🌹 Rose Giving Plumage Of Petals

Peregrine Piper

Amateur Magical Paleontologist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
yellow rose for @Eurydice Nightray

Peregrine was honestly pretty proud of herself for managing to narrow down most of the people on her delivery list. She knew a couple well, and a few others were recognisable with prefect badges. One she had was a second year that she didn't really know, however, and had eventually just resorted to asking enough Hufflepuffs to be pointed in a vague sort of direction. Sometimes plans didn't really pan out the way one would like, she figured. At least she'd found a picture in last year's yearbook so at least she sort of knew who she was looking for. "Sorry, excuse me, has anyone seen Eurydice Nightray?" she called, feeling rather silly about it but summoning up her courage to continue.
Eurydice didn't think she could take more of the rose deliveries happening. At first, she thought they were fun, getting a rose from Kael-nii and Rose. Then she got to see a red rose being delivered to William, which made her feel all funny. And... no, don't think about that. It seemed like everywhere she went today to escape the rose deliveries found her and this was what? The fifth? Sixth? She'd almost been tempted to ignore the girl that called her name but she also felt bad if she let the girl continue the search. It was okay, Tizi-nii was around here somewhere. "Here," she called out hesitantly, waving a hand as she sat on a blanket on the grass in the courtyard.
Peregrine was a little relieved she didn't have to look too long for Eurydice. She didn't want to take up too much of anyone's time, what with how many roses there were to deliver and how her mother had always told her not to make a nuisance of herself. She just approached the girl who was now sitting down and offered out the rose and note to her - careful not to hit her in the face. She'd already done that to the Head Boy and was definitely going to be playing that out in her head for ages. "Here you are! Um, happy Valentines?" It still felt weird to say, since she'd never celebrated it before.


I'm proud of you

Eurydice breathed as she stared at the yellow rose hesitantly, and was instantly grateful for her brother's return as like with every other delivery (except one), he plucked the rose and the note to read it before handing it to Eury. "Happy Valentine's Day," she greeted the deliverer before looking down at the note and smiling. It was from Bailey-nee, and she couldn't help but tear up a little because she'd been trying her best all year. She wasn't sure what exactly Bailey-nee was proud of her about, but it made her feel better anyway.

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