Fifth Year, Lesson Four

"Good morning fifth years," He greeted with the usual smile at his students. Like all the previous classes this term in front of them sat a test. He hoped that they had all studied. Because this would be more difficult than the last one. They were stepping it up, slightly. "Now class, in front you sits another quiz, this is a closed book test, so I don't want to see any books open. Get started," He took a sip of his tea as the class got started on the test.

1. What charm causes things to swell/become larger?
2. What does Incendio do?
3. What does Locomotor do?

"Right, today, fifth years we will be learning the Reductor Curse." He paused, stepping to the board, and writing upon it the word, Reducto, he looked back to the class, "Reducto, as it is incanted, causes the caster to blasts objects out of their path. You may find this to be quite useful if there is something in your way. When in a cluttered room and trying not to trip, Reducto would be the more convenient solution to moving everything by hand or with a summoning or locomotor charm, but can also be immensely destructive. Which makes it a lot more fun" Smiling to the class, Misha turned to the side of the room, and from their conjured a spare desk.

He stood back, and cast the Reducto spell at the desk with a very small flick of his wand. The desk was obliterated in its place, the pieces of wood splintering and crumbling into a pile of dust. Using Scourgify the Professor cleaned up the mess, facing his students once more. That was the best way of showing the spell. "This spell can be a little dangerous, so we will be heading outside to practice so that no one gets hurt." With that he ushered the class out, and down to the lawn outside. Taking them to a row of hedges that he had created for exactly this purpose. "Reducto might take you a while to get right, but, I know all of you are capable, so just practice. Once you feel confident in the spell, you may leave." Misha helped the odd student, but was mostly there to be sure no one got hurt.

RP the lesson (attendance post is fine)
Quiz is once again, just extra credit!
Charms was sometimes one of those hard to figure out classes, because Aura had days where she loved it and then there were the days where she would have muvh rather do literally anything else. She nodded politely to Professor Haden and then quickly took her seat near the middle of the class. She looked down at the quiz, frowning as she looked over it. The problem with quizzes sometimes was that they might look easy enough but sometimes they had some secret part of it that she was just supposed to know.Aura was the kind of person who liked to take things at face value though so that wasn’t a very comfortable ideal for her. When finished, she moved the quiz to the side to take some notes on the rest of the mateiral in class. The spell seemed like it would be handy, and as the desk crumbled, she raised an eyebrow at all the possibilities. It was a good spell, she thought, simple, creative, potentially deadly. This was where they got into the more harmful spells apparently.

She listened and paid attention because she wasn’t about to blow her own face off learning a spell that would be helpful later, probably, especially in the area she was considering working, she wouldn’t want to cause and problems there after all and she couldn’t imagine they’d be happy if she accidentally blew something up. Well she couldn’t imagine Professor Haden would have been that pleased either come to think of it. “Reducto”, she watched as the spell did nothing, missing it’s target completely. Ah, leassons. She adjusted her stance a little, rolled her shoulder and tried again. “Reducto!”, and this time a stasifying blast sent leaves scattering in all directions. She grinned. “Done.”​

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