Closed Expect The Unexpected

Aika Chen

Quiet | Better | Software Engineer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
2043 (20)
It had been a while since Aika and Akihiro graduated Hogwarts and they did what they could do the best, they stuck together. After the graduation, Aika moved to France to be closer to her brother and to study there. She tried living in the dorm for the first time but it slowly started to feel awful, she just couldn’t accept her roommate, the attitude and the socks. They were terrible. And since their dad was paying for the apartment, Aika decided to move in with her brother. At least there she knew that she would actually love living with Akihiro, they knew each other, they had lived with each other and they were close. There was absolutely nothing that could go wrong.

Except with moving in, Aika was bringing in a new topic that she really wanted to talk about with Akihiro but she didn’t know how to really bring it up. It wasn’t just a topic you mention passing by but it seemed like the best option. After more or less finishing unpacking her stuff, she went to stand in a doorframe to plan out where to put everything.
Akihiro's life had fallen into a simple routine. He tried to get together with Guilia for a dinner date at least once, sometimes twice a week, but aside from that he had a few years left of university to make it through. He studied, kept his place clean, got back to his dads place for dinner once a week. And he'd kept in close contact with Aika- she'd graduated and then followed him to France.

Between tutoring her in the language to helping her with her schooling, he spent most of his free time with her- sometimes even a little more than he probably should. But what was a big brother if not protective of his little sister? When she'd asked to move in instead of staying at university, he couldn't help but be pleased. He'd gone out of his way to make her first day nice- gone out and picked up all the ingredients for her favorite dinner. He'd been busy in the kitchen, letting her unpack and get settled.

