Closed Little Talks

Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Eoghan)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
Lilith hadn't had the time to catch up with Tori properly since the little fiasco at the Gryffindor Table on their first morning back, this year one of Lilith's goals was to get closer to people she had met last year and Tori was right up there on her list. As lovely as Eoghan was, having some girl chats every now and then wouldn't be such an unpleasant idea. She had asked the Gryffindor to meet her in the Student Lounge, she had just arrived seeming to be there before her so the Ravenclaw took a seat at one of the couches reading her book of standard spells, as lovely as fictional novels were they wouldn't be much help for her during lessons.
She folded the letter into her pocket. She'd read the others now, the one from her mum and from her brother, but the one from her Dad still remained unopened. She'd kept hold of it since it had arrived the day after her birthday and she hadn't wanted to open it. What was it even going to say? What did she want it to say? She knew it wouldn't live up to what she wanted it to say, and so she just didn't want to read it, even if she did keep it on her at all times for the moment. She headed into the Student Lounge and her focus dropped onto Lilith. "Hi, sorry, I got a bit distracted." She said, heading over to sit beside her.
Lilith brought her gaze up from the book giving Tori a soft smile. "You are fine, how have you been? Was the hot water bottle any help? You can keep that one I took two with me just in case one broke or I lost it or something else." She gave a light laugh at her maybe a little unrealistic thoughts, in all seriousness what was a hot water bottle going to do? Jump out of her trunk mid train ride? Surely not. Closing her book Lilith set it beside her fully turning her attention to the Gryffindor. "How have you found being back here for your second year? In my opinion it is far less daunting." Lilith said nervously, even though she enjoyed Tori's company so far she was still nervous starting conversations with others, but she wanted to try. Wanted to know Tori better, so hopefully that was a start albeit maybe a bit choppy but nobody would judge it surely.
Tori let out a sigh as she leaned back into the couch, staring up at the ceiling. She still felt a little sore in various places, her bones almost feeling as if they were trying to vibrate out of her body sometimes - a weird feeling she wasn't sure how to describe to anyone. "I don't know... honestly. It's..." she was back and there wasn't much she could do to make anything feel like anything. She missed Rory, she missed her mum, she was still feeling all kinds of way about her dad and the twins, one of them he'd named Lyra, anything to not do something for her, she supposed. It's not like she wanted to have a sibling with her name, but a middle name would have been nice, or just to know that her dad wasn't using this new babies to replace her in a way he hadn't even bothered to show up for anyway. She was... unsettled, she was angry and she had nothing to do to fix it. She hated it... she didn't want to admit she hated her siblings. "Fine. Everything is just fine."
Lilith watched Tori with keen eyes, there was something she wasn't telling her. Something was troubling her and it was eating her from the inside. Lilith wished she could somehow do something to ease the look of pain in her eyes but there was only so much she could do, so she did what she did best. "You know, Tori I care about you and I think you are amazing. I hope we can be better friends this year and if there's ever anything you need don't be afraid to ask me." The Ravenclaw gave a small smile, hoping to show her sincerity. "I know I am probably not your preferred companion, but I do hope we can become closer and I can see that you are hurting. though I do not know why, I can promise you you do not have to hurt alone. You don't have to tell me anything but just know that you have someone in your corner for the up coming years of school, even if you just want to lay in the middle of the great lawn and stare at the clouds and point out the funny shaped ones I am down, just don't think you aren't worth not being alone." Sometimes Lilith found herself thinking she didn't deserve to have friends and that she was supposed to handle her burdens alone, but that was not the case. Everyone deserved to have someone backing them up and be there for them.
Tori didn't know what to say to Lilith, not really. She wasn't really all that used to people trying to help her, to figure her out. It was different in family because they were expected to be a certain way, at least that was how she expected things of her mother and father. Mother's were nurturing and loving and looked after you. Father's were absent and only sent you things when they remembered. It had been a hard lesson to learn that it seemed to only her father that resembled, as Rory's dad was lovely and spent a lot of time with him. Tori had to beg for the scraps of her father's attention and even then, she was always the lost of his priorities, there was always something more important than her and so even when her friends made her promises, she always expected them to be empty. When Jasper would forget plans, she was never surprised, or when Eoghan wanted to spend more time with Lilith it didn't even bother her, it was just true. Things would be no different here. "Don't worry, I'll let you know if there's anything I need," she said with a smile. She didn't want Lilith to think she disliked her, there was no real reason to dislike the girl, and she'd always sort of seemed to go along with things Tori did, which already put her in the Gryffindor's good books. "It's okay, I don't mind being alone sometimes, it means I have to focus on my work and study." Tori wasn't a liar, but she liked to stretch the truth sometimes, and she was pretty good at it. She had to be, her mum was really good at picking up on lies, she wasn't sure if that was a mum thing or not though. "Thanks Lilith. You're pretty nice actually."
Lilith watched the varying emotions pass through her friends eyes, sure her face stayed much too neutral to give away any feelings she might be feeling, but her eyes spoke in a way that could not be hidden so easily. The Ravenclaw debated on calling Tori out on her stretch of truth, but decided against it. Instead she opted to give the girl a hug, one she seemed to need. "I'm sorry for hugging you but you seem like you could use a hug right about now." She spoke quietly, "It is okay to be alone, but you don't have to be, so you let me know when you want to hang out and I'll make time for you." She meant it too, Lilith always made sure to make time to those she care for and Tori would be no exception on that. "Yeah? I think you are very nice and pretty cool yourself." Lilith said with a grin as she let go of the Gryffindor, the hug felt like one she had needed herself without even realizing it. "You know I would like for us to hang out more, don't tell Eoghan but I could use a girly touch in my life every now and then, he is great but it's not like I can braid his hair or god forbid talk to him about cute professors, by the way I saw a few new faces. There was this one with a lot of tattoos at the feast, I wonder if he'll teach us anything ever." Lilith was still upset over her favourite professor not being there, but she had faith.
Tori blinked, momentarily stunned by the hug she didn't see coming. For a moment, her arms hung awkwardly at her sides before she gave in and returned the embrace - tentatively at first, then with a little more sincerity. Hugging wasn’t something she usually sought out, but Lilith had a point: it felt nice. Grounding, even. When Lilith pulled back, Tori tried to put on her usual grin, though it came off as softer than she intended. “Don’t apologise for the hug, Lil. You’re right, I probably did need it. Maybe I’m more readable than I thought.” She sighed dramatically but gave her friend a genuine smile. “You’re too nice for your own good, you know? But I’m holding you to that - if I need company, you’ll be the first I call. And same goes for you, yeah? Don’t hesitate to drag me out of my hole when you need someone to braid your hair.”

