Fourth Years, Lesson Two


Fourth Years, Lesson Two: Transfiguration & Food
Edward stood at the door with an open tin of custard creams in hand which some would recognise as canary creams. He offered one to each fourth year student as they arrived, "Here, take one but don't eat it. I'll know if you do." He repeated to each student until the last one arrived. He closed the lid then limped back to his desk to start the lesson. On his way there, a sudden commotion in class drew his attention. He spun round to see a giant canary sat amongst the fourth years and knew immediately what had happened. "Ah fantastic, we have our first subject for today's lesson on Transfiguration and food." He chuckled, "The biscuits I offered you were Canary Creams. Now they look good, sure, but not many people eat them on a regular basis and I think it's pretty obvious why," Edward motioned towards the giant canary who suddenly poofed back into a very flustered student, a few stray feathers fluttering down around their desk. "Welcome back. Have some house points for your troubles." He nodded, the student was getting off lightly considering they had ignored a direct instruction. Edward moved to stand in front of the class. "Transfiguration spells can be placed into objects so that when they are touched, or in this case, ingested, a Transfiguration spell is triggered."

"These little treats look tasty and small, but the spells that go into them to turn the eater into a canary are some of the more difficult to cast. You have to weave the spell into an object, much like the creation of a portkey, or charms that affect items. It also requires a delayed Untransfiguration spell to kick in after a certain period of time, to avoid permanent transformations." Edward explained, looking around to check that students were taking notes.

"You might think that such a complicated spell would draw the most intelligent and powerful wizards to think of creative and useful ways to use it but so far we have mostly joke items. You can find canary creams such as these in a few shops, I'm sure I don't need to tell you which ones," He told them with a wink, "So who else wants to try their canary cream before the lesson ends?"

Homework: RP attendance! First student to try the canary cream gets extra credit. Tag @Professor Edward Pirrip if you would like me to interact with your character!
Apolline walked into the transfiguration classroom and took one of the biscuits, one glance at them and she knew immediately what kind of biscuit this was. She nodded and gave a small smile as she sat down and noticed that someone had already eaten it. She smiled and then looked to the professor. She took a couple of notes from what the professor was saying, though she knew about canary creams and what they did and what sort of magic that was. As they were invited to try it, Apolline did, enjoying it before being transformed back and then heading out of the room.
Kyousuke took the biscuit, looking at it curiously but taking his seat without eating it. He didn't recognise it, but thought there must be a good reason why they were told not to eat it. He watched as someone turned into a canary in shock, then figured out what was going on. He smirked a little, then felt a little jealous as that student earned themselves points. Kyousuke took notes as the professor spoke, wondering idly if he could convince his sister to eat one. She'd probably assume it was low quality and wouldn't touch it, but the idea of her turning into a canary was an amusing enough idea to keep Kyousuke entertained. Once he'd gotten down everything useful and the lesson was at an end, Kyousuke packed away his things along with the canary cream, though he wasn't really sure what he'd do with it.
Morrie arrived for Transfiguration class and was surprised to be offered a biscuit on arrival. She took one and held onto it, lucky she had held off eating it because some fool had taken a bite and transformed into a giant canary in front of the entire class. Morrie thought it was so lame and spent the rest of the lesson being bored and wishing the hour to be up quickly. She was one of the first out of the classroom at the end of the lesson and discarded her canary cream in the first bin she passed.

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