With dinner finished, the table set, and her favorite wine ready to be uncorked, he moved through the house to find her. He snuck up on Aika, stopping behind her with his hands behind his back. Leaning in to peek over her shoulder, he spoke, voice low. "Dinner's ready,"
Aika rolled her eyes a bit when Akihiro snuck up behind her before breaking into a soft smile, chuckling and shaking her head a bit. She had always appreciated Akihiro, the best big brother she could have ever asked for, the only best friend she ever needed. "Oh really? What did you cook?" Aika asked, tilting her head to picture where to put her books before heading over there to put them there. Thanks God, she didn't have too many stuff, otherwise the whole moving process would be too hard. "I am just gonna finish with the books, give me 2 seconds max," she explained while stacking her books up and then closing her bag up. She had put her books in the necessary order before hand so it took way less time than it would if she didn't do it. "Okay, let's go taste your masterpiece," she teased him a little bit before taking his hand and going to the kitchen.
Akihiro chuckled, letting Aika finish up her work. "As if you don't know," he teased, sure her nose gave her all the hints she needed. He laughed at her words, shaking his head. "Come on, if we couldn't at least cook for ourselves dad would have a heart attack," He teased, tucking her hand into the crook of his arm. "I've left a copy of my schedule on the fridge and I put together a restaraunt tour in the binder on the counter, so it should be easy enough to figure out food. I can cook when I'm home, unless you decide to have other plans." He offered non-chalantly.
Aika smiled over the shoulder. "You made nabe, I can't believe it," it was surely the sweetest gesture ever. Nabemono had been her comfort food for years, even before they moved to New Zealand, something her dad used to make all the time when Akihiro just went to Hogwarts. "Oh, heart attack is lightly said," she chuckled. With their dad being a chef, of course they knew how to cook, it had been a big bonding moment with their dad. Then he listened to her brother talk about his schedule and nodding at the bigger points. "I can cook too when I come home from work. That's no big deal," she assured him. She was studying in the university but in her course, they got their practice during studies and she was working as an IT person with specialisation in software engineering. So at home, her biggest attribution in the room is her computer which she spent a lot of money on. However, each evening she came back, she definitely will have evenings when she is just swamped with studies or evenings when she was totally free to do whatever she wanted. "How is Giulia?" they had been dating for quite some time now, she knew he was gonna spend a lot of time with her, she wanted to know how often she would come around. Aika didn't mind her at all, she thought Giulia was sweet and made her brother happy, she did wanna know how often she could cook for three tho.
Akihiro moved to pull out Aika's seat for her, smiling easily. "Of course I did. I know it's your favorite," He teased gently before taking his seat. "Just as I know this is your favorite wine," he motioned to the bottle, his magic uncorking it and pouring them each a glass. He smiled a little more shyly at her words, a light blush on his cheeks. "Guilia's doing well. I see her about once a week, we're both busy with school, but I try to take her out to dinner and walk her home after." He assured his little sister. "I like to just focus on her and not have to worry about cooking dinner. And with daddy dearest paying for the flat and for school, it leaves me enough money to save up a bit and take her out." He admitted. He'd been working at the school when he could, mostly as a Professors assistant here and there, running errands. He'd made some good friends that way.
Aika was shocked when she saw her favorite wine. She had found it not so long ago, when she just moved to France. She had wandered into an Italian shop where she found Fragolino, it was a sparkling strawberry wine that she really, really enjoyed. "No way! Akihiroooo," she smiled cheerfully, she was grateful for it all. Aika wasn't usually the most expressive person but with her brother, she always felt like a little kid that got pampered all day long. When he started talking about Guilia, she listened to him carefully. Aika loved seeing her brother like that, in love. That reminded her of the topic she wanted to bring up but she was waiting for the right time. "You two are a great couple. If you ever need it and wanna bring her home, I can occassionaly ask for night shift," it was no big deal. She would eventually get them as they were requested so she would just combine the neccessary with giving her brother a chance to bring his girlfriend over. "How are her studies going? Does she enjoy what she is doing?"
Akihiro motioned for Aika to begin eating, sipping the wine- a little too sweet for his tastes, but he could bear it for her enjoyment. He began to eat his own dinner. He liked the subject of Guilia, he didn't get to see her enough, but he knew it was worth it in the end. "She's doing well," He offered easily. "She's not told me otherwise, and I've not noticed anything." He sipped the wine again. Definitely an acquired taste. "But tell me, little sister," He gave her a playful wink. "How are your studies going?"
Aika nodded at his words, finally starting to eat. It took her a moment to realise what he had asked just because the food was that amazing. "You are so into her," she stated while looking at him. As a sister, there was nothing more she could ask for than to see her brother happy, in love and accomplished. And he was exactly that, the last one in the making tho. "Mine? We knew I was gonna study that for my whole life, I love it. Computer engineering and physics, what could be better than this?" she chuckled even though she meant what she said. She had been obsessed with her phone and computers even back in Japan when their parents saved up the money to buy her one, when they actually needed to save up the money to spoil the kids. She still had it, now it was more of a memory rather than an actual technology but it was something that reminded her of mom. "And yours?" she returned the question. Ok, he was slowly but surely getting ready for the pop of the big question.
Akihiro chuckled. "I should certainly hope so, since I intend to marry her," He teased back, winking playfully as they ate their food. He was glad to see her enjoying her meal. He listened to her talk about her schooling, pleased that she was still going strong in her conviction to learn and her passions. He hummed at her question.

"Oh, I absolutely adore it. It's hard work, I won't lie, and it won't be an easy career, but it's so rewarding. I'll admit being an architect was never something I had imagined when I was younger, but I whole-heartedly believe with a bit of luck and a whole hell of a lot of hard work I can really turn this into something, Aika,"

He gave her a cheeky grin. "But if nothing else, our father did show us the value of hard work. And Chalcedony certainly has the passion. I've never seen a man so devoted to what he loves." He chuckled. "Lucky father was one of those things."
"Oooh, when are you thinking of popping the question?" Aika excitedly asked. It was a big step but she knew Akihiro, he never did and never said anything without being sure in it. Just like Aika.

"You are talanted, Akihiro, and hardworking. Just like dad and Chalcedony. You will do it," she assured him. Aika knew her path since childhood, she didn't need the reassuring but getting into it when never planned, it was different. And while she didn't know what it was like, she knew her brother and she knew he could do more than anyone else.

