Closed Sleepovers

Lou Prindeou

Farmer- Silent- Hard working
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eleven inch springy Alder with vampire blood core
3/10/2010 (51)
Lou... really had no idea what he was doing. He'd spent the night lying awake on Erik's couch, staring at the ceiling and wondering how on earth he had let himself be talked into this. All he had thought about all night was getting off the couch and sauntering down the hall to crawl in bed and cuddle with Erik. Lou didn't think about these things. In his entire life, he had never thought about anything of the kind. Even with Justine, it had been different, Lou had been different. He had tried to court her, sure, but he had been able to focus on his life when he wasn't with her. He hadn't laid awake at night wanting to be close to her.. The sun had just started to peek through the window when exhaustion finally overtook Lou. The couch was too small, his legs were hanging off the end of it, but slowly his eyes drifted shut and he fell asleep, arms folded above his head and the blanket barely covering him as he finally slept.
Erik had downed several well drinks by the time the show was over. The band was good, with a funky beat, and he'd danced in place, more conservatively than he would normally. He'd walked back to the flat with Lou, they'd chatted a bit, and then they both had gone to bed. Erik was just slightly disappointed that Lou hadn't moved to join him, but he didn't show it. Besides, a wizard shouldn't expect that of his friends. He buried himself under the covers and fell into an easy sleep.
If there was one thing Lou forgot, or didn't really know, was that he was a creature of comfort. And he tended to sleepwalk. Not often, of course, because Lou had made damn sure that his bed was big, and comfortable, with thick comforters and a lot of pillows. Finally falling asleep on a cramped couch, well, his body didn't appreciate where he had tried to put it. In protest of his shyness, his body got off the couch, taking him down the hall Erik had gone down, looking for a bed. Erik might have had a guest room, but it turned out his room was closest. His body lifted up the covers, deposited him beneath them, and finally relaxed, stretching out and making him more comfortable. Lou continued to breathe softly, barely aware he'd moved.
Erik woke up too early, his head swimming. Weak sunlight squeezed through the curtains. He rolled onto his side. It wasn’t uncommon for him to wake up with company, so the surprise didn’t set in right away.

His eyes widened when he realized that it was Lou. Well, this was an interesting development. To be polite, he thought he should step out quietly and let Lou have his space- but Erik wasn’t exactly polite.
Lou was very picky about how he slept. He hadn't slept in a strangers bed in a very long time. And while, yes, this bed was better than that couch, it was still not up to Lous standards. The blanket was short, he was cold, the mattress was irritating him. He rolled, hooking his arm around the nearest thing and dragging it in closer. He sighed softly at the warmth, taking comfort in it and drifting deeper asleep, content for now in the shabby bed to get a bit of rest.
Erik might have felt guilty, since it was clear that Lou was very much asleep. But it would be worse to wake him up, wouldn’t it? He didn’t move a centimeter.
Lou slept on for a while, the long night keeping him worn out and asleep. He woke slowly several hours later, curling up tighter around Erik as he woke up. Eventually, though, Lou was awake enough to realize what had happened. He swallowed nervously. "Erik?" He breathed, not sure what to do.
Erik yawned, stretching and sitting up. “Good morning, Lou. I didn’t quite invite you into my bed,” he joked. Not that he was upset. Not at all. Really, he was just amused.
Lou stretched, not as panicked as he thought he would be. "Sorry," He apologized groggily. "Betty says I sleepwalk. Apparently, I didn't like the couch," He chuckled, relaxing into the mattress. "Are you mad?" He asked tiredly, looking up to Erik with dewey brown eyes.
Erik laughed. “Definitely not.” He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been really, truly angry. A hot temper just wasn’t hard-wired into him. Other members of his family- his father, Sumner, Evan, Estrella, and beyond- had taken all of the righteous indignation genes for themselves. “I promise you, it would take a lot more than a visitor in my bed to make me mad.”
Lou chuckled lightly, opening up his arms again. "Wanna cuddle then?" He asked, too sleepy to care and wanting to cuddle. He liked Erik, it was the strongest connection he'd made in a long time. Besides, Lou had already slept in Erik's bed. There was no use being really shy about being affectionate just yet. "If we have another sleepover, I vote my bed," he pouted a little, stretching his sore back.
Erik had to admit he was surprised at the offering, but he took it. Maybe the shy, awkward mooncalf was opening up a little. "Come on, my furniture's not that bad," he said, knowing full well it was.
Lou almost snorted, sighing softly and cuddling into the bed again. "Your furniture is falling apart, Erik," He teased. "You really should replace it. My feet barely fit on your bed. I know you're short, but really, you should at least have a bigger bed," he pouted, content to cuddle with Erik, rubbing his thumb lightly over Erik's skin. He yawned, tempted to fall back asleep.
Well, this was nice. Erik scoffed, "I am not short." Among his family, maybe it was true, but he wouldn't own up to that. He leaned into Lou. While Erik was tempted to make a sassy remark about his bed and previous visitors, he kept his mouth shut.
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Lou chuckled tiredly. "You are short," he teased, hugging Erik a little tighter. "Now hold still, shorty," He ordered, shutting his eyes and focusing. One quick apparition later and they were in Lou's bed instead. Lou groaned softly in pleasure at the change, stretching out before grabbing the blankets and pulling them up over the two of them. Feeling more content in his mountain of pillows and soft mattress, he wrapped around Erik and cuddled against him. "Now thats more like it," he almost purred, sighing softly. "You're warm," he murmured, almost drifting back to sleep.
Erik couldn’t deny that being whisked away to another wizard’s bed was exciting. While he would never admit it, Lou’s was considerably roomier and more comfortable than his own. He enjoyed being close to the other man. Smiling, he leaned in, moving to kiss him on the lips.
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Lou was warm, content, drifting back to sleep when he felt Eriks lips on his. He hesitated a moment, but this time, he slowly kissed Erik back. Lou hadn't really kissed anyone before. He'd never wanted to. He couldn't help the butterflies that stirred in his tummy, the way his heart pounded. After several long moments, he pulled back, pulling Erik back in against his chest and curling around him. "What was that for?" He asked softly.
Erik found Lou to be a clumsy kisser, but he was tolerant, and it was nice, after all. With all the closeness, he was used to a natural progression of things, and he wrapped an arm around Lou’s waist. However, he was yanked back to reality when Lou spoke.

