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  1. Marnie Frogg

    Ahhh!!! I'm gonna need you to be my deputy head girl I can do that right?? I thought for sure...

    Ahhh!!! I'm gonna need you to be my deputy head girl I can do that right?? I thought for sure it'd go to you omg halp haha
  2. Marnie Frogg

    OMG!! WHOOO!! I can take my break soon we HAVE to talk about it oh or we can meet up at...

    OMG!! WHOOO!! I can take my break soon we HAVE to talk about it oh or we can meet up at Brightstone OH or do you wanna do a sleepover then you can tell me everything
  3. Marnie7.png


  4. Marnie Frogg

    Oh no! That's definitely not in the holiday spirit not that you couldn't report a bully to me...

    Oh no! That's definitely not in the holiday spirit not that you couldn't report a bully to me who WASN'T a rose deliverer either I am a prefect after all but doubly so because of that what's going on?
  5. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving A sweet friendship rose

    This was it, Marnie was sure she'd used every last bit of her sanity organizing for today and now that it was here her brain had simply abandoned ship on her. She'd been in flurry across the school helping other students, doing her deliveries, and now she couldn't find her Potions book anywhere...
  6. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone to Play Pretend

    Pink Rose for @Friday Weeks Marnie had enough trouble keeping track of all the Weeks girls on a regular day, only really confident she could pick out Monday from the lineup (though maybe that was cheating considering he was the only boy), but with the school under the chaos of roses it was...
  7. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For a Heartbreaker

    Red Rose for @Emmanuel Okoye As one of the organizers, Marnie knew it was fully in her power to delegate her next to rose someone else. Literally anyone else. But once she'd seen it on her list, she couldn't ignore the curiosity of who could possibly be sending Emmanuel a red rose. Sure, he'd...
  8. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Who Deserves Better

    Yellow Rose for @Yuelia Rossingol The ground was still a little marshy from when it'd been raining the other day but Marnie was still happy to be outside for a break from the castle, doing a loop of the grounds to see if she could catch any of her deliveries (or any lost deliverers) before...
  9. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Who Would Prefer Black

    Yellow Rose for @Osiris Vale Marnie had never quite gotten the stereotype that Slytherin's were scary, some of her favourite people were Slytherins, but she had admit from what she'd heard about her next delivery, she was at least a little wary as she asked her way around the house table until...
  10. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Owed an Apology

    Pink rose for @Kyon Lockwood The student lounge was one of the better catch-all spots for delivering roses between meal times and Marnie was happy to stop by as she did a long loop from the Hufflepuff Common Room to her next class. She felt like she'd been around half the school already and...
  11. Marnie Frogg

    Rose Deliverers keep an eye on your inbox, delivery assignments are going out! Everyone else...

    Rose Deliverers keep an eye on your inbox, delivery assignments are going out! Everyone else, check out the directory to see if any exciting surprises are headed your way!
  12. Marnie Frogg

    Y46 Rose Giving Directory

    Hey all! It's the most wonderful time of the year again - It's rose giving time! As always, a directory will be running again so it'll be easier for you to track down the rose(s) your character(s) will receive, as well as read other rose threads! There's lots to look forward to this year so I...
  13. Marnie Frogg

    Last call to submit and sign up for Roses! Submissions close in a little under 32 hours :O 🌹 !

    Last call to submit and sign up for Roses! Submissions close in a little under 32 hours :O 🌹 !
  14. Marnie Frogg

    Closed It's A Date?

    Marnie eyed the ice, still wary as she watched a few far more coordinated students skate past easily. Though there were a few skittish first years scuttling around in a group too so Marnie supposed she wouldn't be totally alone out there. She looked back at Ethan when he offered to hold her...
  15. Marnie Frogg

    Closed It's A Date?

    Marnie didn’t bother stifling a giggle at Ethan’s joke, warmed by how funny he was had he always been this funny? “Well he IS the Transfiguration professor maybe if we asked him really nicely in class he’d do it I mean it’s educational right it definitely seems like something that would come up...
  16. Marnie Frogg

    Closed It's A Date?

    Marnie couldn’t help but beam when Ethan took her comments and rolled with it, she knew she’d been smitten with him for a good reason. She was certain both of their weird little brains would click together perfectly, she’d spent plenty of time when she was definitely mean tot be studying for...
  17. Marnie Frogg

    Closed It's A Date?

    Marnie had been thinking about tonight all week. And probably before that too, though that had been in a more frantic way that might have been brought on by pre-exam hysteria and by sheer virtue of having to wait for Ethan to actually find the note asking him to the ball before she'd know if...
  18. Marnie Frogg

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Thanks for the update, Emzies! CAC also has an event going on here, too!
  19. Marnie Frogg

    Closed Painful Patrols

    Marnie could easily count the things she knew about Ngawaiata Martin on one hand: She was in Slytherin, she was a prefect, she was quiet, and she was pretty sure she was related to Professor Josephs. As far as potential conversation starting material, it didn't leave Marnie a tonne to go on...
  20. Marnie Frogg

    Y46 S1 CAC Meeting - Trying Something New

    Marnie definitely missed Sky. It was hard enough leading the club on her own, but now Marnie had no one to help her organize ideas and not forget things, something she was now fretting about as she flitted about the Art's Room, remembrall in hand, as the rest of the club arrived. At least today...