Her eyes lit up at the mention of cute professors, the heaviness of her earlier mood lifting slightly. “Wait - tattoos? Like full sleeve tattoos? How did I miss that? You’ve got to point him out to me next time. I need to see if he’s actually cool or just one of those professors who looks cool and then lectures us to death about rules.” Tori wrinkled her nose playfully. She nudged Lilith with her elbow. “And don’t worry, I won’t snitch to Eoghan. Your secret’s safe with me. But you’re right - we do need to hang out more. Maybe we’ll even find something to gossip about other than professors… but I’m not promising anything.” Tori’s grin turned mischievous, a spark of her usual energy returning as she added with mock seriousness, “Oh, and if that professor does teach us something cool, we’re definitely claiming credit for spotting his potential first.”
Lilith's whole body had relaxed as Tori had not only accepted and hugged her back, but told her not to apologise. Hell it was all she could do not to apologise again for apologising and then again for apologising for apologising for apologising... Her brain was swimming by the time that thought process was done. "Pfft, I think you just need to know what to look for to read people." The brunette waved her hand and smiled sheepishly. "Too nice? I don't think there is such thing, everyone deserves a little kindness in their life and that's why I want to be kind to others, so that I know that they had someone be kind to them if that makes sense.." It was a strange thing, she had never thought much about it, but if she were to go into the psychology of her kindness it was that she wanted others to feels seen and perhaps avoid making them feel the way she had felt a lot. "Oh and yes, I would very much like that!" She added referring to the hair braiding thing, she liked braiding her sisters hair the way she liked her mum doing hers. It was one of the main things she missed most about home.

