Rune Cast for Runes Class

Elio Boneheart

your exception to your rule
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
"So we're doing this on your family," Elio said, his runes sitting in the bag on the ground next to them. He had a little board to put the runes on because he never liked them on the ground. His glass runes were very delicate and this was important. "We're going to use the Thor's Cross cast, because it's the most accurate for reading this kind of question." he said, pulling the runes out and placing them where they were meant to go. He wasn't sure what it was going to say, but he hoped the question wasn't too broad. He looked over the spread, frowning slightly. "In the situation space we have Isa, Isa translates as ice. The ice rune represents cold, lack of emotion, stagnation, lacking passion. Be aware of potential risk as thin ice can be treacherous. Also beware of false smiles. To change your life, the crossing of water could be beneficial, but you must keep these plans on hold for a better time. Remember that winter will eventually become spring." It sounded like, from what he was reading, that he needed to leave his current situation behind and wait for a time when things would thaw out - when the cold and stagnation would give way to something more fruitful. The crossing of water seemed like a pivotal part of this reading, perhaps suggesting that he needed to physically or metaphorically move through something, like a transition or a change of environment, to progress.

Elio’s gaze drifted over the remaining runes, trying to piece together the bigger picture. The Thor's Cross spread had a way of cutting to the core, but sometimes, it took a little time to truly understand the nuances. He wasn’t sure if he wanted the reading to be as literal as it seemed, but the warning about thin ice stuck with him. If he was being overly cautious or playing things safe, it could lead to missed opportunities or hidden risks. "It sounds like you need to be patient," Elio mused, picking up one of the glass runes delicately. "Not the easiest thing for you, but…" He felt a sense of unease. The cold rune suggested something that needed to be resolved, but not immediately. It seemed like a season of waiting was ahead, which was always difficult when he preferred action. "Maybe you're supposed to hold off on decisions, but it’s hard to tell," he said, speaking mostly to himself as he surveyed the rest of the spread. "If things are frozen now, then… there's no point in rushing."

He studied the rest of the runes, his mind trying to process the new information. The reverse Nauthiz rune, warning of over-attachment and emotional vulnerability, might suggest that Mikael is too deeply tied to something - or someone - that could hinder his success. The trials might challenge him to let go of certain emotional burdens or to reconsider relationships that have become more draining than supportive. Success in these trials may depend on Mikael’s ability to detach from things that aren't truly beneficial to his growth. Elio didn't want to think about what that could mean, but he offered the interpretation anyway, preferring to let Mikael come to his own conclusion. "This one is tricky. It suggests that you might be too emotionally attached to something or someone that could be holding you back. In the context of your trials, it’s telling you to be cautious. There might be relationships or situations that, while important, are draining you more than you realize. It’s a warning about false security and being too dependent on things that aren't helping you move forward. To succeed, you might need to detach from whatever or whoever is keeping you stuck."

Elio paused, looking up to meet Mikael’s eyes for a moment before continuing. "The second rune, Kauno reversed, speaks of isolation and a lack of information. It suggests that you might be struggling because some crucial knowledge or insight is being withheld from you. There could be someone or something that’s preventing you from seeing the full picture. But the good news is, it also indicates that help is on the way. A new friend or ally could enter your life soon, someone who will guide you through this trial and offer the support you need to succeed." Elio shifted to the next rune, Fehu. "Now, this one is a good sign. Fehu is all about wealth, good health, and success. It’s the rune of good fortune, and in the context of your trials, it tells me that there’s a positive outcome ahead. You’re likely to find success, especially if you focus on your emotional and spiritual fulfillment. However, there’s a caution here: it’s important to be mindful of jealousy or negative influences from others. As things start to look up for you, some people might not be so happy about your success. So, stay sharp and don’t let those influences distract you."

He pointed to the final rune, Berkanan. "This one is really interesting. Berkanan represents growth, new beginnings, and transformation. It suggests that, in the long term, your trials will lead to a major shift in your life - one that will ultimately be positive. There’s a sense of renewal here, as if you’re closing one chapter and opening another. It speaks of family and home, of a fresh start and new opportunities. But there’s risk involved - this change won’t come without challenges - but it’s a risk worth taking, because the rewards will be worth it." Elio looked up from the runes and met Mikael’s gaze, offering a small, encouraging smile. "So, to sum it up: the trials might be tough, and they’ll require you to step away from things that no longer serve you. But there’s help on the way, and if you stay true to yourself and keep your focus, success is within reach. Your trials will lead to growth and transformation, even if it means taking some risks. The future looks promising, but you’ll need to navigate through these challenges carefully." He let out a breath, his fingers lightly tapping the runes as he finished. "How do you feel about it?"

