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  1. P

    Cross the line

    Penelope was getting extremely scared, but she dare not scream. Tears began to stream down her face, she knew she was going to die, but didn't know what to do to harm her attacker. She closed her eyes trying to think of a spell to cast, and she felt her wand get knocked away from her hands. Her...
  2. P

    Cross the line

    All of a sudden, Penelope felt something grasp around her throat, and she couldn't breath. She had to think fast, and smart. She aimed her wand, and poked it into what was wrapped around her throat, and with all the concentration she could, given her situation, she silently cast the first spell...
  3. P

    Cross the line

    It was getting darker, the further she went in, and she couldn't see her hand in front of her face, she had to use magic, she knew something was going on, but didn't know what, or why. Taking her wand out, a little light burst from the tip of it, as she held it up in front of her, and kept...
  4. P

    Cross the line

    Penelope was running around, getting lost in the mess and confusion of all the muggles. She looked around for one of the two men she saw before, and thought she saw one of them go into the House of Horrors. Walking into the House of Horrors, it got extremely dark, but she refrained from using...
  5. P

    Cross the line

    Penelope had gotten quite distracted with all the things she saw in the tent she was in, she never heard the first shouts, from some men. The thing that attracted her attention was the loud shrieks of others. Running outside the tent, she faintly saw many security guards fall before reaching a...
  6. P

    Cross the line

    Penelope had went to the market to buy some supplies that she needed. She couldn't go by floo powder, because they had run out, so she had to walk instead. She laughed at some of the odd and strange things she saw on her way there, and saw some interesting things she may have wanted to buy.
  7. P

    Weasley Household

    Penelope was cooking a marvelous dinner for her husband, when he came in the door. "Hello, darling. I'm making some stew for supper!" She exclaimed. She looked over her list of ingredients, then realised something. "Oh, I've forgotten the main ingredients. I must go out to buy some." She said...