"Well as far as I could see there were several adorning his arms, if my eyesight is as good as it's supposed to be there might have been one on his neck, but he was quite far away... Don't worry I'll point him out next time!" Lilith promised with a conspiring smile. "Oh yes! I do love me some good gossip, it's kind of a thing that happens with Karelians, which my dads side is, they are the worst what do you call it in English... Gossipers? I think that's the word." The Ravenclaw looked around the room as she was finding the word, she knew it exactly in Finnish but had trouble with her second tongue. "Anyways my grandmother used to tell me how the women in her family were so bad that you told someone one thing one day it would be less than a day and the entire bloodline would know of it, even the ones resting in their graves..." Lilith let a giggle escape at the memory of her grandma explaining the obscure gossiping habits of her and her sisters and aunts. "Oh yes we definitely will! He will be our discovery." She agreed.

As Lilith looked at Tori a thought she had been mulling over for a few days resurfaced. "Tori, I have been thinking so I have a habit of naming people important to me, like Eoghan, my family and Eli, after stars. It's sort of a silly habit but I use the name to sometimes talk about them or address them wither to their face or in my head you know and I was thinking of one for you and I'd like to give you the nickname Asterope." As she spoke her nervousness started to surface and she instinctively raised her hands to the locket on her neck, to get a grasp of it and feel the comforting engravings. "It is a star in the constellation Taurus, it is part of the Pelaides star cluster, each named after the seven Pelaides sisters. The name Asterope comes from Latin meaning "Lighting" and when I think of you I think of a flash of light in the middle of a thunder storm. See thunderstorms are one of my favourite weathers and I love lightings and you give me the same comforting feeling. Not to mention that you are someone that is hard to miss in the best way possible." Lilith explained nervously, she was tad bit self-conscious of her interest in the stars and the depth that went into these names. "Asterope as a star is part of twin-stars Tauri 21 and Tauri 22, oh and it is one of the brightest stars in it's own clusters which is another reason why I see it fitting for you." Lilith continued feeling out her locket. "If you hate it I can just leave it, it's fine it's just a very silly thing I do." The brunette made sure to add quickly.
Tori blinked, a little surprised, and then broke into a warm smile, touched by Lilith's explanation. She reached out to gently take Lilith’s hand from the locket, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "That's not silly at all! It's beautiful," she said, earnestly, her voice soft so that only Lilith could hear her right now since they were in a place others could come and go. “Asterope... I’ve never had anyone think about me like that before, let alone name me after a star. And a star in a thunderstorm? That’s so poetic, it’s almost overwhelming.” He cheeks flushes slightly as she chuckled, trying to find the right words to express how much it meant to her. “I love thunderstorms too. They’re chaotic and powerful, but there’s a kind of peace in them, like the world is letting out all its tension. And lightning… yeah, it’s hard to miss, but it also lights up the darkness for just a moment, you know? If that’s how you see me, I’ll take it as the highest compliment.”

She paused, looking Lili in the eye, her smile softening. “Thank you. For seeing me like that, and for sharing something so personal with me. I promise I won’t take it lightly - Asterope, huh? I think I’m going to like it.” With a small laugh, she added, “Although I have to warn you, you might have started something. Now I’ll be scouring the stars for a name to give you back - one just as fitting.” She was sure from the explanation that she already had a star name, but Tori wanted to honour her in the same way, with something the could explain to Lili in her own terms. Tori didn't understand Astronomy or the stars that much, but since she's started working and spending time with Professor Zumwalt, she was staring to gain a bit of an appreciation for it. She wanted it to mean something when she returned the compliment.​
Lilith was worried, oh so worried but all that washed away as she felt Tori's hands on hers. Returning her wandering eyes to her friends smiling face, she couldn't help but smile herself. Tori explaining how much she liked the name and Lilith being able to read the emotion all over her face and eyes made her heart squeeze. "I am glad you like it," the Ravenclaw let out a breath she had not realised she had been holding in. "Yeah? Thunderstorms and rain, it feels like the sky, the world is crying and screaming with you. Feels comforting." She agreed, thunderstorm or any kind of rain was her favourite weather. "Really, I am glad you like it." Lilith smiled even more before leaning back a little, letting her body relax against the backrest.

"Of course, Tori you are my friend and you are so amazing, I just hope one day you'll see too how wonderful you are." It didn't take a genius to see that Tori too sometimes battled with not thinking much of herself, or maybe like calls to like even now. "You really don't have to, but if you do I must warn you. I will cry, for days, from pure happiness and you'll officially be promoted to my maid of honour role if I ever get married." It was only half a joke, really if Tori went to that extent just for her, she would not know how to feel, other than happy and grateful.

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