Third Years, Lesson Six

Professor Carter sat behind his desk waiting for his third years for their last lesson of the semester. He had rather enjoyed taking them out on field trips almost every lesson and hoped that the students had also liked his ingenious idea as much as he did. He wanted his students to be able to freely travel the world and he knew that by doing that they would learn as much as possible. When the students finally entered the Greenhouse, he quickly started the lesson. "Good morning class, today will be an easy class as we will just be going over everything we have learned over the semester in preparation for the exams," He waved his hand and the blackboard wheeled itself out of the storeroom and towards the front of the class. Notes on everything from the semester appeared. "Now, who would like to explain what Sage is?" Hands were raised and Landon pointed to a student sitting in the front row. He listened to their explanation and beamed when they managed to get the answer right.

"Yes, Perfect! 3 points to your house! Sage is a herb believed to ward off negative energies. Does anyone know which magical creature uses it most?" Landon acknowledged someone sitting further back this time and smiled at them when they answered correctly. "Thank you! 2 points to you." he told them, happy that they were all willing to answer his questions. "Can anyone remember the name of the tea we tried last lesson?" Landon was testing their memory now and was surprised when a smaller student managed to get it right. "1 point to you!" he exclaimed, giving them a curt nod.

As the lesson came to an end the professor sent the board back into the storeroom and spoke to the class. "Ok class that's enough revising for today, pack away your notes and you may leave. Good luck on your exams!"


Assignment: RP the lesson. First three different people to answer the questions get points. Don't forget to post in the make-up topic for any lessons you may have missed.
Magne walked into the herbology classroom and took his spot in the room. He glanced at the professor as the man got started and then began asking them questions. Magne knew the answer to a couple of them but was not quick enough in any of the instances to raise his hand. But he did just nod along to it, making sure that all of it was clear in his head. The lesson was then wrapped up and magne packed up his things and left the room.

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