Closed Breaking the Ice

Elio Boneheart

your exception to your rule
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
Elio strolled into the library, his eyes scanning the shelves now with practiced ease. He wasn't in a hurry today - no essays to write, not charms to perfect - but rather, he was looking for a quieter spot to read. That definitely wasn't the Gryffindor common room because he didn't think that space knew how to be quiet at any other time than at night. Even then he'd definitely heard people down stairs making noise and he just really wanted to get through this book. He liked to annotate them because he found it often helped him keep on track, he was a bit of a distracted reader after all, so he needed to keep his eyes on the prize as it were. His gaze soon landed on a Hufflepuff he vaguely knew from taking some classes together, but mostly hadn't had a chance to speak to. "Hey," he called, heading over, hoping the other boy wouldn't mind so much that he was walking up. "Do you mind if I join you? Your name is Ezra right?"

@Ezra Ito
Ezra knew that graduating with good grades was unlikely at this point, but he could at least try to be a bit above average, right? But now that he was sitting here and trying to get studying done, he remembered how much he hated it. His mind would wander, he'd get distracted, and then nothing of use would happen. He tried his best to focus on his Defence Against the Dark Arts book instead of the idea for a song that was trying to worm into his mind. But then a voice pulled him out of his struggle with a slight jump. He recognized the boy immediately, but had no idea why Elio was talking to him. Ezra had been quietly intimidated by the Gryffindor ever since he transferred in last year. He couldn't imagine how he did it, going to a new school and fitting in so quickly and so confidently. He was top of their class at once, always answering questions in class, and Ezra had been quietly jealous of how much more this guy was going to be remembered by his classmates than Ezra would be, despite only being here for two years. "Uh, no. I don't mind." He said after a moment. "And yeah, it's Ezra." He smiled hesitantly. "And you're Elio."
Elio gave Ezra a warm grin as he slid into the seat across from him, dropping his bag onto the floor with a small thud, dropping another bag of his books onto the table. "Yeah, thanks, I thought it was you but I didn't want to assume," they'd shared classes for over a year now, so he was pretty sure he knew most, if not all, of the people in his classes. And he did most of the electives, and all of the main core classes, so he doubted there were people he wasn’t totally aware of, but then, he didn’t necessarily know all of the seventh years, why would he? It was one of those things he couldn’t possibly know without actually checking, and he didn’t really feel the need to check. Well, he supposed he could check the yearbook, but he didn’t really see a reason to do that honestly. He leaned back in his chair, his body language mostly relaxed, but he could kind of see that Ezra seemed a little nervous, he supposed that was to be expected, after all, Elio had literally just walked up to him and asked to sit down, they’d never really spoken before this moment. “Sorry, I’ve sort of broken something haven’t I?” Like probably his concentration.​

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