Open monsters turned out

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Eurydice Nightray

princess • wanting to be seen • sweet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Eurydice had been looking forward to going to the Halloween Feast. After spending the whole day in classes and giving gifts to her friends who had their birthdays today - an enchanted bookmark for Elio-nii and prank potions for Nox - Eury was ready to just relax this evening. She'd been on edge for most of the early parts of the semester after her encounter in the Heta Omega clubroom. She hadn't really told anyone about what happened. Well, she'd gone to one of Kael-nii's friends to ask for help in fixing her tarot cards, but that was about it. Still, tonight was a time she could relax. There would be too many people in the Great Hall for anything to happen. And she would likely be with friends the whole night - she had no doubt that Kael-nii and Elio-nii would be making an appearance at some point. For now though, she was just hanging by the wall of the Great Hall, she would be meeting up with William here since they'd agreed to spend the Feast together. She was quite content to drink pumpkin juice and eat a cupcake while waiting in peace.
Charlotte had decided to come to the Halloween Feast as an artistic interpretation of a deer, antlers and all. She was rather proud of her costume, feeling like it was different enough but still clear as to what she was. As she twirled into the Great Hall, she admired all the costumes, nothing that some were more far out than others. She noticed one of her roommates near a wall and grabbed herself something to drink before stopping over. "I like your costume, Eurydice," she greeted, thinking it was a little simple for her taste but not saying as much.
Eurydice hadn't decided to wear an extravagant costume like a lot of the students. While she liked to dress up, costumes weren't really much of her thing, so she'd just decided to look like a cheerleader, which was comfy, and she thought she looked cute in it. Besides, her brother had worn a suit and tacked a pin on it and decided it looked close enough to a muggle pilot - whatever that was. As she looked at Charlotte passing by and complimenting her on her costume, she couldn't help but wonder that some of the people had some really interesting costume ideas. Well, she supposed not as interesting as the first year that came as a door. "You look pretty good yourself Charlotte," Eury said politely. She didn't interact much with her roommates, and she'd only become more wary since her interactions with a couple of older students.
Charlotte smiled at her roommate as she complimented her outfit. She had put in a lot of work and was worried no one would appreciate her artistic endeavors. “Thanks! Have you done any of the activities yet?” She asked, wondering if bobbing for apples or the tent were worth trying.
Eurydice wondered if it was weird that she didn't know how to interact with her roommates. She knew who they were, and she knew their names. But interacting with them was foreign. When she'd first started Hogwarts, she was excited by the prospect of roommates and friends but hadn't really managed to get along with other students in her year. While she harbored no ill feelings for her roommates, interacting with them felt stiff and Eury had no idea how to fix that. "Uh, no," she said as she looked towards the activities for a second. While her costume wasn't nearly as elaborate as Charlotte's, she didn't really like those types of things either. "I'm... Maybe later? I'm waiting for a friend. Are you going to try them out?"
William kept touching his top hat to keep it balanced on his head as he made his way into the great hall. He liked how he looked and he was hoping Eurydice would agree. He walked into the great hall looking for her and found her standing with another girl, he thought she might be a roommate but he wasn't fully sure she was a fellow Hufflepuff. "Hey Eury," William smiled at her as he walked up to the two of them. Once he was closer he recognised the other girl from classes, "Charlotte right? I'm Will nice to properly meet you,"
Charlotte felt awkward when Eurydice noted she was waiting for someone, as she didn't want to intrude. And it wasn't too long before one of their classmates showed up. "Hi, yeah, Charlotte," Lottie said, feeling weird how little she had interacted with other people outside of her own house, not that she had done that well with people inside Hufflepuff. "Nice to... yeah," she replied again awkwardly. "Well, Eurydice said she was waiting on someone so I might go off and check out the tent or something unless you two want to come too?" she asked nicely.
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