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Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (15)
Enoch had been trying this semester, really trying to be interested and engaged with what the school offered. It was having some mixed results. He was doing a little better in his classes, which couldn't come a moment too soon given his OWLs, but as soon as he stepped into the great hall for the halloween feast he knew this had been a mistake. he didn't have a good costume, and the place was just busy and he had better places to be, so he turned, but in doing so, walked right into someone.
Audrey was never actually going to be a singer. Even she was fully aware that she couldn't actually sing. But she had the look down, or at least like she was going to give a speech if not sing. She had a prop in her hand that was apparently a microphone, something she had learned muggles used in place of just using a sonorus spell. There was something quaint about it, in a way. But the prop was a bit annoying, and Audrey was looking down to detangle it from her skirt when she walked straight into someone who also wasn't looking, apparently. "Hey!" she exclaimed, annoyed...and then looked up to see Enoch. "Oh. It's you," she said, dully - matching her tone to what she'd gathered of his personality. Dull as a doorknob. "Watch where you're going, why don't you?" Ignoring the fact she was equally at fault.
Enoch looked at who he'd bumped into. Taking a short step back and then looked at the girl. He hadn't been looking where he was going, but he was also sure that Audrey hadn't either. "Please, I bet you weren't looking either," he said with a roll of his eyes. He looked at her costume. "What even are you?" he asked, he had intended to leaving, had been leaving, but he still asked the question.
He was right, but Audrey wasn't entirely willing to give him the satisfaction. Still, she couldn't exactly think of any great comeback immediately, much to her annoyance, and instead just had to let that one through to the keeper. Especially since he asked about her costume. That was more exciting to talk about. "Imagine, if you will...well, pretend you have an imagination for the moment," she started, bluntly, "it's a dark and stormy night, a detective walks into a dingy, smoky bar, he goes to the counter and orders a firewhiskey, lights a cigarette, and suddenly a piano starts up, all the chatter in the bar goes quiet and the voice of a singer, no, a chanteuse rings clearly, she locks eyes with the detective and..." she pauses, realizing there was absolutely no way that Enoch would at all care about any of this. "Anyway, I'm the chanteuse." She looked him up and down. "And you're someone who didn't bother making up a story to justify not having a costume, I take it."
Enoch wasn't sure that the point of a costume was to have a backstory that took a while to get to the point, which she did appear to get to. "I'm a muggle," he replied with a shrug, since it was as simple as that to have a costume without a backstory. It wasn't what he was, but she didn't need to know that. He certainly knew that no matter what he might pitch at that very point she was unlikely to believe. "I'm a muggle whose seen enough and is leaving,"
Audrey rolled her eyes. "You could've at least picked an interesting muggle," she said, nitpicking for no good reason. Honestly, seeing Enoch at any sort of celebration was weird. He seemed like he was some sort of human shaped creation that contained the barest amount of energy to activate for classes and that was it. Audrey suspected he didn't sleep, he just powered down and reanimated the next morning. She tilted her head, regarding him in the way one might look at a museum exhibit, before stepping back with a sigh. "Go on, then, though I doubt there's anything as interesting going on anywhere else," she said, shaking her head.
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