Open have all night

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Mikael Nightray

challenger • outwit, outmaneuver, outlast • shrewd
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gryffindor Headache
Curved 15 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
If there was anything Mikael would say was a benefit to having Tiziano around, it was that he didn't have to worry about Eurydice, or any of the others for one night and he could just focus on his boyfriend. This was the last formal dance they would have in school before Elio graduated, so he was slightly more keen to ensure that this night went well for them both. Thankfully, the pair of them had found time to discuss the shenanigans that were the roses prior to coming to the dance, so now, Elio could just focus on enjoying the night. Mikael was certainly enjoying just looking at him, who seemed to be enjoying himself while all dressed up for the dance. Certainly a far cry from the pajamas he was wearing last year. "Dance with me," he offered a hand to his boyfriend as slow music filtered through.
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After what he'd worn last year, he was determined to make it up to Mikael. So Elio had thought better about it. He'd been silly, probably thinking he would get away with it, but it hardly mattered really. He was prepared, that was probably all that mattered. Either way, he'd decided he would give Mikael a present, not like the Valentine's roses that were being thrown around today, because he felt like that wasn't very personal, and the orchidious spell was good for that. He’d been practising all week to get the rose perfect for what he wanted, a perfect red rose. He even managed to get it to have a little bit of water on it to make it look pretty. Elio grinned at Mikael, taking his hand as he moved closer to him and grinned. “Let me do something really quick first,” he said, dropping Mikael’s hand and clasping them together. He closed his eyes to focus on what he wanted, the rose very clear in his mind. “Orchidious,” he whispered, because wandless magic was hard enough without having to worry about doing it wordlessly as well. When he opened his hands again, a perfect red rose sat between his palms.​
Mikael looked at his boyfriend with pride as he cast the spell wandlessly. He knew Elio had been working really hard on his silent and wandless casting. To see his progress was something of a gift, and he watched as a red rose was conjured in front of him. He didn't wait for Elio to give him the rose, instead he pulled him closer by the waist and planted a kiss on his lips. Just a small one, but kept him close. "I really hope that rose is for me or I will be terribly upset," he commented. He hadn't received a rose from Elio the whole day despite the whole school suffering from chaos from all the rose deliveries that happened the whole day. Of course, he would have planned something like this.
As Kael pulled him into the kiss, he quickly covered the rose with his hands so that it wouldn’t risk being crushed between them. “Woah, hello, what did I do to deserve that?” He asked with a cheeky grin before opening his hands again to show off the rose he’d made. He’d gotten a little nervous about it when he realised that Kael had sent him one, but he also knew that Kael wouldn’t have just assumed he wouldn’t, after all, he’d given him a rose for Valentine’s last year too, but there hadn’t been any rose deliveries then. This one looked better than the one Kael had suspended though. “Well I thought I could give it to Teddy, you know to thank him for my roses,” he said with a wink, before shaking his head and laughing. “No, of course it’s for you. I don’t go to this much effort for just anyone, you know,” he said, holding it out to him. He really wished Kael would get rid of the one from last year, it looked ugly and stupid, this one was so much nicer.​
Mikael raised a brow at the cheeky remark from his boyfriend and rolled his eyes, "A reward since your wandless casting is coming along nicely," he settled for saying as he examined the rose in Elio's hand. It was certainly a far cry from the small Korean rose that Kael still kept on his bedside. It wasn't just that his wandless casting was getting better, even his conjuration and the details of the flower had greatly improved. While this was just as treasured as the last, he also knew that the first one Elio gave had been special. Then his mood was knocked down because his boyfriend was still a migraine-causing human being. His eyes narrowed at the mention of the Gryffindor that had invaded their space earlier in the day before he sighed as he took the rose with one hand, "Good, all mine," he said as he leaned in for another quick kiss before pulling away slightly to look around. "It'll be a pain looking for Uncle here," he commented because conjuration spells of the caliber he wanted was not something he's allowed to do at the moment, so it was best to let Uncle handle it - of course, Tiziano was just right around the corner but Mikael wasn't going to ask his older brother for help for something like this. Accepting that it'll probably be a while before they could get to his uncle, he took out his wand. "For now," he said softly before casting an unbreakable charm on the rose and then sticking it to his coat. Poking and examining the flower now stuck on his coat, he decided that the rose was no longer in danger and could stay there for the rest of the dance.
Elio laughed, mostly because he found it funny that Mikael was so easy to rile up sometimes, maybe what Theo said about Kael not being able to play around when it came to Elio was right, not that he was going to tell Theo that he was right about anything, Merlin, giving his best friend an even bigger ego absolutely did not sound appealing in the slightest. “I joke, I play, but I don’t actually care about that, you know that right? I only care about you, I’m sorry I can’t help my flirty personality,” he said, calling back to a conversation they’d had earlier in the day when he’d apologised for the incident in the great hall. He should have known better honestly, but sometimes he really couldn’t help himself, but he would always apologise to Kael, he loved him. He watched him place the rose carefully on his coat and grinned. “You know that looks ridiculous?” He’d made a promise to make one for Mikael every year, he was probably going to run out of design ideas eventually. “Come on, let’s have that dance then.”
Mikael couldn't help but roll his eyes as his boyfriend tried to once again apologize for being a huge flirt. He would admit that it frequently got on his nerves how Elio was always so flirty with people. But he loved his boyfriend, and he'd never really made any effort to tell Elio to change or otherwise because it wasn't like he wanted him to. He loved Elio for how he was, headaches and migraines and all. What would usually make him annoyed was that people flirted back in front of him. Surely he wasn't invisible unless they'd become blind. "If you apologize for every single time you flirt, we'd be at it multiple times every single day," he said totally unimpressed. "Besides, I already know you're mine. Just need to make it clear to others as well," he said as he reached his hand up to touch a necklace that had been sitting on Elio's neck - one that Mikael had given him before they arrived at the Dance. He then pulled his hand back as he took Elio's hand to lead him to the dance floor. "Well you were the one that handed me a rose while at the dance and had me figure out how to keep it pristine."
Elio grinned at Mikael, tilting his head slightly as he watched the unimpressed expression on his boyfriend's face. “So what I’m hearing is… you don’t actually want me to stop being a flirt, you just want other people to get the memo?” The necklace he now wore might even help in that regard, since it was so obviously from Mikael. It was one of the favourite things Kael’s ever gotten from him, and Elio so rarely wore proper jewellery, it had to be special for him to bother. “I know I handed you the rose,” he rolled his eyes, following him to the dance floor, “that didn’t mean you have to keep it, you didn’t have to keep the first one either. Are you going to keep every flower I make for you?” This spell might be about to become Elio’s absolute best spell apparently.​
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