“What do you mean?” Erik asked, solidly confused. He had been thrown off by Lou’s naivety before. Then, he’d chalked it up to shyness, but now he wasn’t sure. Perhaps Lou didn’t like him the way he’d thought.
Lou ran his fingers lightly up Eriks' spine, not really noticing he was doing it, thinking about how to answer the question. "It's just... I'm only a farmhand," he replied slowly. "And you're... well, you. You're cute and fun, you're... wild, and free... you've seen the world, I just... don't understand why you're here with me," He clarified, shifting a little to hide his face in the pillows.
Erik wasn’t used to having to explain why he wanted to kiss someone. It just- happened organically. He shifted, subconsciously pulling away from the other wizard. Hesitating, as he seriously had to think to put all of it into words, he said, “You’re handsome, interesting, and good company.” Erik wished Lou would give himself more credit.
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Lou was a little sad when Erik pulled away, and that surprised him. It was very rare that Lou got really any form of affection- he and Betty didn't exactly cuddle in the evenings- and he was surprised to find himself craving a bit of attention from Erik. He felt his heart stutter a little at Eriks words, and he swallowed nervously, knowing he was very much blushing. He shifted, propping up on one elbow. He hesitated a moment, unsure of what to say really, but he reached over and brushed Erik's hair out of his eyes.
Erik smiled when Lou reached to brush the hair out of his face. He was still trying to figure out the other wizard; his mannerisms were odd. Perhaps it was the homeschooling or the social isolation. He wasn’t sure how to handle the situation. For Erik, the normal ‘rules’ (and he was pretty loose with rules) did not apply. He decided to let what happened, happen. Erik certainly wasn’t going to push Lou to do anything he was uncomfortable with.

He leaned back into the pillow. “Am I going to have to sneak out before Bettie realizes I’m here?” he asked, smirking.
Lou smiled shyly back at Erik, trailing his fingers lightly down Eriks cheek. "Nah," He replied easily. "She's probably in town right now, it's a bit later in the day." He hesitated, leaning down and kissing Erik gently. Lou couldn't explain it, he didn't know why he was so drawn to Erik or why his heart fluttered in his chest when he was with the other wizard. But Lou liked Erik, he liked their conversations and he liked being close to the other man. He smiled as he drew back, slowly stretching and getting out of bed before offering out his hand. "Come on, I'll make some breakfast."

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