🌹 Rose Giving Red is for LOVEEEE

Mania Athanasiou

Out here on my own, living life to the fullest 🌪️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A mystery (probably crushing on someone rn)
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/2052 (12)
Mania skipped her way through the school as per usual, this time looking for a Vikram Bakshi? With no idea who he was she went to the Astronomy classroom to wait out the second year Ravenclaws and Slytherins from their lesson. Pacing around she was about to burst at the seams IT WAS A RED ROSE! As the door opened she all but yelled "Vikram! Vikram Bakshi, a deliveryyyy!" Waving the rose around in the air she was now jumping up and down.

@Vikram Bakshi
Vikram was walking out of class with Winnie, meaning to escort her back to her dorm before going to his own, when he heard someone spoke his name. Well... yelled it. He blinked, pausing a momet before chuckling. "Yes, right here," He waved to the excitable girl.
Mania's eyes shot to the boy who identified himself. Skipping over she noticed the girl next to him, yikies the rose better be from her or this'll be awkward. Oh well not her fault she's just a messenger. "Well hello there Vikram! My name is Mania and I shall be your Cupid today or maybe a pigeon is a better one? Cupid-pigeon? How about that." She said some of it more so to herself than this Vikram in front of her. "Well cupid or pigeon I have a beautiful red rose just for you! It even has a note!" Nia said, it was a miracle she was still alive because all this excitement was making her heart beat all too fast. She offered the red rose with a huge smile, waiting to see the reactions hoping they were good.
Happy valentine’s day.

Vikram raised a brow, waiting for the girl to make her way through her excitement. "Thank you, Miss Mania." He gave her a gentle smile before looking down at the note. He smiled again. "Oh, this is lovely, thank you," He offered to both Winnie and Mania, sticking the rose in the lapel of his uniform.
Nia swayed from her heels to her toes as she watched Vikram read the note, his reaction was subtle but the smile he gave to the Slytherin girl next to him told her enough. The rose had been from her. With a big grin Mania did a small curtsy. "Alright my work is done here today, you two have a looovely Valentines day! See you around!" She told the pair before spinning around and dancing her way through the crowd.
Winnie hadn't expected to be with Vikram when he got a rose, she'd walked out of the room with him as they tended to do when they shared classes. She watched the young and excitable girl give the rose to him, and did her best to subtly peak at what was written. It was her rose. "Happy Valentine's day," she then said to Vikram once the rose deliverer had left.
Vikram chuckled, turning to Winnie and offering out his arm. "Happy Valentines day," He offered with an impish grin. He started through the crowd again. "She was certainly... energetic."
Winnie laughed ligthtly in agreement, taking his arm and nodding. "Very," but she knew that there was nothing wrong with it, with being energetic. They both just weren't.

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