šŸŒ¹ Rose Giving A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
15 (12/2046)
Classes were ut for the day and hugo was down to his last few roses. wanting a break from the commotion that was the castle he decided to see if either of his last ones were outside. even if they weren't it would be a little fresh air for him as it was a nice day, and a break from the noise.
He didn't have to go far, and as he crossed the courtyard he saw someone who matched the description he had been given for sunny day. he had never spoken to her before but he had to admit it was a very cute name, it was like something from a cozy story, a pixie who lived in a mushroom, or maybe a hobbit.
he walked over to the girl. "Hello. do you happen to be sunny by any chance?" he asked.

Yellow Rose for @Sunny Day, Title from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespere
It was getting late in the day and Sunny was just a teenie huge bit disappointed that no one had delivered her a rose. She wasn't expecting loads, but maybe one or two would have been nice. She went into the courtyard, away from where tonnes of deliveries that were happening around her. She sat on a bench when a boy approached asking if she was Sunny. "Yes, yes I am!" She answered excitedly.
it was always interssting to see peopled reactions to getting roses. from those who pretended to be indifferent about it, some people were disappointed with their rose some were supprised and some were genuinely excited, they were the best. "Fantastic. i have a rose for you" he said. picking the correct yellow rose from thetwo he hd left and holding it out to her.

I guess yellow roses suit your name. - Ignatius

@Ignatius Wolffort
Sunny beamed as she took the rose. "Oh, thank you!" she said, bringing it to her nose to smell it first. Admittedly, it didnā€™t have much of a scent, but that didnā€™t stop her from humming in appreciation as if the scent had been much sweeter. She read the note next, her expression unchanged as she read the name Ignatius. If she was disappointed, she certainly didnā€™t show it outwardly. "Lovely, thank you!" She said again to the student who had delivered it.
hugo wasnt sure if he should watch people as they read their not or leave. it felt like a bit of n invasion of the moment to watch. but it seemed rude to just drop and rin. most people seemed to as something after besides it was nice seeing peoples reactions. "i am glad you like it. i hope that you are having a good valentines day" he said.

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