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  1. B


    Basil had been in his room for what felt like years, though of course that was untrue and he was merely there for the last half hour, but after battering and the sure threat of assault from his brother, Basil decided he rather liked his life more than he liked his room and so even with the...
  2. B

    Rate the Sig

    10/10 I love this and it's so monty to not be looking at the damn camera.
  3. B

    Can we be wrong tonight?

    Basilio was caught up in the moment. He wasn't sure what he had been doing only two minutes ago. The feeling of Francesca's lips on his were all that he cared about. Had he been paying attention, he would have noticed that the sky seemed to have been getting darker as they spoke. The millions of...
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    Graphics Request [C]

    I didn't much like those pictures either, truth be told xD It's so pretty! :wub: Thankyou!
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    Can we be wrong tonight?

    Basilio knew he was right, but unless it was his brothers or his father he didn't necessarily like throwing it into someone's face, especially Francesca's. He actually rather liked Fran and he didn't want to alienate her so soon. Perhaps he had been a little harsh in his phrasing of the...
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    Can we be wrong tonight?

    For whatever this was, Basilio was grateful for this time. Certainly things could progress no further than this and they would likely not see each other again until the wedding, but he just had to see, to know what the possibilities might be. Had he been Ciro, he simply would have refused to...
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    Can we be wrong tonight?

    At the blush on Francesca's face, Basilio knew that he had gotten his point across. He did not know how much italian she had learned, but he was flattered that she had bothered to learn any at all. Honestly he was being surprised by this woman at every turn, something he had not expected. From...
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    Can we be wrong tonight?

    Basilio knew that what they were doing was wrong. They could both be punished severely for this, though mostly him, because Francesca was not part of his family, but, he had to see what he could get from this. Before he spent the rest of his life with Keira, he needed to see what he and...
  9. B

    Can we be wrong tonight?

    Strike a match, let it burn to the end, watch the burning and feel the flames, that's the feeling of love, that's what you want when you love someone. Those were the words that immediately jumped to mind when Basilio looked at Francesca and the look on her face as she looked at him. He'd...
  10. B

    Can we be wrong tonight?

    Basilio could still hear the footsteps of his father as the man paced along his study. Basilio's bedroom lay directly beneath it and as it was now so quiet, the slightest noise could be heard throughout the house. Basilio had been waiting for nearly fifteen minutes for his father to leave the...
  11. B

    Rate the avi

    That smile tho' 10/10
  12. B

    Tongue Tied

    Basilio was happy when Keira decided that she would take him up on his offer. He was rather good at drink tricks. In his youth, in an endeavour to differentiate himself from his brothers, Basilio had tried a variety of different hobbies to see what he would like or what he would be good at. As...
  13. B

    I left last time!

    Cole! :woot: I love this! Aeryn would definitely befriend the people she brews for as she goes to great lengths to get anything they require and so only has a small client base. Aeryn doesn't generally like teenagers as they annoy her, but if she is mature as you say, then it should be fine...
  14. B

    Tongue Tied

    Basilio honestly did not know how this day was going to end. Was he going to strangle Keira perhaps? Would he just drink himself into a stupor and go to sleep? Maybe he would simply fling her out of the top window and pretend she was never here. Surely her sister wouldn't mind too much, she was...
  15. B

    Hot or Not

    EDNOS Survivor/ Outoften Glad you made it out alive. Well done. By the way, you are gorgeous.
  16. B

    Group Read

    When I get the chance I'll have to upload a pic of my first ever copy of Harry Potter... It's definitely seen better days xD
  17. B

    Dear [Whomever]

    Dear Essay, You suck. I hate you. Love, Me.
  18. B

    The Ballo Signora

    When he had agreed to lunch all those weeks ago, Basilio had planned for all kinds of contingencies. At least he thought he had. Apparently the one thing he had not planned on, was Robin. The fact that this person was sitting across from him and engaging with himself and his brothers on a...
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    The Ballo Signora

    Basilio really just did not know what to make of the man. He was yelling right there in the middle of the restaurant. What was wrong with him? Did he not have tone control? Was his volume button faulty? He looked between the two men. The entire atmosphere here was just totally wrong and Basil...