🌹 Rose Giving A friendly rose

Lucy Montague

Fifth Year | Music Maestro | Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy continued on her quest to deliver her roses, making her way back into the castle. She climbed the stairs and got to the fourth floor to wait for a Hufflepuff. She asked a few people about where to find Tanith, and apparently she was hanging out in the common room so Lucy just had to wait. And wait. Soon she'd come out, it was approaching lunchtime after all.

@Tanith Whitlock
Tanith decided to head to lunch a little early that day, mostly from having skipped breakfast that morning. With the book she was reading in hand she walked out of the common room- only to see one of the older quidditch players waiting in the hall. She blinked. "Is everything okay?" She blurted, unsure of what else to say.
"Oh! Hey, are you Tanith?" Lucy asked curiously. "I've got a rose for her, is all."
Tanith looked shocked a moment before nodding slowly. "I, ah, yeah, that's me?" She sounded unsure, so she cleared her throat and tried again. "Yes, I'm Tanith Whitlock," She offered out her hand a little awkwardly. "Are you sure thats for me?"
Lucy double-checked, and nodded. "Mm-hmm. This is for you, for sure. Here you go." Lucy offered a yellow rose and note.

Happy Valentine’s day!

Tanith drew her hand back, feeling a little silly. She was surprised all over again that it really was for her. "Oh, erm, thank you?" She offered a little slowly. She looked at the note. "Magne?" She was a little taken aback. Sure, she'd sent him one, but she hadn't really expected any in return. She looked up, unsure what to even say.
Lucy looked at the girl curiously. "You didn't expect it?" she asked. She should probably get on with things but Tanith's response intrigued her.
Tanith took a breath, trying to get her emotions under control. "I wasn't expecting any roses at all," She admitted with an almost sheepish smile. "He's a nice guy, I guess, it's-" She sighed. "Unexpected, is all."
"Maybe you should give yourself more credit," Lucy said in a cheerful tone. "I'm sure it's well-deserved."
Tanith blushed deeply, really unsure of what it was she should be saying. She smiled shyly. "Well, er, I mean... thank you?" She managed a little lamely.

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