🌹 Rose Giving Pink for a Hufflepuff

Jasper Beese

Flaky friend | Gobstones forever!
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 13 Inch Unyielding Acacia Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Jasper knew he shouldn't feel awkward delivering roses, but he did, especially when the rose was pink or red. His next delivery was to a Susie, a Hufflepuff in his year who he didn't know very well and it was pink. He approached her at the Hufflepuff table holding the pink rose. "Susie, hi, um, this is for you." He said, offering it to her. He really hoped that she would take it.

@Susie Lagowski
Susie looked up from her cornflakes as Jasper approached. "Huh? I got a rose?" she said, briefly forgetting to play it cool. She put down her spoon. "I mean - psh, duh, I got a rose. Thanks, Jasper." She took the pretty stem and pressed her nose to the pink petals. Pink! That meant someone had a crush on her, right? Heck yeah! Susie Lagowski had a secret admirer! But who? "Hey, did it come with a note?"
Teddy was just passing by.
Jasper chuckled at the reaction and was about to leave when she asked about a note. "Yeah it has a note, is it not attached?" He asked, realising it had separated from the rose. "Hold on, its probably in my bag." He said, slinging his bag on the table and rummaging through it. "Aha!" He said, pulling out a gobstone, "I've been looking for this one for weeks!" Grinning, he went to slide it into his pocket when his fingers brushed against something crumpled. He pulled it out and smoothed it between his fingers. It was Susie's note.

You're literally one of the best people I know. Thanks for being there when I need to talk to someone, and thanks for understanding that sometimes I just want to exist as well.- Tori

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