Recent content by Susie Lagowski

  1. Susie Lagowski

    Y48 Elective Fair

    “Well sign me up,” said Susie. “Sounds way better than Arithmancy, right?” She nudged Jonah with her elbow. Only… well, it all sounded a bit too good to be true. What was the catch? “What about homework? I mean, on a scale of one to ten, one being no homework at all, and ten being a...
  2. Susie Lagowski

    Closed Someone Worth Staying For

    “That’s what she says,” Susie mumbled, flicking away the grass stalk. “Doesn’t mean she will.” Her mum had promised to come back, too, and where was she? Off with another man, probably - a better man - raising kids who were smarter and prettier and better-behaved. Then again, she might have...
  3. Susie Lagowski

    Closed Someone Worth Staying For

    Susie quickly drew her knees up to her chest, sandwiching her sketchbook with her body. She didn’t mind Eoghan seeing her stupid sketches. It was the writing she was worried about. Had he seen any of that? She wiped her face again, forcing a smile. “Yeah, neither did I,” she said. “Guess...
  4. Susie Lagowski

    Second Years, Lesson Three

    Susie looked a bit sheepish that morning as she stepped inside the greenhouse, though she greeted her friends with her usual mischievous grin. Apparently, there had been a rumour going around that she was dead. She didn’t know whether to be amused or offended. As if a teeny little mandrake could...
  5. Susie Lagowski

    Closed Someone Worth Staying For

    Susie sat cross-legged in front of the pumpkin patch, an open sketchbook in her lap. She had been meaning to draw them ever since they’d started to sprout, and now that they were fully grown, it wouldn’t be long before somebody came along and harvested the lot. The trouble was, she couldn’t...
  6. Susie Lagowski

    Y48 Elective Fair

    It was difficult to pick electives when you weren’t sure what you wanted to do when you grew up. The only subject Susie really wanted to take was English, but of course, they didn’t teach mundane subjects like that at Hogwarts, so she was going to have to choose between Care of Magical Creatures...
  7. Susie Lagowski

    Lesson Learnt

    Susie was having an interesting dream about a dark room. Everything was dark, actually. Black was the prevailing colour. Every now and then, a distant light swelled, like moonlight pouring down a long tunnel. No way Susie was heading towards that.
  8. Susie Lagowski

    Second Years, Lesson Two

    Susie launched her bag under the table as she approached it, rolling up her sleeves. Today’s lesson was going to be great fun; they were re-potting baby mandrakes. Wasting no time, she donned her earmuffs and a thick pair of gloves and tugged her new pet out of its terracotta pot. It was even...
  9. Susie Lagowski

    Second Years, Lesson One

    Susie had missed Herbology classes. At first, she’d thought she might find them a bit slow, seeing as how she knew so much about plants already - but Professor Carter had a way of making everything exciting, even if she’d heard it before. And it turned out she didn’t know everything. You...
  10. Susie Lagowski

    Some Family Time

    Hope you have a lovely time <3
  11. Susie Lagowski

    Second Years, Lesson Three

    Susie tried not to look too keen as she strolled into the History of Magic classroom and sat down. If she kept up this level of enthusiasm, her classmates were going to start calling her a nerd. She just didn't understand how anybody couldn't be interested in history. It was so interesting, and...
  12. Susie Lagowski

    Dueling Match #34

    Eoghan versus Magdalene. This was going to be good. Susie popped a jelly bean in her mouth, forgetting there was one already in there. Go Maggie, go!! Block it!
  13. Susie Lagowski

    Second Years, Lesson Two

    Susie, for one, was very prepared to take notes. She had brought with her a small stationary shop’s worth of notebooks, quills, scrap parchment, and ink. It never hurt to be over prepared in History of Magic. Professor Moncrieffe gave great lectures with plenty of detail that Susie knew she’d...
  14. Susie Lagowski

    Second Years, Lesson One

    Susie was determined to try a bit harder this semester. Acceptable wasnt a terrible grade, according to her uncle, but she knew she had it in her to get at least an EE, especially in History of Magic, which was a fun subject because it involved a lot of Susie’s favourite thing - writing. She...
  15. Susie Lagowski

    Closed Ultimate Decisions

    Susie gladly pulled Lilith in for a bear hug. She never said no to hugs, even if they were a bit unexpected. Besides, this meant Lilith considered her a friend, right? “I’m good! How’re you?” she said as she let go. Eoghan, on the other hand, could get lost. Calling her arrogant was one thing...