@Mikael Nightray
Mikael had been surprised when Elio had told him he'd decided to join the Ancient Runes class again later in the semester. Last they talked, his boyfriend had decided on dropping all of the electives, and somewhere between that talk and the first few days of class he changed his mind. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised, Elio tended to be flighty. Came with having an overachiever boyfriend perhaps. When Elio had told him about rejoining the class, Kael had only sighed exasperatedly and asked when the class was scheduled so he could just wait for him then. He did not expect to be ambushed at a time Elio was supposed to be in class.

Mikael would like to say that he did not put too much stock in Runes. Or Divination. But he would be lying. He knew a seer. And while his mum wasn't one, she was frighteningly close. And his sister was fascinated with the art - had begun learning it at a young age. Mikael had never asked for a reading - his plans all depended on him being under the radar and having your mother read out your future in tarot cards was hardly subtle. Besides, the subject of the reading had to keep the question firmly in their mind while a reading occurred for it to be as close as possible especially as - in this case - the runes were drawn. The outcome of the heirship challenges - he didn't want to think about challenging the headship just yet. "Will I succeed in getting ahead of all the other Nightray heirs?"

He watched as Elio carefully placed the runes on the board. With all the runes drawn, Mikael let go of the question and focused on Elio interpreting them instead. Everything would be up to his boyfriend's interpretation now. He did not expect the accuracy of the first rune. The Nightray tradition for heirs were... they needed to change. Mikael had never spoken about it, never even dared to think about it too hard. He had been working towards becoming the head for so long but that didn't mean he liked how it was being done. But he had to live with it. Would have to legitimize his claim to the headship - was doing everything he could to make sure that should he make his steps, it couldn't be said that it was his parents' doing. The heirship challenges were thin ice. No one was making a move right now. None dared to raise a challenge. Because everyone knew that the first challenge would set off all the others until one heir would come up on top. Mikael himself was waiting. If he had his way, he would have waited three more years after graduation. But Evelyn and Sebastian being made heirs were forcing him to take the risk to challenge one - if not both - of them after graduation as soon as the younger heirs - Eurydice and Annika - were safely in Hogwarts. Laurent's kids were not people he would be able to negotiate with. He needed to hold off but staying on thin ice would never get him out of it either.

If the first rune was worrying, the second was even more so. He didn't even want to think about it. He wanted to think nothing could be holding him back now. Nothing could hold him back if he wasn't taking any further steps yet in the trial. There was a small trickle in the back of his mind - one he would not dare entertain. Besides, runes were subjective. The future could easily change. There were so many ways to interpret this rune that it wasn't even funny. No, everything was fine. There was nothing he was too attached to that would hold him back from succeeding in the trials.

The third rune was at least something that Mikael could be relieved for. Without his parents' or his siblings' knowledge, he'd been trying to negotiate with some of the other heirs - Liam and Sawyer - into surrendering to him in challenges. He had an ally in Felicita. He had reached out to her ever since Jai had gotten involved with Elsa and she had been his tutor and mentor ever since he'd convinced her of his goals. It was she who he'd been planning with under everyone's nose. But the rune was saying someone was also coming to his aid, perhaps someone who he had no information about prior to this. It was definitely something he should look out for.

