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Mikael Nightray

challenger • outwit, outmaneuver, outlast • shrewd
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gryffindor Headache
Curved 15 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
OOCOut of Character:
Open after Zazz posts with @Elio Boneheart

Mikael didn't think he'd be attending another Halloween Feast after this - or maybe he would have to considering who's been hanging around his sister. Still, this time, he'd attended so he could spend time with his boyfriend. Especially since today was also his boyfriend's birthday. He'd greeted him this morning but he hadn't given him the gift he's gotten yet. A rose gold bracelet lined with red rubies and a bit of green velvet that he was hoping to give by the time the night was ending when Mikael would be dropping him off back to the Gryffindor Common Room. So he was sorely hoping for the night to go well. At least it started off well, now that he and Elio were standing in the Great Hall. "Here," he said as he approached Elio after he'd left his side for a second to get them drinks. He looked around and it was still early into the party. Most of the people coming had just started to trickle in. "I suppose I should expect Theodore to make an appearance soon," he was perhaps hoping Elio would know more about the shenanigans of his cousin. They were friends, loathe as Mikael was to admit, and the pair of them did enjoy causing him no small amount of headaches. This was going to be a long night as he absolutely did not want to lose his temper to make sure the night ended well.
Elio smiled warmly as Mikael handed him a drink, the flickering Halloween decorations casting off soft shadows across his face. He could send Mikael's underlying tension, even as he tried to mask it. Taking a sip, Elio chuckled at the mention of Theodore. “Oh, you can bet he’ll show up eventually, probably with some harebrained scheme to get under your skin. It is Theo, after all,” Elio said lightly, bumping Mikael’s shoulder with his own. He loved his best friend, but he was definitely doing this all on purpose. “But hey, you’re here with me tonight. Let’s not let him or anyone else ruin the vibe, okay?” He leaned closer, lowering his voice in a way that felt like it was just for them. “Besides, you’ve got that look. The one where you’re plotting something. I take it this isn’t just a normal Halloween for us?” Elio grinned, his tone teasing but affectionate, hoping to draw Mikael out of his worries and remind him that tonight wasn’t about anyone else but them.​
Mikael heaved an aggravated sigh at the reminder that Theodore was here specifically to get under his skin. He was not at all surprised to know that his cousin had applied for the exchange program just so he could actually annoy Mikael to hell and back. He was sure that no one could blame him if he were to admit that it was working. Surely, surely, it wasn't only him that his cousin was driving insane. He'd been in this school for two months. Two months and in every class there's been endless commentary and flirting and he had not been above using @Bailey Walden-Cade as his shield in numerous classes. Better her than him as the subject of Theodore's attention really. Besides, better Bailey than Hinata as she was sure his friend would agree. "Very well," he whispers. "And it's never going to be a normal Halloween. It's your birthday."
Elio couldn't help but to laugh softly at Mikael's exasperation. He got it honestly, Theo could be a lot to deal with, but sometimes he thought Mikael was letting himself get annoyed, Theo wasn't that bad not really. He took a moment to watch him closely though as he spoke, he could see that the tension was still there, just under his expression, the aggravation he had simmering just under the surface. Elio reached out, giving Mikael’s hand a light squeeze, his grin softening into something more reassuring. “Well, if Theo's driving you up the wall, you know you can always count on me to keep you grounded,” he said, voice low and steady. “And hey, you’re not the only one he gets to. Let’s just say I’ve had my fair share of dodging his nonsense too.” At Mikael’s whispered acknowledgment, Elio’s brow lifted slightly, his grin turning fond. “It’s my birthday, sure. But what makes it special is this - being here with you. Don’t let your cousin get under your skin tonight, okay? He doesn’t get to ruin this for us.” He paused, tilting his head playfully. “Though you’ve got me curious. What’s on your mind, Mikael? You’ve got that look like you’re up to something.”​
