Second Years, Lesson Four

Noel had been preparing the classroom for todays lesson. And that resulted in pushing deks and chairs to the sides, while using magic. As soon as the last table was put aside he heard the door opening and the first students walked in. He stood in front of the classroom and welcomed them with an friendly smile. Todat the second years were going to practice spells again this week so he was making sure that they had enough room for that. The sign the students got when their desks and chairs were not on the usual place, usually said enough which kind of lesson it would be. And he saw excited faces, so that was good. When everyone seemed to be in, he closed the door and his friendly brown eyes scanned the room.

'' Good morning, everyone.'' He than said. '' Today I will need another volunteer for today's demonstration. The one who comes up to help me will receive extra house points.'' For some of them the extra house points didn't even seemed to matter so much and they just wanted some action. But it could be usefull, and some hands raised in the air he noticed. Noel smiled and picked one of the students in front of him and beckoned them to step forward and come stand next to him. He gave them an friendly smile and nod to make sure they were ready, and than pointed his wand at the students knees. Noel waved his wand and watched as the student's kneecaps turned the wrong way. To keep the student up Noel let them lean on him so that the rest of the students could see the spell's effect. After a moment, Noel performed the counter-spell and thanked the students with the promised house points to their house.

''The spell I just performed was the Knee-Reversring Hex. Again, the spell's effect is in the name. The target's kneecaps are flipped the wrong way. Thankfully, this effect of this spell can also be easily fixed.'' He paused. ''However, you won't be practising all the spells we discuss in class this year. The Knee-Reversing Hex is a rather advanced spell for your year and is one which I wouldn't expect you to master for your exam. You're allowed to practice the spell yourselves, of course, but do not feel discouraged when you fail to perform it correctly. Again, it's a rather advanced spell.'' He than wanted to make sure, a few could perhaps do the trick but it was not like it was expected. But they were now familliar with what the spell could do at least.Of course, he'd happily help the few wanting to practice this spell. He did like ambitious people. ''Next week's jinxes are, for example.., jinxes that the Ministry of Magic might find odd ones to practice on each other.'' Noel than added. He knew that very well, since he had worked there.

''As you advance through this course, you are to use the spells and the knowledge you have learned in previous years. Finite, our General Counter-Spell, can effectively reverse most of the minor jinxes, hexes, and curses. The Shield Charm, Stunning Spell, and Disarming Charm are useful spells to master if you want to avoid being a target in the first place.'' Noel than looked an bit more serious, it was important to master some of these spells and charms. ''Learning offensive magic is important, of course, but so is learning defensive spells.'' It would perhaps seem less more action or fun, but it could really save you from an situation. Noel than looked at the time, and figued to quickly continue. ''Now, I want all of you to partner up with each other and use the rest of the time we have today to brush up on the Trip Jinx, the Jelly-Legs Jinx, and the other spells and charms I mentioned earlier. You're also allowed to practice the Knee-Reversing Hex if you want to, but keep in mind that it is more difficult than it looks.'' Noel than told them. And as usual he walked through the classroom to help out.

- Roleplay the lesson and partner up with another character to practice the spells and charms mentioned. Your character can try the Knee-Reversing Hex, but this spell is listed for advanced second-years, so keep that in mind.
- Use tags if you like some interaction with your partner and you can tag @Professor Noel Waldgrave if you like some interaction. I will try my best to respond.
- The first student who participates in the demonstration will receive extra credit
Professor Waldgrave was back - Tori sighed. She didn’t know Professor Wolf very well, but she would have liked to see what he would have done for these demonstration lessons, because she really didn’t agree with asking them to volunteer, and no one seemed to want to listen to what she was saying, but she supposed that was her lot in life. She frowned as she watched Waldgrave demonstrate the knee-reversing hex and that definitely felt like a really sh*tty spell to have to sit through. This wasn’t the kind of magic she wanted to deal with. Tori hesitated when they were told to pair up, grabbing another one of her friends again, “Jelly legs jinx?” She felt like maybe that was the safest option.​
Winnie walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom, and wanted to take her usual spot, but the professor had changed the room so the desks were at the side. At least she knew this meant they’d be working on a spell. She had her wand in hand as the professor got started, but Winnie did not volunteer to have the spell cast on her. Instead she just watched it be performed on someone else. The professor then allowed them to try the spell. She paired up with someone and then cast the spell, she managed it and was pleased, she also had it cast on her and felt a little annoyed when it hit. But the rest of the lesson went well. SHe was glad when it was wrapped up and she was able to head out of the room.

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