The fourth and fifth runes were less surprising and more a relief. People who would not be happy should he succeed was already something Mikael knew, and was anticipating. He was a half-blood making steps towards being the patriarch of a Pureblood family. Succeeding past the challenges was only always going to be the beginning. He finally looks up at Elio as the reading finishes up. "I don't want to say I told you so but I did tell you things are going to be fine," the longer he could ignore every other part of the reading that he could ignore, the better.
Elio was nervous, because it felt like Mikael took an awfully long time to figure out what he wanted to say, analysing each rune as though his entire life was laid out before them, and wasn’t it? Technically, wasn’t their entire lives laid out before them in runes? It would have been no different to having tarot or even his dad telling them what was going to happen, but he’d been very particular about not talking too much about Mikael, one, because his did didn’t like Mikael and two of course that he didn’t really want to know the future. “Fine? That’s what you got from this reading?” Elio wasn’t sure what he was expecting to say, byt he wasn’t sure he got fine from it. It had left him with more anxiety than he was strictly comfortably with more than anything else. “I’m not sure that’s how I’m feeling about the whole thing, if anything, I’m more worried,” especally about the relationship parts. He really hoped Mikael hadn’t picked up on those. Would he break up with him if he thought it would help him in his goals? He didn’t think Mikael was like that, but surely, if it was going to help his family it would be the better decision, right?​
Mikael probably should have expected Elio's incredulity to his reaction and words. But also, there was no way Kael was going to cast that reading other than fine. It was going to be fine. And he would not allow it to be anything but fine. Not after their little issue at the beginning of the semester. "Yes, what else was I supposed to get from it," he said, just as incredulous because he was definitely ignoring certain parts of the reading because they were not problems to be dealt with now or if they were even going to be problems at all. "You said so yourself, the future looks promising. There will even be help, which is a pleasant surprise," he shrugged. Honestly, he was very curious on what the help on the way could be. If he could figure that out sooner, then all the better so that he would know how it would fit in with his plans. Hopefully, it would all come to light before graduation. Hopefully. "Besides, I was already going to wait. At least until Annika gets to school. I want her and Eurydice away when the challenges start being doled out." Of course, the two of them could still be challenged when they get home, but since they would be the ones to declare what the challenge would be, the girls were smart enough to choose something safe. By then, he hoped to bury Evelyn and Sebastian in losses that even challenging the girls would not get them back in the running. Or better yet, convince Eurydice and Annika to back out of the running officially. Just about two years. Mikael had only had about two years to sort things out between the heirs. He didn't think it would all come so fast.
Elio crossed his arms, leaning slightly to one side as he stared at Mikael with a pointed look, equal parts exasperated, but also kind of amused. “Kael, you can’t just cherry-pick which parts of the reading you want to listen to and ignore the rest. It doesn’t work like that.” Any kind of sight of course was more open to interpretation than anything since Elio was not a seer and for a proper understanding he would have needed to consult one, like his dad, but that was kind of why he hadn’t spoken to his dad, because he wasn’t sure he actually wanted to know how much of this was destined to happen. "Yeah, I said the future looks promising, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges along the way. You know as well as I do that 'fine' doesn’t just happen because you will it into existence." He wished it did, it would have made things so much easier. "You’re not a one-man army, Kael. You can’t control everything. And trying to will just burn you out before you even get to graduation." That was definitely one of the things he was worried about. He tilted his head, his expression shifting into something more curious. "As for this help on the way… maybe instead of figuring out how it fits into your plans, you should focus on being ready to accept it when it shows up. Help’s no good if you’re too stubborn to take it."
"I am not ignoring anything," he definitely was. Didn't mean he was going to admit to it. And by the sound of it, Elio didn't want to explicitly point out the elephant in the room either. Which worked just fine for Mikael. If Elio wasn't going to mention it, there was no need for Mikael to address it. Then again. His boyfriend was a Gryffindor so he probably shouldn't be surprised if Elio just bulldozed his way into mentioning the... subject... of the second rune. "It'll work out," if Mikael had anything to say about it. And he had a lot to say about it. Figuratively. Perhaps also literally. "And I'm not trying to control everything," he sighed. Even he knew that that was impossible. But he did want to plan as much as he could. The fewer things he could be surprised by, the better. "I'm not going to be too stubborn to accept help," he said, incredulous. He probably needed all the help he could get. Once he figured out who to trust anyway.
Elio really couldn't say if he agreed with whatever Mikael was trying to say, because he certainly didn't believe him, he knew that Mikael liked to have control of things, especially where his life was at risk, and he wasn't going to pretend that wasn't true, but if Mikael didn't want to admit it of his own accord, that was sort of all on Mikael honestly. "You're not even going to know what the help is, and what if it's something you don't like?" It hadn't been lost on Mikael that Theo had sort of showed up and what if that was the point, what if that was what he was here for? Would Mikael accept help then? He kind of doubted it. "I trust you Mikael, I just want you to be prepared, that's all."

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