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  1. Fayre Styx

    New Pictures!

    Honestly, this is amazing
  2. Fayre Styx

    Closed Glitter Bomb!

    Fayre watched after the boys running away, mostly unidentifable of course and cursed under her breath. She was going to have to ask Felix to teach her some of those blacker curses. He might not have graduated but he had his wand. He knew a thing or two, come to think of it, so did her dad...
  3. Fayre Styx


  4. Fayre Styx

    i like how that's the part you react to. :tut: boys

    i like how that's the part you react to. :tut: boys
  5. Fayre Styx

    see, i keep telling you quidditch is a dumb game for big dumb jocks - heard about that poor...

    see, i keep telling you quidditch is a dumb game for big dumb jocks - heard about that poor ilvermorny seeker. out of the game and almost taken out permanently!!!! pls dont get hurt <3
  6. Fayre Styx

    Closed Glitter Bomb!

    int- Durmstrang - Day Fayre and Delilah are standing in the corridors waiting for their first dark arts lesson of the morning "The Durmstrang Quidditch team are useless and they'll never hit a Bludger to save their lives. Have they ever won a game, like ever?" Fayre asked into the ether already...
  7. Fayre Styx

    Other Students List

    Fayre Styx Durmstrang fifth year (going into sixth)
  8. fayre styx straight birch.png

    fayre styx straight birch.png

  9. Fayre Styx

    Spam-A-Lot! Your one stop shop for spam!

    tha makes sense to me too. it feels wrong to have to pay each time.
  10. Fayre Styx

    Spam-A-Lot! Your one stop shop for spam!

    I've really noticed recently that a lot of people have started "going back to school" as they say, a lot of my friends have gone back to studying too, despite it being a decade or more since they were last in school of any sort. I kind of love it.
  11. Fayre Styx


  12. Fayre Styx

    Spam-A-Lot! Your one stop shop for spam!

    yeah education is so important