Closed The Hard Truths

Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (31)
Mallory had been settling back in school with Peter by her side, spending weekends and as many nights as she could with her husband. She had been researching into her family history, trying to figure out if there was something making her sister sick. And that morning, she'd gotten some news. A letter. Mallory's head was spinning with the information she'd found. Leaving Peter with Atkin, she went quickly to Shane and Annika's apartment. She stood at the door, letter clutched in her hand, and knocked- she knew they were home, but a little part of her hoped they weren't. She didn't want to have this conversation.
With a toddler climbing up his leg, Shane went to the door of the apartment he and Annika changed. It was a wildly different place than it had once been, no longer was it a place of parties, of wild nights, but was messy with toys, messy with things for Ulysses. He opened the door, and then picked Ulysses up setting him on his hip. "Mallory, hi," he greeted. "Come on in, Annika's just taking a nap but she should be up soon," he said warmly, inviting her in, while Ulysses was tugging on Shane's hair.
Mallory gave Shane her best attempt at a smile. She walked into the house, wringing her hands. "Are you sure she won't be long?" She asked anxiously, moving to sit on the couch. "I- I have news, and its not- great- I found out this morning," She looked to Shane, chewing on her lip. "You should probably sit down- well, she should- I don't know how you'll feel about it," She sighed, dragging a hand over her face.
Annika had been honestly enjoying her life- even though her exhaustion never seemed to really go away completely. Still, she and Shane had built a good life together. Their son was spoiled, but he was a sweet boy and he did tend to behave- they were firm with him where they had to be and he didn't seem to struggle with listening to rules. Though he did have a pout that could melt her and he got far more toys and sweets than he really needed. But that was alright, she felt like it was under control.

She woke up that afternoon, unsuspecting of what was waiting for her. She washed up and changed into a cute sundress and leggings before padding out front, just in time to hear Mallory telling Shane he might want to sit down. Her brow furrowed and she walked over, sitting next to her sister and taking her hand. "Mall?" She asked, not knowing what her sister had been digging into. "What's wrong?"
Shane was immediately sure that this was something serious. Mallory seemed to be trying to be acting calm, but it was clear to him that she was anything but calm. He gave a confused look, and shifted Ulysses in his arms, about to offer to go get her, when Annika stepped out. He gave her a smile, and was glad that she noticed Mal. He moved Ulysses into a play pen, where they could keep an eye on him, but where he could still be involved in the conversation.
Mallory took a few moments, clinging tightly to Annika's hand. She couldn't bring herself to look to Annika, and instead looked at Shane. "I did the digging we talked about. The good news- Annika suffers from mild fatigue syndrome. Apparently, it's most likely genetic." She took a shaky breath, lowering her eyes to the ground. "There's no known treatments for it, or really a known cause for it." She chewed on her lip, shaking. "It's just- the thing is-" She looked to her sister then, pain on her face. "You were adopted," She whispered. "Some of fathers friends, they were lost at sea and mother forced him to take you in."
Annika watched Mallory, brows furrowed. What on earth was going on? She looked to Ulysses- they were looking into things? She'd have to ask later. She rubbed her thumb against Mallory's wrist, trying to comfort her. It wasn't often she'd seen her sister so worked up. She blinked when Mallory told her why she was sick. That wasn't so bad... it wasn't good, but she couldn't see how it could invoke such a reaction.

Her jaw dropped then, as she revealed what was really bothering her. She was- what? She couldn't speak, instead just staring at Mallory dumbfounded. What did she mean? Adopted? How- why hadn't- it was hard for her to even fathom how she should react, so instead she just sat there, dumbfounded.
Shane was a little surprised that they had found out what it was, though it didn't really help, given there was no cure or thing they could do for it, but the news of that was completely smashed to pieces when it turned out that Annika had been adopted. He immediately moved over to her, to put his arm around her and provide her with comfort if that was what she needed. "Are you sure?" he asked Mallory, not doubting her, but just wanting to be absolutely sure about it.
Mallory swiped at her eyes with one hand, holding Annika's hand tightly in her other. She just nodded at Shane's words. "I found all the records- the news clippings, the legal documents, the pictures." She drew in a little on herself, looking to Annika with lower lip trembling just a bit. "You have to know none of it matters- we love you, I love you, Dimitri worships you," She tried to reassure her sister gently.
Annika let herself be pulled back against Shane, keeping her hand in Mallorys and just trying to process the information as best she could. It was just a lot. She blinked, shaking her head slowly. "Mall, calm down," She managed after a moment. "This doesn't change anything." She didn't bother moving off of Shane. "I mean- I need to process everything but-" She shook her head. "We're good, Mall." She hesitated, looking to the woman. "Does Dimitri know?"
Shane was surprised with how much Mallory had found which showed this, and he was a little concerned about how Annika would react to it. He looked at her and then continued to hold her close, knowing that she needed this closeness. He didn't have anything to add to it, but was hoping that this reaction from Annika would at the very least not mean that the moment they were alone that she would break down, but he was ready for it.
Mallory let out a shaky laugh, brushing at her tears. "No, I haven't told him- You know Tri, he would've come barging in full force wanting attention," She took a breath, trying to calm herself down. She knew Annika wasn't the type to want to dig too deeply into it. She set down the paperwork she'd gathered, giving them both a shaky smile. "I know this is a lot- I'm sorry- the private investigator I hired was very thorough, if you have any questions...?" She peeked to Annika, squeezing her sisters hand.
Annika was clinging a little to Shane, but mostly just because she felt like her head was spinning. She shook her head, making no move to pick up the things Mallory set down. "I think I'm good for right now, thank you," She shut her eyes, leaning back against Shane. She knew she'd just woken up, but she felt drained. She rubbed her free hand over her forehead. "I appreciate you figuring it all out, Mall, but let's just- leave the subject for now." She shifted to glance at Shane. "I think we need some food, what do you think?"
Shane wasn't really sure how Annika was taking the news, she was leaning into him a lot and he was trying his best to just be supportive. He put an arm around her, keeping her in close. Whenever she leaned in to him, he pressed a quick kiss to her head, trying to give her any and all comfort. "I think food would be a good idea, do you want to lay down for a bit while I go deal with it?" he offered, speaking softly to her.
Mallory was quick to hop up, eager to be of use. "No, no, let me handle it. Do you guys want takeout? I can go get some," She offered, putting down all of the papers she'd brought them so that Annika could look through them at her pleasure. "Or I could make dinner, I could make any of your favorites?" She offered, eager to please her baby sister.
Annika just smiled at her sister, leaning more into Shane and snuggling against him. "I can nap right here," She conceeded, yawning. "Or at least I can curl up, if that's not too much trouble." She looked up to Shane with a tired smile. "Might be a good night to have a little bit of wine."

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