"Dad and Chalcedony... I have never seen a fate like that. If not Chal's devotion, would it ever happen?" she questioned it. Most likely not. Dad was in love too, but he still got married, that was how Aika and Akihiro happened. While Chalcedony remained in love and loyal to him for all the years.

"There is one thing I wanted to talk to you about," she started to finally talk. She got quiet for a moment, trying to figure out how to approach it. "You and Guilia, dad and uncle Chal... I've been thinking about this topic a lot and well... I don't see myself being in a situation like this. Falling in love this way - spontaneosly," ok, and now the biggest milestone. She let out a little sigh, getting ready to pop the question herself. "I would want you to arrange a marriage for me, Akihiro." and here it was. It was a usual thing in their culture, dad was in an arranged marriage before, their grandparents were, and while Akihiro and dad fell in love, Aika just wasn't built that way. She couldn't fall in love with a stranger, couldn't fall in love knowing that the person could leave at any minute, so she decided to take a more... traditional way to finding someone.
Akihiro smiled at her reaction, taking another bite and lingering a moment before he responded. "Probably after we've both finished school, after I've become more stable." He told her, knowing he wanted to offer a more solid life. He chuckled at her compliments, sipping the wine again. "I appreciate your support, Aika. It's invaluable."

He considered her question. "I feel like Chal is just a very quiet and reserved man. He's not the type to fall in love easily. He devoted his life to his sister. In a way, he had to choose between his little sister and his lover." He winced, imagining how hard it must have been. "It would be almost like being forced to choose between you and Guilia." He shook his head. "I can't be mad at Chalcedony- to be honest, for a while I was mad at father for the situation. Chal never lied- he told father everything. Why didn't father go after him himself?"

Akihiro sighed. He didn't always understand his father, but his entire existence did literally hinge on the decisions that had been made all those years ago. He was a bit lost in thought, moving to sip his wine, when Aika spoke again. Akihiro was so startled by her request that he spluttered on his drink. Thankfully he didn't spill any, and after a moment to regain his composure he turned to face his sister.

"You... you want me to arrange a marriage for you?" He spoke slowly, making sure he understood what she was asking. "Why... did you speak to father? Or were you worried he'd reject it?" He turned it over in his mind. He didn't want to admit it, but... he might have an idea. "I... actually... may know someone." He spoke slowly, considering everything. "There's... well, he's a little older than me. A bit older, actually. Twenty-eight. He's... established, a squib, a good man. We're friends, but..." He sighed. "He... actually mentioned that he was considering settling down, but that he couldn't be bothered with dating. If his parents hadn't have cut him off for... well, being a squib, he..." Akihiro sighed, dragging a hand over his face. He locked eyes with Aika. "Are you sure this is what you want, little sister?"
"Well, you have my support in this too. Yes, I will be your groomswoman," Aika chuckled before taking a sip of wine.

"Dad told me that they didn't really have the money for it and when he had saved enough for travelling, the marriage to mom was arranged. Also, did Chal tell dad where he went? His sister did go after a sailor, they could be anywhere in the world. Don't you think?" Aika wasn't mad at neither of them, she loved her dad and her stepdad, their situation was incredible but she never got into too many details. She knew something, she was at home the year that Chal and dad met again, she hadn't started Hogwarts at that point, so Aika asked questions. A lot of questions. "However, I promise you won't have to choose between me and Guilia. I will be on my best behavior," she chuckled before taking another bite.

