🌹 Rose Giving Pink, hope it's your favourite colour!

Mania Athanasiou

Out here on my own, living life to the fullest 🌪️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A mystery (probably crushing on someone rn)
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/2052 (12)
Mania was skipping her way down to the great hall and towards the Ravenclaw table, not a single worry in her mind. In fact all that was occupying it right now were the roses she was supposed to be delivering. Oh! How exciting was that?!? Delivering roses to others. The first year was humming and nearly spinning as she carried the pink rose in her hand. "Loki Styx?!" She yelled as she walked past some Ravenclaws, whom gave her a wary look and then looked towards somewhere else. Not them then, shame for them pink was such a lovely colour. "Loki Styx? I have something for youuuuu!" She spoke cheerily, waiting for someone to identify themselves as this Loki guy.

@Loki Styx
Never would have Loki Styx bothered with Valentine's anything until he caught wind that someone might be competition when it came down to a certain Ravenclaw girl. He even sent out a pink rose to the girl, as if to lock in how he felt - which was the best way he knew how. The Ravenclaw did not expect anything in return, so when someone called his name while he was reading and sipping pumpkin, he just shifted his gaze to the small girl. He just raised his hand to gesture her over. Anything to get her to shut the hell up.
As an older guy with dark hair raised his hand sort of beckoning her over she all but ran. "Well hello there, lovely day isn't it? You are one lucky guy today! I have a very nice PINK rose for youuuuu!" Nia's voice was full of excitement and she had said the pink part way louder than the rest. "Here you go! It even has a note, isn't that exciting?" She offered the rose and note to the boy.

So, want to dance with me tonight or do you want to cause problems on purpose for everyone else? I'm interested either way. - Audrey
Merlin's beard, were all Gryffindors just pains in the asses? Loki's cold gaze locked on the first year as she happened to loudly announce the fact he had a rose, and what color it was. He simply took the rose and opened the note. His father taught him well, so he showed no emotion as he set the rose and note to the side, even though he was smirking inwardly. "Leave. Now." Loki made a small gesture, as if he were trying to shoo off a fruit fly.
Nia rolled her eyes as the boy had no reaction whatsoever to the rose. BORING, seriously it was a pink rose! Letting out a big sigh the first year gave a small curtsy. "Lighten up grympypants! Today is a lovely day and you my guy just received a lovely rose! A little smile won't hurt, unless of course you are scared of smile lines, those might happen but you know they won't kill you." Perhaps she lacked some self preservation, but she couldn't care less. "Happy Valentine's day Loki Styx! Don't let the grumpiness get the best of you!" And with that she was gone before the boy decided to shut her up with a spell or something, Merlin knew she might deserve it at this point.
First years, just big nuisances. Even more so when their big mouths. Loki started to reach for his wand to make her shut up, but it seemed like she might have had some sort of survival instinct before he could do something. Once she was gone, he picked up the rose and looked at the note again. Audrey had signed it, but he had not. He looked down the table to see @Audrey Beauchamp receive her own from, who he assumed, him. He figured sooner or later, she might look down at him, and see him subtly smiling at the pink rose he had received.

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