Recent content by Rose Edogawa

  1. Rose Edogawa

    Closed differences

    Rose had barely made it down the corridor in the dungeons when she heard Touchan behind her. She didn’t want him to see her crying but something told her he would know anyway. She sniffed, wiping the tears away from her face with the sleeve of her robe, even just to give herself a little bit of...
  2. Rose Edogawa

    What are you listening to?

    Austin (Boots Stop Workin') by Dasha
  3. Rose Edogawa

    Closed perigee

    Rose hesitated for a moment as the Nurse kept speaking to her. She supposed it made sense, being engaging, it wasn’t Rose’s comfort level, she wasn’t a fan of talking to people much at all if she was honest. She liked talking to Amory though. She looked down at the potions bottles the nurse had...
  4. Rose Edogawa

    Y48 Dueling Match #38

    Rose had been forced out of the duel almost immediatley after having stepped on the platform and it was not helped by the fact her sister now seemed to be emulating a lot of what Ravage had done to her - even if she was not exactly humiliating him she’d clearly learned it in the same way that...
  5. Rose Edogawa

    Second Years Lesson Two

    Rose didn’t like charms, and it wasn’t just because of the professor like it was for her siblings. She just didn’t like classes in general so it was hard to really take any of them particularly seriously honestly. She sat and listened to what Professor Grayveson said, taking notes quickly to...
  6. Rose Edogawa

    Closed A Cozy Spot

    Rose agreed with her cousin about Jonah, he sometimes seemed a little down when he wasn’t playing, but like all of them, she thought, herself and Sayuri included, they all thought about their mum on the sidelines as soon as they got on that broom, and how she would not ever tolerate less than...
  7. Rose Edogawa

    Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

    She was benched, so she wouldn't play, but she supposed she should be supporting her team. She was a little surprised that Veronica was put in as a beater, but at least she was playing.
  8. Rose Edogawa

    Valentine's Dance

    Rose Edogawa with @Amory Raven
  9. Rose Edogawa

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice S2/Y48

    Rose continued to guard her hoops
  10. Rose Edogawa

    Second Years, Lesson Two

    Rose barely managed to hold back a snicker as her sister absolutely ripped into the professor, though she tried to cover her face with her hair so he wouldn’t be any the wiser. Sayuri kind of had a point too, honestly, why not just jinx himself? It would have certainly been way more...
  11. Rose Edogawa

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice S2/Y48

    Playing like this, no way they beat Ravenclaw. Bit of a joke really, she thought, continuing to defend her hoops.
  12. rose y3

    rose y3

  13. rose y2.jpg

    rose y2.jpg

  14. Rose Edogawa

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice S2/Y48

    Rose continued to defend her hoops.
  15. Rose Edogawa

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate probably