Akihiro's reaction was justified, she had never really talked about relationships and even the possibility of getting married herself and here she was, asking her brother to arrange a marriage for her. "I didn't speak to dad yet. Not that he would reject the idea, it's just that I more trust you with decision like this," she loved her dad but he never knew her like Akihiro. They were inseparable for years, he knew better than anyone what she would want or need. She nodded lightly when he asked if she was sure. "I am. I've never had a crush on anyone Akihiro. I was dating Valerius and he was pretty but that was it, I was attracted to Silas and it was still nothing, And I know I am not aromantic, I just don't have the stability. I want the marriage, I want to do it but I can't do it in the normal dating environment," she explained her situation. Aika knew that he will understand her, it was a weird request but it was what suited Aika best. "Can you tell me more about the guy?" she definitely didn't expect him to have the guy right away but at least it didn't stand in the same place and they were moving somewhere already.
Akihiro chuckled. Of course she would be- though that seemed like a long time in the future. He just shrugged at her defense of their father. It was a pointless arguement, and not something he really felt like expelling the energy to dwell on. They were together again, married, and Akihiro wasn't overly concerned. "At least we don't need to worry about any surprise siblings," He chuckled.

He sobered at the turn in conversation. He hadn't been expecting the subject to ever turn to finding a suitable match for his sister. He took a bigger sip of the wine before setting his glass on the table and folding his hands in front of him. "I can't make any promises, Aika." He warned her gently. "There's a vast difference between complaining about dating and wanting to be matched with my sister. As wonderful as you are," He tried to tease her gently, before sighing.

"He's stable, of course, settled. I've been to his place for dinner a few times. He can cook, he lives in a clean two story flat, it's minimalistic but stylish. He's a Professor at the college, old mythology. Quiet, a bit serious. He's very level headed but he loves his work. He likes puzzles, I often find him playing board games in his office. Shoji, suduko, crosswords, cards. He has a personal library and I don't think I've seen him without a book or two on hand."
"Oh, come on, Akihiro," Aika laughed out at brother's comment before letting the topic fall.

"I know, I know. I don't expect you to marry me off right away, you know that. I am wonderful though, there you are absolutely correct, so it's their loss anyway," she chuckled lightly. She was confident, there was no doubt but she also understood that it didn't depend only on her. It wasn't like AI at all where she was the one in control, there was another person in the line, so she needed to keep in mind that not everyone would like her, not everyone would want an arranged marriage, not everyone she could get along with, and there were so many "not everyone" honestly that she was just waiting for someone.

