🌹 Rose Giving Look how they shine for you

Ivy Cullen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
13 (08/2050)
It was such a nice day ivy was enjoying her tour of the grounds. walking and enjoying the sunshine. looking at the path around the lake she wondered if she should take up running, and as a way of exercise not just a quick way to get from A to B. She had always enjoyed running to get around but somehow somewhere between classwork and taking quidditch more seriously and her body changing shape before her eyes she had stopped running as much. she picked up the pace a little not paying attention as her strides lengthened and settled still walking but more with purpose rather than wandering. unfortunately she wasn't looking exactly where she was going and ended up crashing into someone. "Sorry" she said. stooping to pick up the roses that she had dropped. before she looked at the older girl in front of her. "Sorry. wait, hang on, your Elise Ito. I have a rose for you." she said

Yellow rose for @Elise Ito title fro yellow by coldplay
Elise really liked Valentine's day, especially when rose deliveries rolled around. She had considered signing up to deliver but she realized she'd prefer to observe instead. The great hall had been a prime location to watch people get their roses but the day was long and it was also so nice outside. In the afternoon she took a walk by the lake with Nyx on her shoulder. The raven pecked at her hair as she bent down to look through some of the rocks along the shore. When she stood up again she stared at the water one moment and the next someone ran into her. She managed to stay upright and keep her balance even as her bird started to squawk at the intruder. She turned and saw it was a girl not much younger than her. "That's me." she said simply when the girl seemed to recognize her. "Are you alright?" she asked to make sure the girl hadn't gotten too shaken up as she knelt to help her collect the fallen flowers.
((sorry i dont know how i missed this thread))

Ivy scrambled to pick up the roses that were now on the floor. Thankfully there were only four. three still to deliver, and most importantly, the one that she had just received from Naveen. shewas glad that she had remembered the girl right from scouts. even though they had never really interacted before. "I'm all good. are you okay? thank you for the help" she said. before turning to the bird sitting on her shoulder cawing. "I am sorry to you too. You must be such a smart bird not to fly away. I'm sorry i don't have any treats for you" she said. briefly missing her brother whowould have an assortment of bird treats in his pocket at any given time. " anyway. Here is your rose, sorry for the dust," she said, holding out a yellow rose that she hoped wasn't too battered from its brief escape along with a note.

note said:
ELISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the BEST ARTIST IN THE WORLD and I love you SO MUCH we will be BEST FRIENDS FOREVER and hang out EVERY DAY ALL THE TIME

LOVE FOREVER LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!💕💗💗🍰💋💋🍣💮🌸💮💞💞💗💕🎀💮💗

@Lucy Holland

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