Beauxbatons Practice Y48 S1

Celestine Gauthier

4th Year Beaux | Beater Diva
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Beauxbatons Practice Topic
10 total practice points scored.
Celestine was a little cautious. It was a colder autumn day and she had been rugged up so as not to lose her voice, as that was the most important resource in her life. She had a water bottle with her as well as a hot ginger and lemon concoction, but she couldn't just sit in her room and avoid Quidditch practice, especially when she had to co-lead the team. She kept a smaller scarf around her neck and beamed at the team as they warmed up.

"Bonjour mes amies! Okay, let us rehearse in our positions, oui? Elsie, please take the north hoop, Viviane, the south please! Chasers, please use both hoops so both the keepers get to play, okay?" Maybe she shouldn't have to tell them that, she certainly didn't need to tell Light that but she'd learned that sometimes you had to make sure the instructions were very clear. She had come in on the wrong cue enough to learn that first hand. "Please tell Light or me if there is anything wrong! Okay, allons-y!"

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals, just get straight into practice! Please keep an eye on your PMs for the upcoming game.
Nina, sullen due to the colder weather, took off immediately and started looking for the snitch.
Juneau listened to Celestine then kicked off the ground and took first possession of the quaffle and started heading towards the north hoops.
Satisfied she'd sent the snitch out, Celestine took to the sky and started looking for bludgers to hit.
Enzo missed the quaffle when it was thrown into play so he followed behind Juneau.
Kirby jumped on her broom and started looking for the snitch, she was good, but she needed to be better, because she wanted to keep her championship win.
Kirby kep looking around to find the snitch
Nina mostly wanted to find the snitch first to have some personal pride, but no luck yet.
Celestine sent a bludger directly to @Kirby Rosatta-Chevotet somewhat enjoying the villainous role beater let her play. She did look over and call out to make sure she was okay, though.
Nina dodged bludgers, finding the dodging not as fun as it used to be, and didn't find the snitch.
Celestine looked for another bludger to hit.

Juneau grabbed the quaffle when no one else went for it and started making her way towards the south hoops. She looked around to see where the other chasers were.
The snitch was elusive, but Kirby was determined to find it
When Juneau didn't see an opening to pass the quaffle, she tried to score again instead but missed.
Light sighed as the chaser missed, but he swooped in and grabbed the quaffle to head toward the other hoops.
Kirby dived, missed the glint of the snitch and turned to chase it, but she lost it on a tight turn.
Light went up to the goals and hurled the quaffle. He smirked as he saw the ball fly threw the hoop.
Juneau was happy for her teammate managing to score. She caught the quaffle when it was thrown out to play and started up towards the south hoops again.
Nina kept on looking for the snitch.
Celestine got a few practice swings in. One of them grazed a bludger, but it didn't hit anyone.
The snitch kept disappearing on her, and she wondered briefly if she was too preoccupied for this.
Still, she could not see it, and she swung around with purpose to check elsewhere

Juneau took possession of the quaffle again then looped around towards the north hoops.

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