Closed Seeking you out

Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
Any godmodding has been approved <3

Lilith had noticed Elijah being more distant this semester and that had put her off. Usually he'd say hello or something in classes but lately not even that. So she had taken it to be her job, as the alt. seeker it seemed quite fitting too, to seek the boy out. See where his head was at. Last year he had been rather overwhelmed with everything and Lilith wanted to just check on him.

They had talked before and Eli had mentioned that he'd sometimes study in the abandoned classroom so that was one of the last stops on her list. She'd already checked the library, common room and student lounge with no luck. The Ravenclaw was a little apprehensive about going into that room given what had happened with Eli's twin earlier in the year but she did so anyways. Opening the door she saw him sitting at a desk alone, head in the books as expected. "Eli?" She asked as she walked closer, not wanting to startle the boy just by appearing next to him out of nowhere.
It was easier to pretend when he wasn’t with other people. Helping his siblings, Jonah, Rose, whoever needed it, and so his own grades had obviously suffered, because he’d spent way too much time trying to deal with his friends than focused on studying. He’d been so focused on everyone else that he hadn’t had time to look at his own grades, and falling behind just wasn’t acceptable. He refused to fall behind again and he was going to work hard until he had his perfect Os like he should have had last semester. There was too much at stake, his siblings all had something, Quidditch, a direction (like Hina) what did Eli have? Nothing, apparently.

As the door opened he’d almost expected to hear Jonah’s or Rose’s or Sayuri’s voice, having forgotten a planned meet up that he would have to cancel, only the voice wasn’t one of his siblings. His back stiffened and he turned slightly to peer over his shoulder to see Lili walking in, sucking in a deep breath because she was exactly one of the people he wanted to avoid. He couldn’t avoid everyone, because the boys in his dorm were in his dorm but he had tried to avoid Lili as much as possible because she was exactly the kind of distraction he didn’t need, especially after cowardly sending her that anonymous rose. She’d probably had a concerned reaction to it, most likely. Having no idea where it came from. He’d heard Eoghan had delivered it too. Yikes. “Hi, Lili, sorry if you don’t mind I’m actually really busy.” He was almost surprised to hear her call him Eli, he had expected to hear Meissa, but then, he wasn't Eoghan, so why would she call him it all the time? He certainly wasn't shining these days, maybe she could see that.​
Lilith was glad to see Eli doing relatively good, though her worry deepened as he told her he was busy. Clearly he was busy but surely she could just sit in silence with him if anything. They hadn't hung out in a bit and Lilith missed her friend. "I meaaan I can sit here silently, I brought my own book just in case. I don't mind for all I care we can sit in silence all the time, I just you know wanted to hang out with you and see how you were doing." She spoke nervously, leaning against the wall next to the door. Not wanting to invade his personal space just in case he actually wanted her gone.

Taking a few careful steps towards him she took a seat closer to Eli. "So what are we studying today?" The Ravenclaw asked, peering at whatever book he had in front of him. She wondered if he'd liked the rose she sent him also wondering if any of her roses without notes were from him. Perhaps he hadn't even sent her one which would be fine, she didn't expect anything in return from her friends.
ELi’s grip on his quill tightened slightly, though he did his best to keep his eyes on the textbook in front of him, trying not to let the guilt settle in too deep at hearing her voice. Looking at her would just be worse at this point. He hadn’t meant to completely avoid her, but he found it so difficult to concentrrate on anything at the moment that being around people was hard. He hadn’t done anything to make Lili think he wasn’t avoiding her either, and honestly because he sort of was avoiding her, everyone, really, it didn’t really come down to just her, though she was probably the closest thing to a friend he had right now. Well, no, he did consider her a friend, Vikram too - he supposed he considered Eoghan a friend sort of, when he wasn’t around Lili or Tori. Eli didn’t dislike Tori, but she was hard to be around because she was so… present - loud, he supposed. He knew she meant well—of course, she did—but if he let himself relax, he was afraid of losing whatever focus he had left.

“You don’t have to do that,” he said lightly, turning to look at her over his shoulder as she sat down, “you don’t have so sit in silence just because of me.” He took a deep breath, trying to loosen his body up from being so stiff with her in the room. She hadn’t done anything wrong, he had, and now he sort of had to live with that. He never should have sent her that rose either, it had been stupid. “I have a lot to catch up on, that’s all - fell a bit behind last semester.” He felt like this was an admission of failure, even if he wasn’t sure he had really failed anyone but himself - but wasn’t that enough to warrant his own criticism? “Ancient Runes, actually… I want to get a head start before next year so, I got a book at the electives fair to look at,” he said, pushing it to the side a little to show her. He was taking on more academic subjects to push himself, and it was going to kill him probaby, but he would get it done. He hesitated then, should he ask? The rose had been a stupid idea but it had been his stupid idea. If she hadn’t figured it out yet, maybe it was best to leave well enough alone, it wouldn’t change anything for her to know, it would probably make it worse in all honesty. So for now, he didn’t say anything.​
Lilith examined Eli, something seemed off but she couldn't tell what and wouldn't push it. He'd tell her if he really wanted her gone or if something truly was wrong. Shifting in her seat she just shrugged with a smile. "Oh I know I don't have to, but I will if studying is what you want. We can do it in silence but you don't have to be alone to do it." Having a friend even if just as someone to sit there in silence with you was nice, at least most of the time. Lilith nodded, she could understand the falling behind part. "Seems like last semester was ruthless to a lot of us, I had to fight my way through half of it to be honest." She admitted quietly smoothing the surface of the table in front of her. Last semester had been more than a battlefield to get through.

As Eli explained what he was reading Lili merely nodded looking it over. She harbored no particular interest for the subject as of yet, but those around her seemed to do. Besides she planned on taking as many subjects as she possibly could and Ancient Runes was among those. "Getting a head start is fair enough, is there anything in particular about the subject that interests you?" The Ravenclaw asked curiously.

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