Fourth Years, Lesson Five


Fourth Years, Lesson Five: Outline and Review
It had been hard work teaching with a mandrake leaf in his mouth for a whole month, but at last Edward was reaching the end of this unpleasant step of Animagus training and he needed a break. With a review lesson planned, he canceled class and pinned a notice on the door. Beside it, a small table held enough bags of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans for each student to take one bag away with them.

Note said:
No lesson today. Use this time to review.
Outline what you've learned in Transfiguration this semester and list what might be on the exam.
Take a bag of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans to enjoy while you study.

Homework: RP attendance! Extra credit for completing the outline. Tag @Professor Edward Pirrip if you would like me to interact with your character!
Apolline walked to the transfiguration classroom and then looked to the noticed pinned on the door of the class. She took the bag of beans which was for her and then headed off, going to the library where she’d be able to review and create the outline that the professor wanted them to create.
Kyousuke wasn't too surprised to see the professor hadn't turned up. With whatever he had going on, it evidently wasn't ideal for teaching. He shrugged and began outlining, taking a jelly bean for good measure. He revised for the lesson, and when the time was up, went on his way.

Lesson 1 - Introduction to switching spells. An overview. Means to switch two objects by imbuing them with magic.
Lesson 2 - Transfiguration and food. Canary creams as a demonstration. (Joke food items that turn consumer into canary, reverse after a certain length of time; actually quite difficult to cast the spell).
Lesson 3 - Switching quills. Most switching spells have no incantation. Visualisation is important.
Lesson 4 - Switching a slug for a snail. Cross-species switching spell. You don't need to know the precise location to switch the two.

The exam might entail: performing a spell, what imbue means, what canary creams do, whether or not switching spells usually have incantations.

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