Recent content by Professor Minnie Calida

  1. Professor Minnie Calida

    Y48 Elective Fair

    Professor Minnie Calida didn't mind in the slightest advertising her class. She didn't think people appreciated enough the interesting topic of Arithmancy. She thought it was the best subject ever, and as someone who had done all the classes, she felt qualified to say that. She brought some...
  2. Professor Minnie Calida

    Professors & Staff

    Professor Minnie Calida Arithmancy - y3-4
  3. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Class of '55

    Minnie leaned into Eric slightly as he agreed. "Thank you, and are we surprised that I'm putting a lot of work into this," she teased lightly, before she moved to kiss his cheek, though as she did so, the door opened and in walked Adorah. She had no issues with the woman, had never had. It had...
  4. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Class of '55

    Minnie was happily now in her third year of teaching, it was welcome, she had time to write, had time with Eric and had time to be able to just be. This was, for her, surprisingly a job with little stress, helped by her smaller classes and the fact she tended to only teach one class per...
  5. Professor Minnie Calida

    Y47 Electives Fair

    Minnie was watching as student explored and smiled at the one who approached her, "Arithmancy is the study of numbers," she started and then launched into an easy definition of it. Hoping to entice this student to try the class. "Hopefully that answers the question,"
  6. Professor Minnie Calida

    Y47 Electives Fair

    Minnie was ready for this electives fair, the last lot of arithmancy student were not numerous in number so she was hoping for a slightly better draw this time around. She had books of interest on arithmancy and was looking forward to trying to entice students to the class. She also had a handy...
  7. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Finally Together

    Minnie couldn't stop her smiling, she wrapped her arms around him, as he wrapped his around hers. Feeling her heart warm with love for him, for the life they had so carefully built for themselves. That they had worked on, that they had taken nurtured. She couldn't imagine her life with anyone...
  8. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Finally Together

    Minnie hadn't seen Eric this nervous in a long while, she was completely at a loss as to why he might be. She smiled at him though, wanting to reach for him, to provide him with comfort and whatever else he needed from her. Minnie looked at the books, and then nodded. She did remember that...
  9. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Finally Together

    Minnie had just finished the grading for her class, she had worked a little on her book, and had found herself eager to find out what Eric had wanted to do. She had found his note, and had been both confused and eager to spend the time with him. She loved him, so easily. She had put on a...
  10. Professor Minnie Calida

    Y46 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

    Professor Minnie Calida didn't need to come to graduations, but knowing that at her own, she hadn't had anyone to applaud for her, she knew it was right to come along, to applaud loudly for each student, in case they had no one else. She took a spot and listened as the head master and the head...
  11. Professor Minnie Calida

    Y46 Electives Fair

    Professor Minnie Calida remembered her own Electives fair, though that had been many a moon ago and at the time, Minnie had known exactly what she was taking. This event had been a formality to say the least, but she wanted to do it well for the future students, so she had a few arithmancy...
  12. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Pretending We're Still Seventeen

    Minnie leaned a little into his touch, more than happy for him to brush some of her hair from her face. She knew they were working, but there was just something nice about this, about being able to be and spend this time together. She couldn't imagine what she might've thought as a student of...
  13. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Pretending We're Still Seventeen

    Professor Calida spotted him easily, she would always find Eric within any crowd with ease. Her expression turned fond and she met him half way. She blushed lightly at his compliment, they'd been dating for a while, but she'd never not enjoy his compliments. "So do you," she said, reaching to...
  14. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open Big Surprise

    Minnie happily ran into his arms, so pleased to see him again. She giggled softly, contently, filled with love for Eric as he spun her. She kissed him back, not caring which students actually saw them, just overjoyed to see him at school. To not be away from him for most of her days. When the...
  15. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Pretending We're Still Seventeen

    Professor Minnie Calida had expected her first yuleball as a professor to be a dull affair. With her just watching over the kids as they had fun, thinking and strwing on her memories of the dance alone. But with Eric at the school too, she knew they would be able to have a bit of fun. She had...