Victoria de Lacey

⚡ lightning mcqueen ⚡ zoom zoom 💨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Tori had to sometimes wonder if the reason she could never pin Jasper down was because he liked the thought of being chased through the castle. He was never where he was supposed to be so she wasn't even sure he had a list of preferred places to frequent. Not like if she was looking for Eoghan or Nox and Lumos, if she wanted to pin them down they were easy enough to find, but apparently not Jasper. She walked along the sixth floor corridor looking into any of the rooms as she kept walking trying to figure out where her best friend might have gotten to. "Jasper? Are you here? Where are you?" She called out to him though she knew it was probably futile. Trying to make plans with him was like trying to pin down the bubbles in her bath, it just didn't want to happen and slipped through her fingers no matter how hard she would try.
Jasper had just finished a very satisfying meal in the Great Hall that he had followed it with a lot of juice and was now meandering back towards the common room, although he thought he'd better quicken his steps. All that juice has filled his bladder and he was now in need of a bathroom visit. He was halfway up the stairs when he heard Tori's voice calling out his name, faintly at first, then louder as he neared the sixth floor corridor. He blinked in surprise, looking around before spotting her at the other end of the hallway.

"Oh, hey! Yeah, I'm here," he called out, his voice slightly strained as he waved, wondering if he had time for this because he really did need the find a toilet pretty quick. He shifted from one leg to the other, "You okay? What's up?"
Tori turned sharply at the sound of Jasper’s voice, relief washing over her as she spotted him at the other end of the corridor. She jogged a few steps closer, her expression caught between amusement and mild exasperation when she noticed him shifting uncomfortably. "There you are!" she said, putting her hands on her hips. "I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Did you forget we were supposed to meet about the Gobstones club?" She raised an eyebrow, but her tone was more teasing than accusatory. Her gaze flicked to his obvious fidgeting, and she smirked. "You okay there? You look like you’re about to explode or something." Tori stepped back slightly, holding her hands up with a grin. "If it’s that urgent, go deal with it first. I can wait!"
“Oh, yeah the Gobstones club is going to be awesome!, I can't wait!” he said cheerfully. “Was that supposed to be now?” He gave an awkward chuckle. He had not forgotten that they were organising a club, but he had completely forgotten that they were meeting to arrange it. He had been too busy eating and drinking juice. And on cue, his bladder protested loudly, and Jasper stiffened, holding his breath as if that might help. "Uh, you’re right” Jasper took a hesitant step backward, pointing down the corridor. “Hold that thought. I’ll be back in a flash, and we’ll have this Gobstones club sorted in no time. Promise!” And with that, he turned and bolted down the hall to the nearest bathroom.
She was glad that he was excited for the club, she had a couple of ideas what she wanted to run past him and she would need him to make a final decision on, since he was the president and all. Getting people to sign up she hoped would be easy, but they would only have a couple of days to get people involved and she didn't want to miss an opportunity. "Okay, no worries, I'll just wait right here," she said, waving him off so he wouldn't worry. When he comes back, they can think about what they want to do.
Jasper did return after dealing with what he needed to deal with, wiping his damp hands on his trousers as he left the bathroom. "Great, so what did you want to talk about?" He asked, he hadn't really been listening to anything Tori had said prior.
Tori grinned when Jasper came back. Honestly she'd kind of expected he would forget her. She was used to people just simply forgetting to come back for her. Thanks Dad. "I was thinking we should get some ideas on paper for the club, you know? With everyone back at school now is probably the best time, don't you think?"

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