Closed A Mini Poetry Exchange

Rosalind Montgomery

Strong-willed | Kind | Bookworm
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Rosalind was overly excited. She'd had the idea over the holidays, and was glad that Cyrus had agreed to it. Just a small thing where they could talk poetry, exchange poetry, and share ideas. Rosalind thought Cyrus was seriously cool - and the fact that she knew a real-life poet was pretty awesome. Not many people could say that, not even her dad. So of course Rosalind had gotten to the library half an hour early, a few books of poetry on the desk beside her with the poems she liked bookmarked with stray bits of paper. The library was thankfully not too busy - earlier in the semester there were less students studying; the last-minute crammers not yet pressured into making their appearances. Rosalind had seated herself at a table, and was waiting patiently, opening one of the books to a page and rereading the poem therein.
Cyrus had been flattered by Rosalind's idea. But now that it was time to actually sit down with her, he felt oddly nervous. What if she only liked that one poem of his? What if he couldn't teach her anything? These thoughts were running through his head as he stepped over the library threshold. He relaxed a little. Something about the library's atmosphere always helped him feel relaxed. It was probably his favorite part of the school, as cliche as that was for a Ravenclaw. He spotted Rosalind at a table and smiled as he joined her, taking out his notebook and putting it on the table. "Hey." He said, a little shyly.
"Hi!" Rosalind greeted cheerfully as Cyrus joined her, her eyes moving from his face to the notebook he had. "How are you going?" she asked conversationally, eyes glancing back to his face. She was very curious about the notebook but she didn't want to be too pushy - even though that went against her nature. In fact, nature won out, and after giving Cyrus less than a split-second to respond, she continued: "Did you write any new poems during the break? And if you did, can I see them?"
Cyrus took a seat on the other side of the table, still feeling oddly nervous. He smoothed down his sweater before ansewring Rosalind's question. "I'm alright, getting back into things here. I always forget how far it is up to the towers from class." He said, opening his mouth to elaborate more when Rosalind cut him off with a question. He blushed a little, looking at the notebook and back at her. "Er, yes. I wrote a few." He admitted. "I- I can show you one." He picked up the notebook and started leafing through it quickly. He was flattered she wanted to see his work so badly, but his poetry had always been something somewhat personal to him. And a lot of the poems he had written over the break were a little embarrassing as they had been about Kairi Kennedy, the Hufflepuff he had been infatuated with last year. He still thought the girl was very pretty, but he didn't have the same feeling when he saw her after returning to Hogwarts. It was a relief, but also a disappointment. It had been a good source of inspiration. Finally, he found one that wasn't about her, instead it had been inspired by a pretty sunset and the sea he had seen when he had gone with Magne on his boat. He made sure to fold the notebook open to that page carefully as he slid it over to Rosalind.
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"Oh, yeah, I think I have it bad being in Gryffindor but Ravenclaw's a floor up even then," Rosalind said cheerily. "I reckon Hufflepuff have the best deal." Rosalind then switched her focus abruptly to the poetry. She tried not to seem too eager to take the notebook, looking down at the words and reading them in a rush before slowing down and taking her time. She smiled as she read it through a second time. "That's really good!" she exclaimed, looking up at Cyrus finally. "I love sunsets, and I love the imagery of it reflecting on the water, that's really cool. Do you live near the sea?" Her hands itched to turn a page and read more, but she held back.
Cyrus nodded in agreement about Hufflepuff. It did seem like the best option. His sister was in Slytherin, all the way down in the dungeons. While it was a shorter walk to breakfast and things like that, Cyrus had to admit he'd pick the tower any day. The view was beautiful and it made the muscle pain worth it somewhat. He watched somewhat nervously as Rosalind read his poem. It still felt a bit odd to just sit here and wait while people read his stuff. He wished he could walk away or something, but that would be even weirder. He blushed at her compliments, smiling slightly. "Oh, thank you." He said quickly, reaching over to take the book back. "No, but I spent time with Magne on his parents' boat this break, it inspired me." It had also taught him that sailing wasn't really for him, but that wasn't something he was going to boast about.
Rosalind's eyes lit up at the mention of Magne. "Oh, Magne! I know him," she said excitedly. "He's pretty cool, I like him. You two are close, then?" she asked, figuring as much if he went to Magne's parents' boat during the break. She looked down at the notebook, her fingers fiddling idly with the pages, but not turning them. "Oh, you probably want this back," she said after realising what she was doing. She wondered if she should share her poem. She hadn't really intended on sharing it, instead wanting to talk about poetry in general, but she was tempted. Maybe a bit later. "Anyway, for me, I found this really cool poem called The Lady of Shalott, by, uh..." She took the book out that she'd been reading - a collection of poems. "Tennyson! Yeah. Have you read it before?" Rosalind opened at the bookmarked page, gesturing to offer it to Cyrus to read - if he hadn't read it already.

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