Closed Alternate Dimensions

Aurora Chase

✨aura✨ don't be a hater just coz i'm better 😘
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The castle was different and yet eerily similar to the one in Scotland. She supposed in a lot of ways that made sense since they were sister schools, but it was still rather odd to her. She would go looking for a bathroom only to find a supply closet and where she would expect to find a corridor, she would find a portrait room. It wasn't helping. She sighed, her gaze sweeping the Great Hall as she made her way down to the Slytherin table, her fingers trailing absentmindedly over the wood of the bench as she passed. She wasn't sure she would ever get used to her new schedule, let alone the sprawling layout of the castle, which seemed bigger in comparison, and the constant surprises were beginning to wear thin and she'd only been here barely a day. Her housemates were loud and unfamiliar, chatting about things she didn’t understand, and for the first time in a long while, she felt a pang of isolation.

That was until her eyes landed on a familiar figure sitting at the Gryffindor table. Theodore Nightray. Theo. For a moment, Aura blinked, certain her eyes were deceiving her. But no, there he was, his dark hair unmistakable, his posture as self-assured as always. A sly grin tugged at her lips as she changed course, weaving her way through the scattered students until she reached the Gryffindor table. "Theo Nightray you absolute monster," she said, her tone teetering between amusement and smug satisfaction as she slid onto the bench across from him, ignoring the curious looks of the Gryffindors nearby (or the taller curly haired boy slightly further down). "Did you miss me that much you couldn't bear to be apart from me?" Her hazel eyes sparkled with mischief as she rested her chin in her hand, her confident demeanor firmly back in place now that she wasn’t the only transfer in the room. "If you'd told me you were coming, we'd have let you stay at mine."
Theo Nightray hadn't really expected there to be anyone he knew in Hogwarts New Zealand. His cousins don't count - even if Julian was a surprise. He really should try to see how the little twerp ended up here. Last he checked, Laurent's kids were all in Scotland - sorted in Ravenclaw with Thea. Somehow, tiny Julian ended up in the right house in the wrong school. Best he write to his parents about that, well, perhaps after the howlers are done and over with. He's still waiting on that as he ate breakfast. He was pretty sure they would be arriving at some point today. He was distracted from his breakfast when a familiar voice called him - a voice that he didn't expect to be here. And well, just anyone knowing his name was pretty unexpected since he'd only gotten here yesterday. He turned and grinned as he found none other than a schoolmate and one of his... friends. "Why Miss Aura Chase, lovely to see you here," he said as he took her hand and pressed a kiss on the back of it. "Of course I could never bear for us to part but alas, I'm pretty sure it's you who followed me," he said with a sh!t-eating grin. He knew neither of them followed the other of course, but why not play it up for the crowd anyway. "If we'd stayed at yours, we never would have made it to the train."
Aura's lips curled into a smirk as Theo greeted her with his typical flair, the kiss on her hand earning him an exaggerated roll of her wyes, though she didn't pull away. "As dramatic as ever," she teased, leaning forward slightly as if sharing some great secret. "But, I assure you darling, I have far more important reasons for being here than keeping tabs on you." She shot a glance towards the Slytherin table, before her eyes darted back to glance around the people besides them, and her smirk deepens. She had always enjoyed a little attention, especially when Theo was involved - it made things so much more fun. "Besides," she continued, her tone light and teasing as she pulled her hand back. "if anyone's the stalker here, it's you. Can't even let me have a quiet year abroad without showing up to steal my thunder. Typical Gryffindor, always chasing the spotlight." She tilted her head, eyes sparkling with mischief. "And for the record, if we had stayed at mine, we’d have made the train and had time for tea. Your sense of punctuality is the only thing in question here." She rested her chin on her hand, clearing enjoying herself. "So tell me, Theo, how are you finding our charming new castle? Or have you been too busy making friends and causing trouble already?"
Theo couldn't help but follow Aura's line of sight straight to the Slytherin table. He wasn't sure what - or in this case, who - her reasons were for being here, but to each their own. He was here because well... honestly, he didn't actually think he'd get accepted into the exchange program. But hey, he was here anyway, so he might as well stick to the plan and cause chaos and just be a general headache to his cousin - who was hilariously a Slytherin prefect. Ha! Mikael. A prefect. "Well you go get yourself a man darling... Or a girl... I can't judge," he said with a shrug. He was very amused though at being called a stalker, though he supposed he couldn't argue the typical Gryffindor part. His mother constantly said that he was as Gryffindor as one can get. She loved him anyway. She had to - she married a Gryffindor. "No reason to fret, I'll only be here for a year so you can have your quiet year and thunder back next year," he said as he scooted over to make room for her before she decided to move on to her own table. "Not what happened last time." A sly grin written all over his features. "Besides, why the need for punctuality when there are things that could be so much more fun." He took another bite of his breakfast that he'd ignored when she arrived while he tried to think of what his thoughts were on the new castle. It was disconcerting, really. The Common Room was in a different part of the castle than he was used to. It had taken him a good long while to find all his spots in Scotland. He'd probably have to rely on the locals to get to know New Zealand. "The Gryffindor Common Room is not in a tower but it still so bloody d@mn high, can you believe it? And I think making friends is going nicely," he said as he gave a wink to some of their onlookers. "And trouble? Me?" he asked in mock offense.
Aura quirked an eyebrow at Theo's words, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Get myself a man or a girl?" she echoed with a teasing lilt. "Oh, darling, please. As if I’d settle for anyone who doesn’t already worship the ground I walk on. Standards, Theo. Standards." it was maybe a small lie, since she was here for someone specific and she didn't think he knew she was coming, mostly because he probably didn't expect his mother to be as serious as she clearly was. She crossed her arms on the table, leaning in slightly as he scooted over to make space for her. Without hesitation, she claimed the spot, ignoring any lingering Gryffindor glares at her intrusion. "A year, huh?" she mused, her tone light and conversational but still playfulul. "That gives you, what, 365 days to try and outshine me? I suppose I’ll allow it - though it’s not like you’ll succeed."

