Open A Need To Practice

Miles Flynn

mediator · eldest · tall
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 9 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2051 (12)
Miles, of course, had been rather disappointed when he had been overlooked for the Gryffindor team. Even if he hadn't had high hopes of making it first try in the first place. But still, the rejection hurt all the same. But, instead of sitting around and moping about failing, it only made him more determined to make it the next time around. Though, thinking about it, that was also a little unlikely given that no one on the team was graduating next year and no position spots would be open. But still, he was going to put in the effort and practice as much as he could so he was better for next year. Maybe if he showed so much skill, the captains would have no choice but to pick him over someone else. (He could dream, anyway).

Broom in one and and quaffle tucked under the other, the first year huffed in a breath of fresh air as he stood on the pitch, craning his neck to look up at the clear sky overhead. The perfect conditions to get in a little practice time. The problem was that he had no one to practice with, so, he was hoping there was someone else around who might be open to the idea of tossing a quaffle around with him. "Hey, I don't suppose you want to practice with me?" He offered with a friendly smile at the first person he happened to spot on the pitch with him, "I promise I'm not rubbish or anything!"
Rose didn't spend a lot of time in crowds, it wasn't really her scene, after all. She was on the pitch to give herself a nice head start now that she was part of the team. She hesitated for a moment, clutching her broom tightly and feeling her nerves bubble up at being approached so suddenly. She wasn't used to people asking her for things, or really noticing her at all, aside from her siblings. And apparently now one other person as well, which she was trying to figure out and deal with, but she remembered her goal to try and step outside of her comfort zone. After all, she had made alternate keeper now, that meant something, didn't it?

“Oh, uh… practice?” she repeated, her voice a little higher-pitched than she would’ve liked. She cleared her throat, trying not to sound completely ridiculous. “I mean, yeah, sure! I could - uh - help out, I guess.” She shifted her grip on her broom awkwardly, giving a small, nervous smile. She was an excellent flyer, she knew that, but she didn't know this boy other than that he was a first year, as she vaguely remembered him for the sorting feast. He was at tryouts too, wasn't he? She hoped he wouldn't be upset if he hadn't made the team. "I'm a keeper so, do you want to have a go getting past me?" Maybe he could make the team next year if she helped him.
Miles instantly brightened up at the offer, immediately nodding his head. He wasn't going to turn down someone playing keeper for him while he got in some practice as chaser. And, as he took a closer look at the slightly older girl, he realized he recognized her from the try-out. "That would be amazing," having someone to practice with was one thing, but getting to practice with someone who had actually just made the team was going to be some great practice. "I'm Miles, by the way," he thought introductions were probably in order, "I remember you, you tried out for the team and are one of the new alternates, right? Congratulations for that." While he was a little bitter, that was true, he was still happy for the people who had made the team over him, even if he didn't really personally know any of them,
Understanding the context a little better, Rose adjusted her approach with a friendly nod and smile. "Yeah, I remember you from tryouts too, Miles... wasn't it?" She said, her voice light, trying to be calm and reassuring. She wasn't sure she was the best of role models for anyone honestly. "You tried really hard out there, it's such a tough competition." She did feel like she'd been hand picked to take over from Teddy when he graduated, and that was great, as long as she continued to perform, she was almost guaranteed that Keeper spot. It was a dream come true... right? "Enough chit chat," she said, laughing lightly. She loved being in the air and making alternate was just somehow better. "Let's get you ready for next year, okay?" She asked, before stepping back. "How good are you in the air?"
He smiled at the older girl, nodding his head slightly and a blush on his cheeks as she complimented his try-out. "Yeah, I had a feeling that Gryffindor was going to have a lot of competition, so I guess I wasn't too surprised when I didn't make it this time around." But, just because he had failed this time, didn't mean that he was just going to give up. Oh no, one of these days he was going to make the team and all his hard work was going to pay off. He was more than ready to practice, after all, he needed to practice if he did want to make the team and prove that he deserved a spot just as much, if not more, than everyone else. "Sounds good," he agreed with a grin and a nod of his head, "I'm confident with my flying, I've been flying since I was little and been dreaming about being on the team for just as long."
Rose didn't want to comment on her own disappointment in the team at large, given she knew they hadn't won the Cup in some time - something she truly hoped she could help change - but she was pleased at least that the reputation made it difficult to make the team. She knew some of the other houses struggled sometimes, but that didn't seem to be the case here. "Not a worry, we'll certainly get you on the path to success," she said, picturing her mother in her Coach's robes flying from end to end with encouraging speeches for the Tengu team. With the majority of her siblings, (Hinata and Eli were really the only two not interested in Quidditch) on house teams or professional teams, so she knew only one way really to do this. "And when we've worked through that, I'm going to start throwing things at you and we can pretend you're dodging bludgers," she had half a mind to ask one of the beaters to help out, but she didn't know any of them well enough. Maybe over the break she could ask Yuki on the best way to train someone. "You're most important skill as a chaser is getting the Quaffle from A to B, and sometimes that will require some fancy flying," she said, jumping on her broom and raising into the air, close enough that he could hear her without shouting. "Do a loop for me."
Hopefully, with enough practice and with hanging out with the right people, he might still have a shot at making the team next year. A very minute chance if one of the current alternates or any of the players decided just to not show up for the try-outs, but it was still a chance. And if he made friends with some of the current players, then wouldn't that only help his chances as well? "Well, I hope so!" And hopefully that road wasn't going to be a long one because he really didn't want to keep getting disappointed and looked over year after year. What was most surprising, was when the older girl suddenly switched into coach mode and started talking about throwing things at him. Miles just blinked for a moment, a little shocked from the sudden chance of pace. He'd only asked her to practice with him, but apparently, she was going to be his coach. Not that he remembered asking for coaching, but he wasn't going to complain about it. "Um, right, yes ma'am right away!" He might as well play the part of diligent student, quickly hopping on his broom, pushing off from the ground and setting off on a quick loop of the pitch just as he had been instructed.
Rose wasn't quite sure how this happened, because she was not her mum, except apparently her mother was taking over her body if the way she was talking was any indication. Being the Coach for the Tengu certainly had its moments, even in Rose's life. She crossed her arms and watching him fly off, a smirk playing at the corner of her lips. It wasn’t that she didn’t think he could do it; she just had a feeling that he needed to stop overthinking everything. Her tone shifted slightly to a more serious one, though there was still that edge of teasing in her voice when she called out to him. "Don't just loop around like you're dodging a blast-ended skrewt, Miles!" she shouted, watching his flight path. "You’ve gotta practice those moves like you're actually gonna be under pressure in a real game!" Competition was stiff in the Gryffindor team, he would need to stand out to make it.
OOCOut of Character:
Im so sorry about Rose, apparently Miles has her channeling her mother
This practice session had taken a rather surprising twist. He had been expecting to just have a friendly practice with someone, maybe tossing a quaffle back and forth and getting in some shots here and there. Instead, what was happening was he was being coached around the pitch by a girl who didn't really look to be that much older than he was. Still, he supposed she did have the seniority over him, and she had actually made the team that year, which did have to count towards something. Even if she still was only an alternate and not one of the starting players. Still, as he heard her shouting at him again, he couldn't help the slight grin as he glanced back, "Maybe if you showed me how it was done I might get the hang of it faster!"

OOCOut of Character:
Absolutely do not apologize I love her =))

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