Seventh Years: Lesson Four

Angel was excited for today’s lesson to get started, ready to really get into some practical work with his seventh years for once. Sure, there was a little risk involved, at least for the students, but they should all be perfectly competent by this point anyway, hopefully. At the very least he could go say hi to Josephine should anyone need a trip to the Hospital Wing. Angel waved the class in impatiently as the students began to arrive, launching into the lesson as soon as everyone was accounted for.

Hey guys, we’ve got something real exciting for you today, follow me,” Angel said, cutting to the chase and leading the class to the area he’d set up outside, hopefully away from where any younger students could get to. “Hopefully, you all remember covering snargaluffs last year, because today we’re going to be harvesting them. Nothing like a little bit of mortal peril to make sure it really sticks,” he said, rubbing his hands together as the students gathered with him near the two stumps out on the lawns.

Angel knew this wouldn’t be an easy task, but he hoped the class would enjoy this more than some simple revision work or studying. “Now there are two of them, so do watch your back. Might pay to have a partner if you want, but lone rangering it up is fine too. I’ve got some supplies here if one gets you, and I’ll be watching if you get into any real trouble, promise.” Angel gave them what might have been an encouraging thumbs up before motioning for the class to line up, ready to begin harvesting. “Alright, get ready, once you get your snargaluff pod, you’re free to go,” he said, clapping his hands so the first students could begin.

RP your student harvesting their snargaluff pod. If you need a reminder, Snargaluff resemble a tree stump with thorny vines that will attack when approached. They produce green pods about the size of a grapefruit.

Feel free to have some fun harvesting, it'll be a bit of a challenge but PM me if you intend to have any serious harm or danger befall your student
Demetrius was a bit stumped by the professor's instructions. With a magical creature, Demetrius seemed to have the instincts to make it work. But plants? He didn't quite feel on their wavelength, so to speak. Especially ones that could hurt you. He wondered what the best approach would be, as he got out his wand. Part of him thought he could probably simply accio the pod, but where would the fun be in that? Fun, he mused, sarcastically to himself. He decided to go in, approaching the snargaluff and severing its vines as they came up to attack. He dodged skillfully - probably more a fluke than anything - a few he hadn't severed, then suddenly had the sense to cast an immobilising spell on the plant. He gave a huff, and seized a pod from the plant before quickly getting out of the plant's attacking range and undoing the spell. It had been a messy approach, but Demetrius had done it. He took the pod to the professor, giving a small smile that clearly said, 'well, I did it, didn't I?', not noticing the tears on his own robe from the thorns.
It was still the middle of the semester and the weight of everything was getting to the Head Boy. Monday Weeks hid it well though. He did not want to worry anyone around him, though his irritation started to come up more frequently. He hoped that it would not show toward those that he cared about. Monday checked his schedule, and reminded himself what today was, and grabbed the materials that he needed for today's class. He would not risk being late. He already had perfect attendance after all. He had done so well so far, and he was still wanting to be a perfectionist. Now, it was just personal to him. Monday walked out of his dorm to head to class, as it was time.

The herbology professor greeted the students, and let them know what they would be doing. Monday sighed as he had his wand in his hand. Did he need it? And now, it was their turn to harvest a stump. He stepped cautiously toward the snargaluff stump, his wand held firmly in one hand and his brow furrowed in concentration. His vision was tired, but he could do it. He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves before he reached out cautiously towards a pod that seems within reach. As he grasped for the pod, Monday's hand suddenly jerks back as a vine from the snargaluff lashes out unexpectedly, narrowly missing him. He tried again, before he managed to finally get a pod. He turned it in, and left, hoping to never have to do that again.
Aurora was still in some shock about what she’d learnt, but it was funny how life just continued. Her dad didn’t seem too annoyed by it, and was at least around to be able to help Rosie whenever Aurora couldn’t. She knew she was being over-protective, but Aurora couldn’t help it. She came in from the quidditch pitch and began getting herself ready for the day ahead, making sure she had her notes and books, and homework, everything that she would need for the day ahead and then she headed out of the dorm and to her first class of the day.

Aurora walked into the herbology greenhouse but she wasn’t there for very long. Immediately the professor was leading them outside and to a section of the grounds. She looked at the snargaluff and frowned. She glanced towards her sister and then back at the professor. She decided immediately that she and Rosie would work together. ”You sever I’ll grab,” she said to her sister, and when it was finally their turn, they did so. Aurora could tell that Rosie thought she was being overbearing, but she didn’t care much, needing instead to just assure that she was being careful with her pregnant sister. No undue harm with a wild plant. She waited till it was severed and then approached, ”Stun it,” Aurora said quickly, when a branch lashed out at her, and her sister did. Aurora grabbed the pod and then headed back as Rosie undid her magic. With that the lesson was over for them and Aurora gladly headed out of the room.
Rosie followed her sister into the herbology greenhouse, but as it turned out they were there for particularly long, they were brought outside. Rosie was immediately thinking of how she might get the snargaluff pod when her sister suggested they work together. She knew her sister said this because she was being over protective, but really Rosie knew she didn’t need her doing so. She did give in to it though. She cast the severing charm on one of the branches, apologising loudly to the plant after she’d done so and then stunned it too when her sister asked. She was pretty unhappy to be treating a plant as such, but she was apologetic, and the moment that Aurora was out of reach with the pod, she undid her stunning spell.

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