However, she listened to her brother talk about the guy and nodded lightly. Games, quiet, professor, flat... Shogi? "He plays shogi? Is he Japanese too?" Aika would love that a lot, someone who is aware of their culture, someone she could speak in Japanese with easily, having their possible children be raised bilingual, it would be amazing, wouldn't it? She did like the guy altogether, he seemed picture perfect, something that Aika appreciated. "How do you know him? Is he your professor?" no way, right? What professor would discuss such topic with their students? But what if? It's better to ask right away.
Akihiro smiled at her assumption and nodded. "Yes, he is. He lived in Japan until he was about thirteen, before his adopted family moved here." He sipped the wine, scrunching his nose a little this time. He would need a bit more time to adjust to the sweetness of it, it seemed. He just shook his head at her question. "No, thankfully. I don't socialize more than necessary with my own Professors." He replied evenly. He'd learned that the hard way. "There's really no need for ancient mythology in architecture, though it is an interesting subject. To be honest I mistook him as a fellow student the first few weeks of knowing him. He's not the sort of man to brag."
Aika nodded approvingly. "It's actually a close age to what we were when we moved to New Zealand. Do you know why here? Why Paris?" Paris was a specific city to move to, lot of tourists, not that big and expensive. Maybe back then it wasn't really like that, who knows? Though she was interested in why they moved here. She still didn't really get why back then they moved to New Zealand. She noticed how Akihiro scrunched his nose before a little smirk, he wasn't the fan of a wine. But oh well, she was. "Does he look like a student? How did you two get acquainted though? You were trying to find friends gone or how?" she had a lot of questions but she was trying to go as easy as she could with them.
Akihiro shrugged. "I didn't ask," he offered. "I haven't pried much into his personal life." He studied her. She was definitely interested, at least. Though he wasn't sure if that was good or bad. He sighed softly. "You'll have to see if you meet him," he countered. "I can't tell you everything, you know. You have to figure out some of it yourself." He gave her a coy grin. "We just happened to have lunch in at the university and ended up in the same line. We started talking and after a few months of random run-ins and just eventually became friends. I do have a little social life, you know.' He teased, going back to his food. "Eat your dinner, Aika, or I will," he pretended to reach for her plate.
"What a friend you are," Aika teasingly rolled her eyes. Of course she wanted to know but oh well, she couldn't. Maybe it was better tho, no need to know about someone if he was not gonna be in her life and for now, he was still a stranger and he was just someone that Akihiro knew that wanted to settle down. "What's the fun in that?" she chuckled. Of course she was interested in his friend but well, to everything it's own time. "You? Social life? Unbelievable," she puffed before starting to laugh. "Well, if you move anywhere forward with the topic, please do let me know," she chuckled before making an annoyed shocked face while pulling back the plate. "It's mine! Enjoy the wine," Aika stuck out her tongue before making a cheeky grin and getting to her plate. Of course she had noticed that he wasn't really enjoying the wine so she just had to say that. "By the way, thank you for the food. It's amazing," that one was genuine. The food was actually amazing.
Akihiro chuckled. "What are you talking about, I am a delight," He winked playfully at her. He was about halfway through his own food. He finished his glass but didn't pour a second one. Instead he summoned over his own bottle of brandy. He poured a better glass, taking a drink and sighing in relief at the change. He chuckled again at his sisters antics. "You enjoy the wine, I'll take the brandy. And I'll see about setting up a lunch or something." He offered, winking playfully. He continued eating dinner. "Of course it's amazing, but thank you for noticing." He teased. "You know, baby sister, of all the questions you could have been asking, you've missed the most obvious one." He smiled coyly. "Can you guess it?"
"Oh, yeah, keep thinking so," Aika scrunched her nose as she teased him further. She chuckled when he summoned the brandy though, how unexpected. "I will enjoy the wine and I will enjoy watching you seeing you come up with ways how to pick up the topic," she chuckled. She knew it was a hard topic for her to bring up to Akihiro even with how close they were, she couldn't imagine what it would be like for Akihiro to bring it up to a friend, an acquaintance. Definitely harder. When he said that she forgot to ask something, she frowned. What could she have forgotten? No way, she had a great memory. "What? 28, apartment, quiet, professor, Japanese, squib, games, books, library, cooks..." Aika was recounting what he told her, everything seemed in line... until it didn't. "His name. I didn't'ask for his name. Is that what you meant?"
Akihiro smirked a little. "I hate to be the one to tell you, but you've just moved in with my charming self." He winked playfully. "You'll have to deal with me a whole lot more now." He finished his dinner and settled in, sipping on his brandy and just watching his sister. He'd made some dessert as well, but he'd wait a bit before producing it. He chuckled as she finally put it together. "It did seem like the logical question to ask," He teased. He looked at the crystal of his glass, admiring the way his liqour shimmered against the light of the setting sun through the window. "Perhaps I won't tell you. I'll let him tell you," He winked playfully at his sister. "Give you something you need to find out on your own."
"Really? How didn't I notice it?" Aika chuckled at her brothers obvious statement. "How will I ever survive it?" she acted like she was actually gonna struggle with it, though, it was pretty much impossible. He was her favorite person in the whole wide world, no one meant more to her than he did. "Well, I got a lot of different information, the name faded on the background of it," she shrugged her shoulders as she smiled, it was a logical question to ask but to her also it seemed logical to find out more about what kind of a person he was. "What? Come on, Akihiro! No way! You asked me to realise that and now you won't tell me, that's unfair," it was unfair.
Akihiro chuckled, standing and starting to clear the table. "You'll live. Somehow." He winked playfully at her. "I don't think I'll tell him your name, either. We'll just have lunch, and I'll set up a date if he's amenable, and the two of you can share your names if you're decided on the marriage." He offered, trying to sound more non-chalant about it than he felt. It seemed a huge responsibility to him- to choose a life partner for Aika. But he knew she was convinced of her course- there would be no changing her mind.

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