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  1. Ethan Alexander

    Closed A Portrait of Death

    Ethan listened to Wish's answer and fought his knee jerk reaction to insist that he could seem them too. He hated to feel left out but it would be pointless to lie about something so easily proven wrong. "Oh cool." he mumbled instead. There was a part of him that was curious as to how someone...
  2. Ethan Alexander

    Open Y46 End of Year Feast

    Ethan felt like he had blinked and the year was over. But he couldn't say he was sad about that. He was eager to get home and see his sister. It was still hard to think about his mom and the last letter she had sent him. But it had been a turning point for him. He finally let himself settle into...
  3. ethan 7.21.png

    ethan 7.21.png

  4. Ethan Alexander

    Closed A Portrait of Death

    Ethan struggled a little under the weight of the bucket of feed he was carrying but he set it down and offered Wish a half-hearted wave once she greeted him back. He stood with his hands on his hips as he started into the forest in front of him letting his eyes go unfocused as if that would make...
  5. Ethan Alexander

    Apparition Exam

    Ethan couldn't believe how quickly the semester had gone but he couldn't say it was a bad one. He was excited for break and to get exams over with and his apparition exam was the first step. He waited to be called by the instructor, his last name was towards the beginning so he didn't have to...
  6. Ethan Alexander

    Apparition 3

    Ethan wasn't too nervous this time as he made his way into the great hall for their next apparition lesson. As they were let inside the great hall he noticed the red x right away and it was all soon explained. A bit of apprehension crept up again as Ethan watched his classmates go first. He...
  7. Ethan Alexander

    Apparition 2

    Ethan wasn't sure what to expect from the day's lesson. They had only gone over basics last time and they only had a few lessons so he was cautiously optimistic they'd get a chance to try it for themselves. He kicked the stone of the floor in the entrance hall until they were finally let in. The...
  8. Ethan Alexander

    Apparition 1

    Ethan had been curious about apparition for as long as he knew it existed. It sounded like something out of the old science fiction movies he used to watch as a kid, and he couldn't understate how convenient it would be. So he stood with the rest of his classmates until they were finally let in...
  9. Ethan Alexander

    Closed A Portrait of Death

    When Professor Burleigh had mentioned the need for a student assistant Ethan had jumped at the chance to spend more one on one time with the creatures that lived on the school grounds. He already had a lot of experience with owls but he was excited to care for some that were a bit more...tricky...
  10. Ethan Alexander

    🌹 Rose Giving A Waterfront Rose

    Ethan was sure his eyes grew as big as his head as she pulled out a pink rose. His first instinct was to grab the rose so he could get to the note as fast as he could. But he was able to restrain himself and take it gently. Besides he didn't want to rise it losing any of its petals. He took a...
  11. Ethan Alexander

    🌹 Rose Giving A Waterfront Rose

    Ethan never gave much thought to Valentine's day. Roses were usually interesting to observe and he felt lucky if he managed to get one. But this year was different. After going to the ball with Marnie he had been thinking of little else. He had a good time over the holidays with his family but...
  12. Ethan Alexander

    Closed It's A Date?

    Ethan laughed as Marnie agreed to skate but with conditions. "That's fair." he agreed. "But if I fall down I'll try and spare you. Feel free to save yourself." he said with a grin. They walked over to the ice and he could feel the air cool as they put on some skates. He stood up wobbling but...
  13. Ethan Alexander

    Closed It's A Date?

    Ethan smirked. He had a feeling Styx would use a silencing charm on them before he'd even let them get the question out. But he nodded along in agreement. He wasn't taking Transfiguration so he had no idea what would be on the NEWTs. With his free hand he reached up and rubbed the back of his...
  14. Ethan Alexander

    Closed It's A Date?

    Ethan grinned. "I think it's only an abuse of power if you force people." he pointed out and had to laugh at the idea of Styx in a fake beard. "I would use all my holiday wages to see that." he said seriously. As Marnie took his arm he tried not to think too hard about it even though he was...
  15. Ethan Alexander

    Closed It's A Date?

    Ethan felt a wave of relief as Marnie came down the stairs. She looked great and awkwardly he had a hard time looking at her. He smiled awkwardly as she rambled about his Halloween costume. "Thanks and Christmas would probably be more fun with costumes." he agreed when she was done. "You'd think...
  16. Ethan Alexander

    Closed It's A Date?

    Ethan had been confused but excited when he found Marnie's note in his bag. He had always liked her, since she usually took up most of the space in any conversation they had. Which he found comforting since he always struggled to find words most of the time. But he had never expected her to ask...
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  18. Ethan Alexander

    Open Old Stomping Ground

    Ethan was still stunned as the centaur spoke and was only broken out of his surprise when he noticed the odd way he spoke. "That's me....a wand carrier?" he said in agreement even though he was sure his confusion was apparent. At the next accusation he could feel his face get warm, he was caught...
  19. Ethan Alexander

    Closed Day Dreaming

    Ethan felt relief once she confirmed he had done the right thing and woken her up. "Mind if I join you?" he asked. "I can keep you awake at least." he joked, even if his voice came out dead pan like usual. "I'm sure you're not the first person to do it." he offered to make her feel a little...
  20. Ethan Alexander

    Open Can't Beat a Classic

    Ethan was nervous about going into the tent but at least going in with someone else made it less daunting. He took Marnie's arm and was grateful for it. He couldn't see very well in this costume which might come in handy shortly. He was content to let Marnie finish her rant about flavors. He...