Recent content by Tempest Vero

  1. Tempest Vero

    Dueling Match #31

    Current Points: 125 Tempest was not about to be taken out by a minor trip jinx. She blocked Bailey's spell with a smile before thinking about her next tactic. "Reducto," she said. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 115
  2. Tempest Vero

    Dueling Match #31

    Current Points: 135 Tempest had not dueled against Bailey before that she could remember, but the girl was seemingly a worthy opponent. The Slytherin blocked the next spell and sent back a stunning spell. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 125
  3. Tempest Vero

    Dueling Match #31

    Current Points: 145 Tempest blocked Bailey's spell with ease, thinking for just a moment before sending back her attack. "Confundo." she said simply. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 135
  4. Tempest Vero

    Dueling Match #31

    Current Points: 150 Tempest was giddy. She had beat June, and honestly, she could lose the whole thing and still feel pretty content. But it would be even better if she won the whole thing again. The Slytherin bowed to Bailey before sending a spell towards the girl first. "Impedimentia!"...
  5. Tempest Vero

    Closed The Start of Something

    Tempest was glad Lucy picked a beverage first, as Tempest wasn't sure she was ready to fail at dancing with her date. She grabbed two glasses of punch off the nearby table and brought them over, handing one to Lucy. "Umm, speaking of questions, I was actually wanting to ask you something. I know...
  6. Tempest Vero

    Y48 Dueling Match #12

    Current Points: 80 Tempest was tired, but she knew that some duels had gone on longer. She thought about some of the worst spells she could think of and after blocking June's disarming spell, sent another slug vomiting curse to her roommate with a smile. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point...
  7. Tempest Vero

    Closed The Start of Something

    Tempest tried not to blush as Lucy complimented her back, feeling her cheeks turn warm. "Thanks! I wanted to wear something special. You know, 'cause of the dance and all," she said, catching herself. She was worried about being too forward with Lucy, but she couldn't help staring at her date...
  8. Tempest Vero

    Student Defence Association

    Tempest Vero Slytherin Sixth Year
  9. Tempest Vero

    Sixth Years

    Tempest Vero Slytherin
  10. Tempest Vero

    Y48 Dueling Match #12

    Current Points: 90 Tempest blocked June's attempt at a stunning spell and decided to send right back because she thought it would make her mad for some reason, to be copying her. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 80
  11. Tempest Vero

    Y48 Dueling Match #12

    Current Points: 100 Tempest was not sure how much longer she'd have to go at this with June. Nothing interesting was happening, but they were successfully blocking spells, she guessed. The Slytherin looked at her opponent. "Everte Statum." Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points...
  12. Tempest Vero

    Closed The Start of Something

    Tempest was excited to go to the dance again with Lucy. She had had such a good time with her previously and hoped that tonight would be just as good. Donning a black dress with what looked link pink fire around the bottom, Tempest made her way into the Great Hall and saw her date. "Hi. Again...
  13. Tempest Vero

    Y48 Dueling Match #12

    Current Points: 110 Tempest frowned as June continued blocking her spells and almost crossed her arms in frustration. But she prepared herself as her roommate sent back another spell, blocking it, before sending a jelly fingers jinx. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points...
  14. Tempest Vero

    Y48 Dueling Match #12

    Current Points: 120 Tempest frowned when June blocked her spell, hoping to get an edge in at some point. She blocked her roommate's offensive spell and sent back the same one. Petrificus Totalus,, she said, hoping to see the girl get hit. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points...
  15. Tempest Vero

    Y48 Dueling Match #12

    Current Points: 130 Tempest blocked June's spell and sent back a jelly brain jinx. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 120