Fifth Years: Lesson Four

The fifth years had a lot to cover this year for their OWLs and if Angel was being honest, he hadn’t exactly managed his time very well this semester. He was hoping to make up some lost ground by squeezing in some extra plants today after finding shy little flitterbloom in one of the back greenhouses.

Smiling at the fifth years as they entered the greenhouse, Angel motioned everyone over to the two plants he had set up for today, hoping to cover everything quickly so they could get onto to the practical side of things.

Alright, we’ve got two plants to go over today, this lovely Flitterbloom here and also the Flutterby bush,” he said, motioning to the flitterbloom in front of him and then the flutterby bushes set up about the greenhouse for each student. “Flitterbloom is often mistaken for Devil’s Snare, note the tendrils,” Angel said as he held his hand out to the flitterbloom, letting it timidly reach out and grasp one of his fingers. “However, they are far less dangerous or aggressive. You’re welcome to come say hi to this one later if you’d like.

Our other lovely plant today is the flutterby bush. Most extraordinary plant, it only blooms once a century,” he said, lifting up one of the plant’s glossy leaves and watching as the plant juddered in response. “The blooms are said to adapt their scent to be whatever is most appealing to the observer.” Angel was glad he'd gotten to experience a Flutterby blooming a few years ago, though he doubted he had the patience to wait for another one to come into bloom anytime soon. “We’ll be working on trimming and pruning them today, which as you might imagine requires some care. Watch me, we’ll be trimming away the overgrown areas and any dead leaves, just be careful with those shears,” he said, picking up his own shears and demonstrating by trimming back a small section. It certainly required some careful accuracy as the plant shook and shuddered and Angel decided he’d complete the rest of the pruning later perhaps.

Right, your turn now. Try not to get too overzealous with the shears, and watch your fingers,” he said mildly, retreating to a chair to keep half an eye on the class as they began their own pruning projects.

RP the lesson. No homework, though feel free to speculate on what the flutterby flowers might smell like to you.
Lucy entered the greenhouse, a little weary but looking forward to learning anyway. She took down notes as the professor talked, making sure to get the information about the two plants down. Then came the practical part of the lesson. She watched Professor Castillo trim and prune the flutterby plants, making a few more notes on her observations. Then she got the opportunity to try it for herself. She began to trim what she thought looked like the overgrown areas as well as the dead leaves and things of that sort. It was actually tricky work, not as easy as it'd looked at all, but Lucy perservered. The smell encouraged her - a sort of gardenia mixed with jasmine - encouraging her to continue. By the end, she'd done a decent job, though clearly a professional would've done better. Lucy was pleased with her attempt however, and left the lesson tired but in good spirits.
Aura tried to keep her face calmly passive in class, especially after the last lesson. She trimmed a few of the stray leave from the flutterby bush and it trembled under her fingers. A sudden, very distinct scent hit her - earthy, rich, musky - like a damp forest floor and aged wood. Her grip on the shears relaxed, it was calming, because she knew where it was coming from and what it reminded her of. Safety, home, Dante - though she didn’t say it out loud of course because she’s not stupid. She didn’t think Dante would take well to be already considering him home. She wasn’t dwelling on things right now, and so she quickly and carefully finished her pruning and then stepped back to inspect before finishing up and heading out.​
Dominic was glad that he was halfway through the semester. It meant that he was halfway through half of his classes, and that was some good progress. Even though his work was piling up, it meant he was halfway with finishing it all, and he couldn’t wait until he could finally enjoy the break. He entered the Herbology greenhouse and sat down in his usual spot, before reverting his attention to the front. There were two different plants there and both looked quite unassuming, despite one looking similar to devil's snare. Dominic wondered what was so dangerous about the pair of them. However, as the professor spoke, Dominic learnt that neither were dangerous at all. The teen spent the lesson pruning the flutterby bush as instructed, and headed back to the castle once dismissed.
Teddy arrived for Herbology and listened to Professor Castillo introduce the Flitterbloom and Flutterby bush, he thought both names were brilliantly adorable and the plants seemed to fit their names. He watched the professor trim and prune the bushes then got started trying himself. He was careful with the plants and knew when he was being too rough by the way it behaved. He carried on until the end of the lesson and was pleased with the end result. He packed away his things and then left the greenhouse.
Callie walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her spot in the room. She took out her notes and books and placed them down in front of her as the professor got started. She looked to the man as he went over the two plants. She thought it was pretty cool that the plant only bloomed once a century. She watched the professor as the man demonstrated how to trim and prune it. She was then able to get started and callie worked slowly and methodically, making sure that she was only getting the over grown bits and the dead leaves, enever more than that. She spent the time thinking about what it might smell like. Eventually she was done and she headed out of the room.
Enoch walked into the herbology greenhouse and took his usual spot in the room. He looked at the two plants that the professor had and was pretty sure he could figure out what they would be doing. Enoch listened to what the professor was saying about both, though they were only going to be dealing with one. He watched the professor demonstrate how to do it and then they were invited to do it themselves. Enoch got started, pruning and trimming in the way he was supposed to until he was done and then able to pack up and head out of the room.

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