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  1. Cat Tannon

    Debate #3 - Economy

    Cat couldn't believe that it was finally the last debate. It had gone both so fast, and so slow, but she was glad the day was finally here. She knew this was her last opportunity to leave a lasting impression of what she believed in, and why she should be chosen. Cat knew she was running up...
  2. Cat Tannon

    Debate #2 - Education

    They were pretty heavily loaded questions, but what else did anyone expect when trying to decide who should run the country? Cat listened, and was quite interested in what the others were discussing, even Ioan and Claudia debating between themselves. Cat had to stop herself from almost rolling...
  3. Cat Tannon

    Debate #2 - Education

    Cat was excited to be at the next debate already. Time seemed to be flying, and though it was tougher than she expected it to be, that was okay, because she knew that being the Minister would call for tough times. She was glad that Matthias had been caught out when he had, and it made her more...
  4. Cat Tannon

    May The Odds Be In Your Favor

    Cat smiled at Cyndi when she made room for her dish, but not much more was able to be said as Claudia showed up with her family. Cat smiled at each of them as they were introduced, greeting them and her husband, and then Dymetris and his family as well. It was interesting that he brought along...
  5. Cat Tannon

    May The Odds Be In Your Favor

    With the debates just around the corner, Cat had been busy preparing with Orwell, but was pleasantly surprised to receive a dinner invite to the Kingsley's place. She was nervous, to be in an unfamiliar place with all the candidates, and she had to wonder if it was some sort of test, but she...
  6. Cat Tannon

    Politically Minded

    Cat smiled at Orwell's reaction to him asking her. "I remember things very well Orwell. Like I said, I've seen you work. I like the way you present your work, and yourself, and the fact that you offered to help shows me what kind of person you are. I couldn't care less about a CV, or NEWTs, when...
  7. Cat Tannon

    Politically Minded

    Things had calmed down and Cat felt happy about how her first outing went. She had managed to speak to a fair few people, and was proud of how she had answered the questions. It was times like this that she wished cats liked going for 'walkies', and that she could put them on a lead and bring...
  8. Cat Tannon

    Perfect Match

  9. Cat Tannon

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  10. Cat Tannon

    Fun Facts!

    Fun Fact: Cat rescues strays and takes them home. She currently owns three cats, but if anyone knows of any other strays, she'll be there :r
  11. Cat Tannon

    Rate the avi

    10/10 ^_^
  12. Cat Tannon

    Character Aesthetics

    Cat has one :r
  13. Cat Tannon

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate! ^_^
  14. Cat Tannon

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Such a big update! Thanks for the update Lovi ^_^
  15. Cat Tannon

    Vote Cat Tannon!

    Cat smiled at the man in front of her as he introduced himself. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Phillips. Ooh, what shop is that?" She'd definitely make an effort to go and visit his shop. Though she could (happily) hear Orwell calling out her name, she listened intently to Phillips, clasping her...
  16. Cat Tannon

    Vote Cat Tannon!

    Cat heard a voice calling out and turned to see someone new approaching. The grin hadn't yet left her face, and she was thoroughly enjoying meeting so many new people. "No, not at all Mr - ?" Cat replied, asking for his name while taking his hand in hers to shake it. The Candidate was excited to...
  17. Cat Tannon

    Let the Competition for Minister Begin!

    Cat was feeling the jitters in her stomach. She had gone through the prep for this a million times with Orwell, so she was beyond ready, but she couldn't help but feel slightly nervous. Cat hadn't met the other candidates before, so to be put in a room with them and then shoved in the deep end...
  18. Cat Tannon

    Rate the avi

    He's not going to greet them, he just walks past and doesn't care for them :r I want to 10/10 but he looks so sad?!
  19. Cat Tannon

    Vote Cat Tannon!

    As a new person approached, Cat turned to them with a smile. Cat greeted him before listening to what he had to see, thinking that he did have a point. She grinned at him again as he offered to hand out the posters. Having a Campaign Manager would be fantastic. She knew this boy from somewhere...