Recent content by Rosalind Montgomery

  1. Rosalind Montgomery

    Wild Patch Club

    Rosalind Montgomery Third Year Gryffindor
  2. Rosalind Montgomery

    Third Years

    Rosalind Montgomery Gryffindor
  3. 3rdyearbookphoto rosalind.jpg

    3rdyearbookphoto rosalind.jpg

  4. Rosalind Montgomery

    Open The Writing Circle

    "Well, I've got something. It's kind of short, um. There's this Japanese kind of poetry called tanka. It's sort of like haiku but with extra lines. Anyway, it's one of my first poems so I don't know if it even really works but here it goes." Rosalind cleared her throat, picking up a small...
  5. Rosalind Montgomery

    Open The Writing Circle

    Rosalind settled in beside Cyrus, introducing herself briefly before listening to Cyrus' poem. She watched him with bright eyes, enjoying how cool it was that he did poetry. She guessed the girl before had shared a poem by the context clues and she was a bit sad she'd missed out. Maybe Rosalind...
  6. Rosalind Montgomery

    Open The Writing Circle

    Rosalind came down a bit late, not actually sure if she qualified for the group. It wasn't like she was really a writer, but she did love reading and maybe that counted for something. Maybe she could meet some really cool talented people, make some friends. That was what was most appealing -...
  7. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed A Mini Poetry Exchange

    Rosalind's eyes lit up at the mention of Magne. "Oh, Magne! I know him," she said excitedly. "He's pretty cool, I like him. You two are close, then?" she asked, figuring as much if he went to Magne's parents' boat during the break. She looked down at the notebook, her fingers fiddling idly with...
  8. Rosalind Montgomery

    Open A Tiger Prowling

    "Quidditch training?" Rosalind repeated, a little loudly with her eyes wide in surprise. "Wow. My cousin does quidditch and she never looks quite like you do." Rosalind had a small feeling maybe she shouldn't have said that, but she always did have trouble not being honest. Rosalind's face...
  9. Rosalind Montgomery

    Open A Tiger Prowling

    Rosalind blinked, looking at the boy who had approached her. Why did he look so worn out? Was it committment to his costume? "Well, thanks," she said slowly, taking his appearance in and not taking his tone too seriously. "You look a bit...well, you look like you've actually seen war. Are you a...
  10. Rosalind Montgomery

    Open A Tiger Prowling

    Rosalind liked her costume. It was a switch up from last year, that was for sure, but that could only be a good thing. Too much of the same and it got boring, as much as Rosalind had enjoyed looking pretty. But now she had managed to do some impressive face make up (which admittedly she'd been...
  11. Rosalind Montgomery

    Y48 Costume Contest

    Rosalind Montgomery as a Tiger
  12. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed New Year, New Encounters

    Rosalind looked up and gave a smile. "Sure! Oh, wow, this place filled up quick," Rosalind commented without really thinking. She didn't recognise the girl as someone from her year but she'd estimate she wouldn't be older, unless she really hadn't had many growth spurts yet. Rosalind herself was...
  13. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed Early Birds Without the Worms

    Rosalind nodded in agreement. "Exactly. I mean, I like people, but sometimes even I need some breathing space, you know?" Rosalind smiled and then listened to Thomas' question. "Oh, yeah, I love it here. I love taking care of the plants and watching them grow! Sometimes I miss my own garden at...
  14. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed A Mini Poetry Exchange

    "Oh, yeah, I think I have it bad being in Gryffindor but Ravenclaw's a floor up even then," Rosalind said cheerily. "I reckon Hufflepuff have the best deal." Rosalind then switched her focus abruptly to the poetry. She tried not to seem too eager to take the notebook, looking down at the words...
  15. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed Early Birds Without the Worms

    "Oh, don't be silly! It's not you fault," Rosalind said, perhaps a tad bit condescendingly although she meant well. "I was away with the fairies. And oh, good. I wouldn't want you to have to change clothes because of me." Rosalind smiled warmly. "It's nice here in the mornings, isn't it?" she...