🌹 Rose Giving Nocturnal Hunting Ground

Peregrine Piper

Amateur Magical Paleontologist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
yellow rose for @Terror Zhefarovich

Peregrine had left a lot of her deliveries until later in the day, not out of any ill intent more that it was just hard to carve out enough time around classes earlier on. Peregrine had also spent a lot of the earlier part of the day looking up yearbooks and asking older students at the paper for guidance on who she was looking for to try and make her life easier. Come dinner time, she was a little bit frazzled, but she would get through this. She had to, she was the good responsible child who could always be relied on. The next student she had to find was a senior Slytherin student named Terror. That was actually a pretty cool name, thought Peregrine. She knew he was a prefect, and eventually spotted a boy she assumed was him heading to the great hall for dinner. "Um...Terror? Terror! Sorry, excuse me, I have a rose for you...?"
Terror Zhefarovich just finished a letter he would be sending to his girlfriend, including a package that was waiting for him in the Slytherin common room. He would grab that before the night was over. He stopped when he heard his name called out. It took him a moment to see who was talking to him. After all, first years were rather short. He stopped walking to let her catch up. "Huh, running a little late, are you?"
Peregrine ducked her head a little. It was just her luck to have to deliver to prefects and look somewhat unreliable. Her mother would be so disappointed in her, as would her uncle. She could've given an excuse having been caught up with classwork and trying to work out who people were but figured it was better not to try and waste this boy's time. "Sorry," she simply said, handing over the yellow rose. "Er, there isn't a note or anything with it. But your name is really cool," she blurted out, and then felt a little bit more embarrassed still. "Um, happy Valentines."
Terror received the yellow rose, which honestly, could have been from a few people in mind. He did not expect any other color after all. He grinned, though it was not genuine as it did not match his red eyes. "Thanks for the compliment on my name. And happy valentine's day." Terror brushed by her with the rose in hand, since he felt he was done for the delivery.

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