His comment about punctuality earned a soft chuckle, and Aura rested her chin in her hand, feigning deep contemplation. "Things that could be more fun? Sounds intriguing. Careful though, Theo. I might just hold you to that and make sure you deliver." Her gaze sharpened at his complaints about the Gryffindor Common Room, her smirk growing wider. "Oh, you poor thing. So high up and no tower view? What a tragedy. I’m sure it’s positively unbearable," she teased, trying to fake a bit of sympathy for the poor boy. At his wink to their onlookers, she rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress her grin. "Well, at least you haven’t lost your talent for turning heads. I’ll give you that much. Though trouble? You? Absolutely. If chaos were a magical core, your wand would snap from the strain." She leaned back slightly, surveying him. "So, tell me, Theo, what’s your first grand plan for this castle? Or are you just winging it until inspiration strikes? Because if there’s trouble to be had, I might just have to join in - purely for research purposes, of course."
The pair of them do catch plenty of attention. Which wasn't exactly surprising. Theodore and Aura turned heads when they were both at Hogwarts Scotland - and they'd gone there since first year. A lot of people knew them and still, they would catch attention. Theo lived for the thrill. And Aura just tended to catch the limelight. This was a new school. And they were the shiny new things. Well, Theo liked being the shiny new toy. "Outshine you? Never," he said with a grin. Besides, it was nice to have someone who just gets it. Even with the fake sympathy he was giving her. It couldn't be helped that she wouldn't understand, underground-dweller as she was. "It's unbearable until I realized there are quite the views in the Common Room," he said with a smirk. He couldn't help but laugh though at her describing him as the personification of chaos itself. Perhaps it was a little called for. She'd known him for a good while now. And even if she hadn't. She would have heard the rumors about him. "I'm a Gryffindor darling, plans aren't are strong points. I believe they are yours. However, I do plan to fly a Slytherin prefect close to insanity and it will be glorious. I'm pretty sure I'll be taking all the same classes and there will be no escape from me," he said with an evil laugh. Or at least an imitation. This was going to be a fun year.
She would have snorted at him if she wasn't trying to inhibit some kind of decorum. He was certainly the kind of annoying that would drive people batty so she honestly felt a little sorry for that uptight cousin he'd always told her about. She'd never met Mikael to her knowledge, not yet anyway, but it was provably only a matter of time. Still, she wasn't about to ward him off of some fun, she wasn't silly and if it made things entertaining for her as well, well, who was she to complain? "Just as long as we're on the same page with that, I'd hate to have to break something you value," she said, a sweet smile on her face, and they both knew she wasn't talking about delicate antiques. "Mine common room is under the lake here was well, which I was a little surprised by, everything else seems to be weirdly out of place so I was expecting for the commnroom to be different as well, but its the usual dark, greenish tinge I'm used to from Scotland," she said, shrugging. She hadn't had a lot of expectations if she was honest, but that didn't mean she wasn't looking out for differences. "Oh I have many plans, we all have many plans, but I have quite a few, I'll let you know if you can help me with my plans." She couldn't believe he was gong to be such a headache for his cousin, well, she could, but she would be interested to see how long Mikael allowed it to go on for.​

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