Some of the tenseness left his body when Elio found his hand. Theodore was difficult. He had no doubts that if Theodore had ever found himself to be an heir, Mikael would find himself in a very precarious position. Even with Theodore's... peculiarities... he was a pureblood. His mother was the sister of the current head, so the relationship wasn't even that far off. He'd never actually faced Theodore in a duel, but he had good grades and quite an impressive number of OWLs, no doubt. Even Laurent's twins - Evelyn and Sebastian - would be hard-pressed to just push aside Theodore, even more so Althea. And while Theodore was an @ssh0le most days, he could also be very likeable should he choose to. He had a lot of qualities Mikael lacked, and the only advantage he had over Theodore within the Nightray family is that Kael had been named heir and Theodore had not. Mikael had to cut off his thoughts to stop thinking of his annoying cousin so he could focus on his boyfriend in front of him. Though he did roll his eyes because he was so obviously caught. "I was going to give you this after the Feast," he said as he pulled out a gift box, intricately wrapped, from his pocket. "But you're not going to let it go, so happy birthday."
Elio felt a shift in the atmosphere as Kael's tension slowly faded away. His fingers curled gently around Kael's hand, a small gesture that felt like an anchor in the whirlwind of thoughts his boyfriend had been carrying. Elio had always known there was more to him than he let on, but he wasn’t about to push him further into those darker thoughts - especially not tonight. When Kael pulled the gift box from his pocket, Elio’s smile widened, his eyes lighting up with surprise. He could tell from the way Mikael had tried to downplay it that this wasn’t just any gift, and that made it all the more meaningful. Elio took the box carefully, his fingers brushing against Kael's as he did. "Well, I wasn’t going to let it go," Elio said with a playful, teasing tone, though his voice softened with the sincerity that followed. "Thank you, Mikael. You know, I always thought you were the one with the good taste." He paused, then carefully began unwrapping the gift, anticipation building with each layer that came off. When the box was finally revealed, Elio’s eyes widened in genuine appreciation. The bracelet was beautiful - elegant, with just the right touch of personality. He looked up at Mikael, his gaze warm and grateful. “This is... it’s perfect,” Elio murmured, his voice thick with emotion. He gently slid the bracelet from the box, leaning in just slightly. "You didn't have to, but I'm glad you did." He leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to Mikael's cheek. “I’m the lucky one.”
Theo didn't really expect the Halloween Feast to be so different in New Zealand. He didn't even know Halloween was that big of a thing here. He hadn't brought a costume and he'd been too lazy to actually think of one so he'd just sort of gotten dressed in slacks, a couple of spells to make himself dirty, and called it a night. He'd asked Aura if she wanted to go with him - mostly so they could navigate this weird night together. It wasn't quite a dance, but there was a lot of mingling about from what he could tell. There wasn't many Theo knew - or at least knew that would engage with him for this particular night so he'd gone and try to find his default - Elio - which would be quite unfortunate for a certain Slytherin. It didn't take long to pick out his best friend - and his cousin from the crowd, and he steered himself and Aura towards them. They'd gotten there just in time for Elio to give his cousin a kiss for what he assumed was for the bracelet that Elio was now holding. A very fancy bracelet that made Theo let out a whistle. "D@mn that looks fancy," he said, "happy birthday by the way." He turns to Aura then so he could introduce her to Elio. "Don't think you've met him but Aura darling, this is Elio, my sweetiecakes and honeybun. Elio, this is Aura current light of my night and heartbreak by morning."
Aura laughed softly as Theo introduced her, rolling her eyes dramatically at they way he said it. “Sweetiecakes and honeybun, huh? I see he’s keeping you on your toes, Elio,” she said, offering a warm smile to Theo’s best friend. “It’s nice to meet you—though I’m a bit curious about this bracelet situation. Seems like there’s a story there.” She wasn’t going to admit to being an insufferable gossip, but she did like a bit of a show and tell now and again, especially one like this. She glanced at Theo, raising an eyebrow playfully. “And heartbreak by morning? Don’t flatter yourself too much, darling. You’ve got to try harder than that.”

Turning back to Elio, she added with a grin, “Thanks for sharing him for the night. I’m still figuring out this whole Halloween-at-Hogwarts thing, so having Theo as a guide has been... entertaining, to say the least. Any advice for a newcomer?” Mostly she ignored her housemate, and Prefect. He wasn’t very nice and she didn’t like him.​
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