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  1. K

    Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better

    Kovu had his robe slung over one shoulder and his school bag on the other as he strolled around the castle grounds. It was coming up to December, which meant it was close to Summer in New Zealand. Kovu still didn't think he would get used to the weather over here. England was the opposite, it...
  2. K

    Got Your Nose Stuck in a Book

    [size=50]It was the first time Kovu had been in the school library and wouldn't admit it, but he was fascinated. His parents had bought him a lot of the books he had asked for when he was back at home, but the variety at Hogwarts was huge. Shelves and shelves of all different topics about the...
  3. K

    Change of Scenery and People

    Kovu held a reasonably large bag over his shoulder with care as he stomped up the North Tower. Why were there so many stairs at Hogwarts? Was it like this at all the schools? Taking two at a time when he was almost at the top, Kovu let out a breath as he reached the landing. Stepping towards the...
  4. K

    Kovu Lothorien

    • kovu valinor lothorien • And they say that a hero can save us Im not gonna stand here and wait I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles Watch as we all fly away ♦ ♥ ♠ ♣ </SIZE>♦ friends ♦ My best friend gave me the best advice He said each day's a gift and not a given right ♦ Inseparable...
  5. K

    Kovu Valinor Lothorien

    you're a diamond basic knowledge • name kovu valinor lothorien. x meaning kovu: scar. • nicknames lothorien, thor. • gender male. • birthday 19th november 2019. • star sign scorpio x traits loyal, passionate, observant, dynamic, jealous, obsessive, suspicious...
  6. K

    A Different Face, a Different Attitude.

    There were two students talking about an assignment to the left, an open book felt cool beneath his head and his arm was going slightly numb. Kovu's sleepy mind had shut off its productive thoughts and was instead focusing on the physical stimuli around him. It heightened his senses and made the...
  7. K

    Is it something I did?

    Warning: I haven't RPed in forever and have never RPed as Kovu, so I may be a little rusty. Just a heads up. 16th December 2026. Around midday. Kovu tilted his head as he assessed himself in the large mirror located in his dormitory and pulled a face. He had changed an awful lot in just a...
  8. K

    Kovu Lothorien

    you're a diamond basic knowledge • name kovu valinor lothorien. x meaning kovu: scar. • nicknames lothorien, thor. • gender male. • birthday 19th november 2019. • star sign scorpio x traits loyal, passionate, observant, dynamic, jealous, obsessive, suspicious...
  9. K

    Are You a Bully?

    Kovu Valinor Lothorien! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - so this is kovu. he comes from a large family of three brothers and one sister. throughout his life he has constantly been competing for attention and has always...
  10. K

    Kovu Lothorien

    [size=50]Full Name: - Kovu Valinor Lothorien. Date of Birth: - 19th November 2013. Current Age: - Twelve. Basic Appearance: - Brown hair that is cut quite close to his head, but grows really fast. - Brown eyes. - 5'9 being one of tallest amongst his peers his entire life. - A scar that cuts...