Recent content by William Rossi

  1. W

    Like father, like son?

    [font=Georgia][color=#000]Once again, the hand was raised and brought sharply around his son's face. William was beyond reasoning now, he wasn't even trying to make Luciano do as he wanted anymore, he was just releasing all the built up up tension and frustration he had with the world. The world...
  2. W

    Like father, like son?

    William's lip curled as he looked down at his son. He had to admit that he had grown to be quite a good looking young man, in a completely natural and off hand way. It was obvious that he did not spend much time in front of a mirror each time, if at all. A new emotion was beginning to make it's...
  3. W

    Like father, like son?

    William began to feel a little annoyed. This was not how it was supposed to happen. His son's impeccable manners seemed to have been lost in this unruly little country. The strict and traditionally British upbringing that he had made sure to give Luciano was meant to stay, and enable him to keep...
  4. W

    Like father, like son?

    Despite it's shabby and rough exterior, William Rossi was of course finding this house to his satisfaction. The standards of the wealthy British man were almost ridiculously high, however met well by the royal red carpet and beige sofa, which he was seated on. Though his surroundings were...
  5. W

    The name means nothing... Does it?

    William's eyes narrowed slightly as the cold reception from his son. His gaze lingered on Luciano "Ah, what a shame" he said, his voice deadly smooth "Well then, I'm glad I caught you" he said, making the effort to seem more friendly "It's not everyday you get to see your son is it?" Luciano's...
  6. W

    The name means nothing... Does it?

    William had been in Diagon Alley briefly, to settle a business deal. It was not at the top of his mind however. He hadn't heard from his son since he had gone to New Zealand. Did his son really find it that easy to dismiss the fact that he had a father? William had had high hopes for his...