her. Sure, Ruth liked attention as much as anyone, but the expectations? She could...